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Economics Assignment Tips

Online Tutoring for College Students

by Jun 16, 2017Online Tutoring

‘Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.’

Every year, governments spend thousands of dollars on imparting basic education to all its citizens, irrespective of age, sex, religion and lesser important parameters. Education is one of the indicators that determine the rate of growth of a country. Schools and educational institutions try their best to impart quality education; although their success rate is questionable. The advent of technology has been trying to break through the stereotyped education system. This is exactly where online tutoring for college students come to the picture.

But, why the shift from classroom to online modes?

3 reasons why education needs to be liberalized:

  • Bridging the gap between varying levels of merit:

Schools and colleges often tend to take providing education lightly and might not reach out to each and every student in a class room. So while the meritorious students succeed, less talented students might find it difficult to cope up. Although schools and colleges are meant to be the most important education providing pillars, a bias often appears and thus a weak (academically) student gets weaker.

  • Asymmetry in information between teachers and students:

It is not always possible for school and college teachers and professors to understand the exact strength of a student. Say that you are a student of economics and you prefer directing your area of study more towards a mathematical approach. If your teachers are unaware of this, they may put you in charge of collecting data and information rather than applying mathematical skills in a group project. Thus asymmetry in information crops up.

  • Contrasting approaches might even be worse:

Very recently more and more parents are opting for online tutoring for college students but still give more stress on classroom education. Making and strengthening concepts is of crucial importance. There might be conceptual differences between the two modes of education and the students end up getting more confused. So it is important to chalk out the details of a curriculum and to manage procedures meant to tackle the same.

Advantages of shifting to online tutoring:

Schools and colleges lack proper communication between students and teachers. This results in excess burden on students which take a toll on their mark sheet.Online tutoring provides accurate and in-depth knowledge on a particular subject at decent costs. So a rise in demand in online tutoring benefits teachers since they do not follow a strict curriculum.

So if you are willing to learn the basics of international trade and finance, you may get hold of special trade based tutoring courses. Most of these courses follow a very general syllabus and makes use of audio visual techniques of teaching.

5 advantages of shifting to online tutoring for college students:

  • One to One communication:

Unlike offline and classroom based tutoring, online modes of education makes it easier to translate. The basic idea of opting for an online course is to learn it from the basics and clarify any problems. This helps you sharpen your skills and specialize in the subjects that you wish to learn about.

Also it helps online tutors improve their skills and communicate with more and more students. Not every student is of equal merit, so making a structured curriculum with student specific information and examples might help.

  • More interactive:

Mutual interaction helps both students and teachers understand their opposition. Suppose that you are a student of photography and you have opted for the best available online tutoring. Mere understanding and mugging up the concepts hardly help. Online tutoring for college student’s help in providing a more interactive teaching session which involves real life examples and application based study.

Plus it helps you save your transport costs (to and from a physical tutoring session) liberating more time for self-studies. Additionally students can make their own schedule according to their ease. Thus online tutoring presents a more comfortable approach for a complete subject touch up.

  • Easy payment options:

Physically attending classes may get boring and at times they are too costly to handle. Plus you do not get the opportunity to pay for only those on which you wish to ponder your attention on. Online tutoring presents a more flexible approach to payment options.

Just like online shopping, you can pay for most of the online tutoring courses by online payment options. Students may choose to pay via Credit cards, debit cards, internet banking or even via exclusive payment domains. Payment methods are more flexible and unavailability of cash does not pose a threat. Plus some tutoring sites allow students to pay their online tutors in installments.

  • Allowance for concentrating on other activities:

In this fast world, it’s almost necessary to keep a vivid idea of everything going on around. Thus mere understanding of the concerned subject only isn’t enough. Say that you are an accounting student and have opted for online accounting courses. But you are a dedicated painter as well.

Schools and colleges often tend to ignore your side ventures terming them as extracurricular activities. In reality, it’s a wiser decision to keep all routes open. So devoting time towards other activities, painting in your case is a necessity. Students can select their tutoring timings freely according to their needs and spend more time paining. This helps imbibing curricular as well as extra curricular knowledge.

  • Convenience and accessibility:

Online tutoring for college students is proven to be more convenient in terms of not extra wastage of time and money. So irrespective of your technological knowledge, most online tutoring sites provide detailed knowledge on how to handle them with ease. This may involve installation of dedicated software applications which go light on your workstation and easier to understand.

Additionally, in order to make the study easier to imbibe, online tutors use charts, diagrams and numerous relevant references which are improvements over traditional one to many coaching classes.

Thus online tutoring provides excellent value for money as compared to offline and regular methods of study. Most of the online tutoring platforms provide range of tutors for almost all subjects with flexible timings and cost structures.

Fall in love with a more hands on approach for your curriculum:

Accept the fact that face to face teaching is not always very effective in providing quality education. Suppose that you are a student of economics and you find it difficult to cope up with subject based terminologies and concepts. As mentioned before, online tutoring for college students guide them through the basics, nurture the intricacies and smoothen an overall understanding of the subject.

How online tutoring can help out economics students – A short case study:

Students of economics, for example, often tend to confuse the basic terms and their relevance. Economics basically deals with maximizing consumer/business/country or global level utilities using limited reserves. Online tutors may take the help of charts and diagrams to explain in the best possible way the basic and underlying concepts.

No problems could ever arise had there been infinite resources. A perfect online tutor should use simulated examples (some which cannot exist). Knowledge of extreme conditions like perfect competition and monopoly markets is a must. Although none of these exists on reality, students should understand them to arrive at more real like situation.


Subjects like economics are broad enough to allow students reach any field of study. It is the duty of the tutors to act as mentors and scout their students in their respective fields of study.Online tutoring for college students are convenient and provide superb value for money. Strengthen your knowledge of your concerned subject with online tutoring.