Private Tuition or Group Study: Which One to Support

by Oct 29, 2016Online Tutoring

Nowadays, there is a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of parents for making sure that their child gets proper educational help. Studies in school are just not enough; students need some extra guidance as well. There is a lot of academic pressure and responsibilities on students as well. Academic guidance is a must for them, whether it comes directly from parents or an online expert.
Tuitions are considered to be the most effective way of getting professional help. When it comes to tuitions, the most common debate arises is whether to opt for private tuitions or group studies.
In today’s competitive world, even children are competing to get better grades. A student’s life is burdened with various activities. They are already burdened by the pressure of performing well academically. On top of that, there are homework, assignments and not to mention co-curricular activities.
Thankfully, when it comes to homework and assignment, you can hire online homework help for your child. This way, your child not only gets professional assistance but also saves a lot of time, which can be utilized in studies and other activities.
Private Tuitions and Group Study Serve Their Purposes
Every parent wants to give their child the best education possible. They try to enroll them to the best schools and academic institutions. It is quite obvious for them to consider private tutors as the best option for their child. However, a responsible parent would also consider the need of their children to interact.
For that purpose, group studies must also be taken into consideration. Deciding between private tutors and group study is much like deciding how much you need to get involved in your child’s life. Coming to a decision requires carefulness on your side. If you are confused about your involvement in your child’s life, then think “Should you give space or intervene in your child’s life?”
What is private tuition and what is group study?
Also known as one-to-one tuition, private tuition is essentially a style of tuition where the child has the complete attention of a tutor. This kind of tuition involves only the student and the private tutor. Generally, these tuitions are conducted at the home of the child or the tutor. Its frequency is usually one to two times a week.
Private tutors are professionals and experienced individuals, who have the expertise of getting the best out of students. This is why most parents prefer private tuition, mainly with the academic prosperity of their kid in mind.
On the other hand, group study is a lot different from private tuitions. This method involves a group of students learning or studying a topic in coordination.
Group studies may or may not involve a teacher. Generally, parents prefer the presence of a teacher to guide children, especially if the children are too young. If it is implemented properly, then group study is one of the most interactive and effective ways of learning. If a student faces problems in one-to-one tuitions, group studies are the way out.
Pros and Cons of Private Tuitions

  • It allows the students to develop a strong relationship with their teacher. Since this method involves just the student and the teacher, both get comfortable with each other over time and this can have great affects, as far as academics are concerned.
  • Your child should focus on their study and pay attention. The teacher’s should focus on your child, which can turn out to be very beneficial
  • A professional private tutor makes sure that your child gets the best guidance, depending on their needs and requirements.
  • Private tutors mostly come to your home, so travelling gets eliminated, which saves time for another sort of activities.
  • Customized preparation for lessons and exams


  • Private tuitions are generally quite expensive. If budget is a determining factor for you, you would probably have to reconsider hiring a private tutor for your child
  • Can be very tiring for your child. Since the tutor is constantly focusing on the child, the study sessions can be very intensive, which could tire the students.
  • Interaction is just limited to the student and the teacher.

Pros and Cons of Group Study

  • Provides a scope for a lot of interaction between the children. If guided properly, it could develop communication skills and intuitiveness among students
  • A lot of discussion takes place among students, thus serving as an interactive way of studying
  • Comparatively a lot cheaper than private tuitions. Since this method of studying may not involve the teacher, the cost is extremely low. Even if a teacher is involved in guiding, that teacher won’t charge as much as a private tutor.
  • Students learn how to work and coordinate as a team.


  • Your child has to study at the same place as everyone else
  • There might be a sense of jealousy among students. Usually, students with lower grades tend to feel left out in such situations.
  • Lack of proper guidance. Students don’t get the same level of attention from the teacher.
  • Since the focus is not on a particular individual, a student might not remain motivated to learn.

It’s Your Call
Once you know the advantages and disadvantages of both method of studying, the decision is all yours to be taken. Communicate with your child and know what their requirements.
Depending on their needs, you can go for either private tuitions or group study. You must always consider what would be the most beneficial for your child.