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The Plight of College Homework and What You Can Do About It

by Jul 21, 2018Homework Solution

It was a time for youth, for energy and hope. Everything went by in a flash however and all that is left are the memories to cherish. But it is not all good. There are still times I feel better off passing out from college rather than being in it. One of the main reasons for that is too much college homework.
This is true for a lot of colleges, even in today’s times. However, there are still many of them where homework is a regular part of the daily curriculum. Most students are under the impression that college life is much freer and liberating compared to school life.
For some colleges, that is in fact true, but for others, it is still almost the same.If you thought that you would never see a college student doing homework in your life, you sadly mistaken. The pressure that such extra homework adds to your daily life can be intimidating.
After all, this is the stage of your life where you will be constantly doing different things, more so than you have ever cared to try before. And that is why I am here to suggest a few things that can help you get through this together.

  • The ‘Nerd’ Approach

I probably need not even explain what this is supposed to mean. In every class, you will find a group of students absolutely dedicated towards their academics.
Usually, it is this same group of students who get all of their homework done on spot, after classes are done. Make fun of them all you like (I did it too and I am not proud of that), but this approach can save you a hell of a lot of time.
You will need your time at home to do other stuff, like working towards your career, studying the things taught at college amongst other things. Seeing a college student doing homework at home is very frustrating for someone like me, who knows how much of a time waste it becomes eventually.
So take some time out of your daily routine and try to get it done at college. If you feel bored, try getting some friends to join in as well. A solid group discussion is always welcome no matter what the purpose. It is always a win-win situation and as such, something you should consider adopting for yourself.

  • Help from Other Sources

There are also other sources through which you will be able to get this job done quickly. In this case, you won’t even have to do anything on your own. That is why to many, this is the best outlet instead of being a college student doing homework on his/her own.
You can probably guess it but I’ll spill the beans regardless. What I’m talking about are the different homework completion services that you can find online these days. As the name suggest, these are purely services which do your homework in return for some service charge.
The reasons why this option is convenient are plenty. For instance, you will be getting homework of quality that may be much higher than what you were capable of to begin with. As such, it poses an opportunity for you to learn as well. After all, learning from a college homework example is always productive in nature.
In the end, the guy writing your homework might be a college student himself and it may just end up being a college student doing homework eventually. But, the thing is, you won’t be doing it yourself which is what you are probably looking to achieve.

  • The Good Old Way

Back in the time of parents, when even cell phones did not exist, let alone the internet, the most common way of doing all this, as opposed to being a lonely college student doing homework, was to have large group discussions.
Keep in the mind, the group does not necessarily have to be huge; just enough to get the job done. Having someone in the group who is genuinely good at studies is also something that you would want to have. As such, this method proves to be very efficient.
Not only that, if you happen to be a bit weak in academics, this approach will help you improve in no time whatsoever. Being a college student doing homework is not a bad thing, but if you cannot do it efficiently enough, there is little to no point.
It also helps if you are of the shy type and cannot easily ask for help from others. Being in a group can give you the freedom and confidence that you so need. That is why, go out there, gather up some friends and get things done together. I did it only a couple of times, but boy was doing college homework assignments really fun.
Getting It Done
The thing is, no matter how you approach this task of completing homework, the point is to make sure that you understand what it is all for. Homework is given so you can get practice regarding a certain topic. So make sure that you learn whatever it is that you are doing.
It doesn’t matter if you are a college student doing homework at home, with your friends, with your parents or anyone else, the point is to absorb all the knowledge that you can get.
There may be times when a certain assignment is too tough for you to begin with. Even after numerous tries and even with advice from others, you are still unable to get it done. There is no shame in admitting to be unable to do something that is simply beyond your capabilities.
There is always the teacher who can also help in this regard. Be it a college student doing homework or someone genuinely struggling to cope up, it is as they say:
“A good teacher will always come through for a student, no matter the circumstances, personal bias or external influences”
If you know someone like that, by all means, feel free to take some advice from him or her regarding how you should approach dealing with homework and assignments.