Steps to Make a New Subject less Challenging for the Student

by Oct 1, 2016Assignment Help

There are more number of subjects getting added on day by day. Studying any subject is not easy because new subjects come with new strategies which manage and create new environment for productive classroom. Students need to listen to the lectures and also need to attend proper classes to get some ideas about the subject.
So, let’s check out few steps to make a new subject less challenging for the student to do:

  1. Be up-to-date:

By being up-to-date it needs individual attention and everyday lectures to attend and submit assignments on time.

  1. Tips before lecture starts:

Mostly, professors inform in class about the next day lecture beforehand. So, that student’s work is to get prepared by reading the introduction of that particular lecture carefully. This will boost up the mind of students, so that they will be able to understand what is going on in class.

  1. What to do during lecture:

Don’t be late. Students need to stop thinking about other things and start thinking about what is said in the class. Write down what important things are being discussed in the class. Asking questions to the professor when in doubt and clarifying it so that the student gets to know everything without any confusion.

  1. Tips after lecture:

Going through the notes of everyday class and keeping a track of things which is being taught. Completing the assignments if it is given by professors. Keeping everything arranged for the next lecture.

  1. Preparing before exams:

Solve everything which was completed in lectures including text books and assignments given by professors. Try solving past questionnaires and quizzes to be prepared before the exams.
Now we will see how teachers will make it easier for students to face new subject:

  • By creating an emotionally and intellectually safe environment in classroom so that students don’t feel unsafe about anything in the class.
  • Teachers should be engaged with the students so that the students can go ahead and ask questions if they have any doubt in their mind with the particular subject. Teachers need to create an active learning environment where students should pay strong attention in the classroom and are ready for any task given at that point of time.
  • Teachers need to practice blog writing or some journals to understand communication between students. In Japan, teachers concentrate mostly on the last five minutes to summarize share and reflect what is been taught in the class.
  • Teachers need to explain the answers to the question instead to giving right answer. It helps in creating a rich environment for learning and the students will be engaged in learning and writing down the important points which will be taught in class.
  • Subjects are built on knowledge and it increases on complexity at every stage and it needs a level of master.

How classrooms will make new subject less challenging for the students:

  • Student centered classrooms are big and they have rows of table and chairs facing towards the teacher and it becomes students to collaborate and listen to the lectures with proper attention.
  • Teachers should go ahead and ask open – ended questions so that he/she gets to know how attentive students were and how many can answer to the questions which were being asked on class. By keeping open ended questions, it improves the quality of thinking among the students.
  • It will not matter the intention of the teacher how he is teaching, what matters is how much the students can put interest in that particular subject so that they understand what it is and will understand that properly. So, it is very important for the teacher to look around the class who is paying attention and who is not.
  • It is most important to create a bonding between students and teacher. It develops a healthy relationship which maintains a much more attentive class than a normal one. It makes student to listen to what the teacher asked them to do. They will abide by their teachers because of the bond which the teacher has created in the classroom.

By making a subject easier for students it needs a combination of the students, teacher and the environment to make it simple to understand and students can grasp it to their best. It is the responsibility of teachers to make classroom environment student centered and student friendly so that they will understand the subject in a better way which will help them in understanding the rest of the subject in a much easier way.
Teachers should be well educated and should have a good knowledge about the subject which he/she is teaching. It is important because teachers can teach and give an in-depth knowledge about the topic in that subject.
By getting a student friendly environment they will get encouraged and will have that developing and thinking skills in their mind throughout. This also boosts up their thinking process which helps them in understanding what the teacher is trying to teach. This strength can be developed in each and every student in the class by the teacher.So that teacher can create a bonding between him/her with the students. By doing this students will start getting good scores in their examination and they will be able to lead themselves throughout their lives.
One of the most important steps that students should keep in mind that the subjects that they are taking are compatible with the career plans they have in their life. There are few guides which will help you know how to move forward with this such as Know the steps to make sure that your career is compatible with the subject that you are studying. You can read this and make your subject more interesting and useful for yourself.