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Why Is It Important to Do Your English Homework?

by Aug 22, 2016English

Are you struck with your homework in English? Are you scribbling here and there while writing your long essay? Do not panic and stop cursing your teachers for sending such essay type long questions.
What is homework?
Homework is actually certain set of works assigned by the teachers to be finished at home and to be submitted within a stipulated time.
Want to know why English is an important subject?

  • In this fast paced world English is widely taught as a second language. If you want to travel throughout the world, English will be the only medium of communication.
  • English is the Linga Francaof the world, that is a language used as a common language among the people with different language speakers.
  • Business, academic domain and also different areas that deal with securities, use English as a communicative language.
  • The knowledge of English has an immense power and thus can open the door to various professional and literary fields.
  • Besides, language is the only way to express our emotions, ideas, desires and various thoughts. As English is understood by most people so it is the only way to communicate and express bilingual talks.
  • Finally English has been widely accepted as a global language.

So, you must have got an idea of the importance of English and why you should study. Doing homework for any subject can be a tedious job and frustrating too. Do not lose hope and feel at lost. There are certain tis to do your English homework and feel relaxed and stress free. Be tactful and finish your English homework happily.
As you have understood the importance of English as a language, now learn the easy ways to finish your works in time.
Bring all your things to do your homework:
Wherever you intend to do your homework, make sure the place is calm and quiet and away from any kind of distractions. Writing essays is an art, so you need to concentrate thoroughly while writing. For this you need:

  • Neat and tidy place
  • Organized
  • Keep all the necessary things like pencils, erasers and pens beside you.
  • Good lighting

Take help from your parents as they can explain you the importance of the subject well:
Since English is an important subject without which communication will get hampered, so take help from your parents and elder siblings whenever needed. The motto is to grasp the knowledge of English to the fullest.
You must remove all types of sources of distractions:
You have to remain honest to yourself while doing your homework. Hence you need to do the following things:

  • Switch off the cell phone
  • Log off your computer
  • Turn off the TV
  • Turn off your CD player too.
  • Keep the door closed so that you can concentrate.

As English is such a subject where you need to express a lot by using different styles of language, so you need to concentrate totally.
You should wear some comfortable clothes while studying:
Take some time off and relax for a while before heading towards your homework. Wear a loose comfortable dress and then start working on your assignment.
Make a plan of how long it will take to complete your work:
Once time is gone is gone forever. So make full justification to your time. It is best to do the following things:

  • Make a schedule for all your works.
  • If you are at ease with grammar, then finish the tough part like literature first, then carry on with your grammar work.
  • Make sure to follow the time schedule as much as possible.

Check your list of homework and organize it:
Make a quick calculation as to how long each of your work will take.
Try to finish your homework within the day:
You should always finish your homework within the day because

  • You won’t have to panic at the end of the day.
  • By night you may feel sleepy, so it would be difficult to write an essay at night.
  • You can enjoy your free time at night.

You must understand about your homework:
It is of no point sitting with your homework for hours without realizing what to do. For this you must do these:

  • Get a clear idea what you need to do. For eg: if you are supposed to write an essay about your school, jot down the keywords like buildings, libraries, playgrounds, cafeteria, friends etc.
  • Even if you fail to write an essay, take help from your parents and older siblings.

Time yourself:
Try to utilize time wisely to finish each and every homework assigned to you. If you can grab the most fundamental factors at the school level to enjoy Physics, Chemistry, Math or any other subject then you can master English as well.
Do you get distracted easily while doing your homework then you must go through the following tips?

  • First think exactly of which part you want to concentrate on. Finish it first then do another.
  • You can use a timer to set short time like 10 minutes. As soon as the timer gets off check out whether you can still focus on the subject matter.
  • Do not feel frustrated and annoyed with yourself. You are not the only one struggling with their English homework. Just think of your friends they are also facing the same problem like you. Just remain focused to your work and the rest will be absolutely fine.
  • If your attention is still wandering out, then it is time to take a short break. Get out of your room, have a little chat with your mom or sibling, or you may munch on a chocolate bar and quickly get back to your work.
  • You must eat while you are working on the dramas of Shakespeare or poems of Wordsworth.
  • Reward yourself by giving small bribes to yourself like your favorite candy or a pencil.
  • “Today’s pain is tomorrow’s gain”. Just think of the good times you can enjoy as soon as your works are done.

In order to hold a strong foothold in today’s fast growing world you need to have an intense knowledge in English. A day may come when you have to bear the courage to speak in English among thousands of people. So, don’t waste time and do not avoid the subject. First be an avid reader and read any books, magazines and newspapers available in your school library or at your home. Gradually before you get to know, you will be able to cope with any kind of homework assignment in English.