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Top 5 Unique Skills Every Child Should Have to Do Homework in a Creative Way

by Oct 1, 2016Homework Help

“Every child’s mind is a unique magic box.”
If you are reading this, that means your child is facing some problem to add their own touch while doing homework. I was a kindergarten teacher for 6 years before I became a proud mother of two beautiful children. I have a 12 years old daughter and a 10-year-old son. Over the years they have taught me many things that I couldn’t understand before.
To me everything a child does there is a lot of effort behind their work and it’s our duty to acknowledge that. All you need to do is inspire the inner artist of a child and see what they can do.
Now the problem is when you are doing every parent worries about their child’s education and future. You need to know the perfect way to combine their creativity while doing their homework and the result will be nothing but ‘excellence.’
You should know thetalent is a natural thing that every child has, but your job is to help them turn their ‘talent’ into ‘skill’ to succeed in life. It can be only polished through study and hard work. Do you want to know how to encourage the same in your child? There are 5 steps that will help you to take your child to the top.

  1. 5 ways to stimulate or develop creativity

First of all, you need to recognize your child’s interest and liking. There are different ways in which the show creativity if they get the chance to. It depends on you how you help them to let the artistic seed grow inside them.

  1. ‘A curious mind is a learner’s mind’

Children are very agog in nature. They look at everything with fresh and new eyes. This is the best time when you should encourage them to look at everything from a different angle.

  1. ‘It not about seeing, it is about exploring’

Mainstream ideas can be found everywhere, what your child needs is the way to explore a thing. This develops a stronger sensory system and the brain learns to store more and produce better in less time.

  • ‘Being bossy means blocking your child’

Every child has their own way to relate to things. I believe it is important for every parent to encourage them to do what they like to pushing them for something instead.

  1. ‘Bribe is not a better bait’

You should never make your child do anything by luring them. That’s a trap which is not very helpful. This way they will take everything in a give and take way rather than doing it from the heart. It also destroys the moral nature of a child.

  1. ‘Environment shapes a child’s nature’

Turn your house into a hub of creativity. It is very important to make sure that your child that you take equal interest in the same that you are encouraging him or her to do. Don’t forget you are the one whom they look up to as their role model.
After this, the next step is to water the growing creative plant inside your child.

  1. 5 tips to promote creativity in your child

After you help your child to initiate creativity it time you teach how to develop them more. Being a mother, I always make it a point to help them do what they want to, and they are good at doing. You should remember you child is an individual who can have their own liking, never enforce your unfulfilled aspirations on them.

  1. Let them make mistakes

The best way to learn is from one’s mistake. This saying is completely true. You don’t have to be a perfectionist parent. While learning is obvious for them to make a lot of mistakes, but gradually they will learn the trick to fix that went wrong.

  1. Answer their queries

Don’t lose your nerve if they keep on asking you aquestion. Having queries is a positive sign. This means they are learning and are also interested to know more about it. This will help them further in studies. They would read and think about the subject in every possible until the concept is absolute. So, be prepared to answer a lot of questions, in case you don’t know, you can always opt for professional guidance like online homework help services.

  • Give them some important errand

Last year I asked my son to design the Christmas card. He was so excited and overwhelmed. I have never seen him putting so much of effort into something. He not only drew a picture butalso wrote a Christmas rhyme. You can try doing the same. This way they will feel that you are giving them much more importance for which they will do more hard work.

  1. Redesigns the house with them.

See how they can use their creativity at home. Let them decorate their room or try their hand in the kitchen maybe. Also, involve yourself in sports with them.

  1. Be friendly

Let them have confidence in you that you will help them whenever they need. The same should be your approach too. This way they will always put more effort into everything as they know you are thereincase they have a problem.
Now the next step is what different activities you can do with your child to boost not only their creativity, also imply them in practical work.

  1. 5 creative and fun activities

Activities are always fun. Now, the point is more unconventional the activities are better will be your child’s creative participation. Let me tell you some of the things that you both can engage yourself.

  1. Story writing

As a duo, you can create your ownbedtimestorybook. This way you can encourage your child to learn new words, help them to frame sentences and strengthen their imagination power.

  1. Games

There are different types of games that involve brain activity and builds memory power. In this way, you can encourage the creative side of your child.

  • Music, dancing, sports, art

All these activities help a child to think in a new way and more spontaneously. If you want to shape your child’s personality, extra-curricular activities are the best way.

  1. Get them interesting games

Buy those blocks, puzzles and all those that need concentration and imagination for your stripling.

  1. Watch inspirational movies together

Let your child see and visualize what creativity can do. It’s a blessing and those who have that talent should utilize it to the fullest. I make it a point to watch at least one movie on weekends with my children. We also write reviews and share it with each other!
Now, you must be wondering how to use this talent be implied in doing homework? Let me tell you how but in case if you are looking for some professional help, make sure you can try online homework help services.

  1. 5 ways to use creativity in doing homework

We all know education is the primary thing that a child has to do. But we have often seen how much they hate doing it. These five tricks will help you in making your child do their homework in an artistic manner:

  1. Improved presentation

Turn all your dull homework into a visual treat. This is the trick to scoring more. Once your child has impressed the teacher’s mind visually, even if your content is mediocre it won’t be much of a problem.

  1. Think out of the box

Don’t follow the trend rather be a trendsetter. Make sure your child has the mentality and liberty to add creativity maybe in the form of apicture, information, etc.

  • Patience

Every artist is a patient person. They believe in perfection and your put effort until and unless there is no other scope of improvement.

  1. Improved quality

They would now all the tricks to fix any problem. If you know that then nothing can bring down your homework’s quality.

  1. Take work more seriously

They will always try and do their work as anything unfinished is not very soothing for them. This way you know your child will always do his or homework daily.
These are all the good qualities that they can incorporate in their homework to improve the standard. With all these, there is nothing that can stop your child from achieving the best in life.
The other thing that you need to know that is how it is helpful in the field of academics. There is no limit of the goodness what creativity can provide and let me inform you about some of them.

  1. 5 benefits of adding creativity and talent

You will be surprised to know that how creativity transforms them into askill that helps to show remarkable improvement in academics and while doing homework.

  1. Improves concentration power
  2. Enhances imagination
  • Develops a healthy habit of studying daily
  1. They don’t fall under peer pressure
  2. They never keep their work lagging. They make it a point to finish before thedeadline.

If you want to know more about how to inspire to do homework properly, you can have the parenting guide with How to motivate your child for doing his/her assignments? With these, I hope you can now not only be the greatest support in building your child’s future.