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The Benefits of Including Essay Writings in Homework

by Aug 22, 2016Test Help

With the introduction of television, computer and internet the world is becoming smaller and more accessibleto all, day by day. Nowadays, we can get almost anything from anywhere with a click of a single button; only proper communication is required. So communication is most important inthe present context and for better communication you need to know the language properly. Essay writing is the best way to develop your language adaptation power. I know you all are very anxious for essay writing as it makes your life hard and miserable. Do not worry. Like everything has two opposite sides, essay writing also has some good sides which are beneficial for every student. That is why essay writing is included in your homework.
My dear students! Always remember that student life is the time of learning a lot, developing knowledge and increasing interpersonal skills for a better academic life and better carrier. Try to accept everything which helps to pave a waytowards the goal.  The essay writing skills will reveal some ways that will definitely help students do better in their academic lives. Now let me tell you how helpful essay writing is in a student’s life.
If a student sincerely tries to deliver a good and bold essay following every necessary ways and technique as recommended by their guardians and teachers, thenthey can see for themselves how their hard work for essay writings has helped them. Here are some major ones of those benefits that you get by sincerely writing essays.
Develops grammar and language
Essay writing assignment is included in your homework not to make you irritated but to enhance your language and vocabulary. Depending on the subject matter students need to do some sort of research to make their essay up to the mark. They have to consult several reference books and magazine to collect resources. Hence,

  • A habit of self-study and self-thinking is developed in them which involve them to work hard.
  • This habit of self-study, enhance their knowledge of grammar, power of sentence construction and vocabulary, which make them strong and bold in language and literature.
  • These qualities are really very helpful for their future life, in their higher studies.

Enhance thinking power
In essay writing, a student has to express their personal opinion about a specific subject and how they perceive the things around. So

  • There are ample numbers of ways to express their thoughts.
  • For making the essay different from other, a student needs to think in a different way.
  • An argumentative essay topic requiresability of criticism.A student needs to apply their sense and power of criticizing the subject that helps to enhance their critical analyzing power.
  • A scientific essay topic requires careful observations, proper explanations and inevitable conclusions. So students need to think very calculatedly and that helps to develop a rational mind with logical thinking abilities.

Increases writing skills
Writing skill is an important factor in any aspect of life. From posting a simple job application to the creation of a novel, everything requires proper writing skills and writing essays improves this skill.

  • There is no doubt that good writing skills are required to construct a good essay.
  • Almost every student who writes essays wishes to deliver a very high-quality essay writing for their assignments. Hence, theyare very enthusiastic in developing their writing skills.
  • Writing skills involve not only grammar and vocabulary, but alsousage of appropriate words in appropriate place.
  • If you are writing an essay on nature, you will surely not mention flowers as reproductive organs of plants.Again if you are writing a science journal, you will definitely not fill up your entire writing with quotes and points of view of your society, as you would have done in case of writing an article on any recent controversy.
  • An essay compels a student to write appropriatelyand to the point following a word limit and also in a fixed period of time. These are important aspects of writing skills.

A student, who tries to writea better essay everytime, is unknowingly improving their writing skillsday by day and taking it to a whole new level.If they can continue it for long enough they will surely become an efficient writer in future.
Makes more organizing
Another extremely beneficial advantage of writing essays is that it makes you a lot more systematic and organized. In fact, essay writing demands such systematic approach.

  • First, one needs to plan what they wish to write and what are the points to be given.
  • Then they need to make a proper and smooth beginning or introduction, followed by the points.
  • They need to make paragraphs wisely so that their essayboth looks and readsorganized.
  • Essays often require quotes and statistical views, especially while dealing with recent events. Students enthusiastic about essays usuallycollect such quotes and viewsin a systematic
  • As a considerable amount of time is requiredto write an essay properly, many students often chalk out daily routinesallotting necessary time for essay writings.

Improve interpersonal skills
Communication skills too are enhanced by this enthusiasm of essay writing. Maybe not directly, but yetit triggers interpersonal communicationsand interactions.

  • In order to get more ammunitions for writing bolder essays, a student need to search for them in all possible places, like libraries, schools,internet, etc.
  • They need to coordinate with different experienced persons including their teachers and seniors for getting better ideas and information.
  • Often discussionstake place between groups of friends regarding essays and there a student requiresinteracting with others to know more from them.
  • There are several sites on the Net where you can discuss about Pupils too anxious about essay writing can pose questions there and get answers. Interpersonal skills are developed here too.

Enhance creativity
When it comes to essay writing it is the best place to express your creativity about writing.You can bring out your ideas and hidden talents in your writing. Once you write an essay and compare it with those of others it will reveal how creative you are. On basis ofthat you can improve your creative thinking and develop new and innovative ideas. Many students work hardand soul to become more and more creative, coming up with brand new ideas and writings never adopted before.
So, all my friends! Now you have come to know how beneficial essay writing is in our life.The habit of essay writing which brings out and develops so many useful skills is not to be neglected. Would it be right to turn your back on such a beneficial habit? I don’t think so!Hence, students who are very concerned about their future career and academic life, be prepared for hard work, take your essay writing homework in the right spirit and get ahead a few steps towards your goal.