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Learning How to Master Persuasion Topics for College

by Aug 21, 2018Writing

Have you heard of this term ‘persuasion topic’? You have definitely encountered persuasion topics for college, if you have studied English.Now, how many of us really scored high in such topics of interest? Like me, were you able to impress your teacher with persuasion topics?
Your faces are drooping, isn’t it? The main problem in writing persuasion topics for college is selecting a topic.Apart from having the ability to write engaging content that can convince readers to act on the theme. There are two types of persuasion topics for college like speech and essay, which you all will face in college.
All mothers are wary of their children facing issues with persuasive topics in college. Either the speeches are not convincing enough or students are unable to express correctly. During examinations mothers are heard shouting early in the morning, ‘John read more books and newspapers to learn persuasive styles of writing’. Or John, how many essays have you practised so far?
It is almost impossible to impress the teachers and professors, isn’t it? Let us find out more about persuasion topics for college.
Persuasive speech
First and foremost, you need to learn how to write a persuasive speech. As, with all forms of writing, you need to give an excellent opening to the speech. You need to start well, so that you can draw the attention of the audience. Always, give evidence for the matter you plan the speech around. Then comes any objections with regards to the speech. You have to be prepared for that.Now, there has to be a great conclusion.
Such speeches are aimed at addressing some important social issue or happening. We can break it up into some steps to make you understand in a better manner.

  • Always research on the topic before presenting it before others. Always weigh the pros and cons of the topic that you are choosing. Go through a variety of reading material, be it from libraries, websites, books or editorials. Learn all the viewpoints and from all possible angles before speaking on any topic.
  • Finalise your goal. What is your aim? This is the most important part of your preparation for a persuasive speech.Craft your speech as per the end audience. That is half the battle won.
  • Learn the demographics of the audience. Then only, it will be possible for you to draft your language, tone and words.
  • The next step is the approach. You need to study the morals the audience goes by. Find out more about the intellect and emotional nature of the audience.This will sure, take you place.
  • Jot down the main points. Roughly, 3-4 points are good enough for persuasive speech.
  • Now comes the opening part. If your opening is great, the audience will pay more attention. A strong opening will be able to grab the attention of the listeners, which will lead to attraction of the interest. This will attract the attention of the audience.Try to be a part of the audience. Create a link with them. If you and your audience share a common ideal, it will simpler to impress the audience.

Have authority over the topic. Be prepared for all kinds of questions from beforehand. The audience likes a learned speaker. Once you have gained the trust of the audience, present your points.

  • You should be ready with examples all through.Be logical, factual and set examples from real-life scenarios.
  • Address the counter agreement effectively.
  • Finally conclude the speech with actionable content.

Now the Delivery part is also important
Practice a number of times. All of us tend to forget, once in front of a live audience. Practice in front of a mirror.Check your posture and dress appropriately. Now, relax and involve your audience.
Persuasive Essay
This is an argumentative essay. It basically, persuades a reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action. Like persuasive speech, there should be logical reasoning.  Now, the important part of starting with is to choose the side of the persuasion. Analyse your audience, learn what the reception style is.

  • Be well-acquainted with your topic. Read from all necessary sources, before forming your material.
  • Read and prepare through the pros and cons of the topic, as there are always two sides of the same coin.
  • After taking your stand on the topics, be well prepared for counter questions. Find out all possible evidence.
  • Find out points to support your topic.

Now, there are various nuances to prepare your persuasive essay.There should be proper facts to support your argument or position in the essay. Learn to draw the statistics. Always let people know about your source. Give quotations as examples for your essay.  And, last but not the least, give examples.
There are numerous persuasion topics for college. Let us go through a few examples of persuasive essays.

  • Learning gymnastics for a flexible body
  • Competition prepares us for a lifetime
  • Teenager Should be made to do community services
  • Dumping garbage on the road is intoxicating the population
  • Violent video games are creating mental disorders in children
  • Global warming trends which are destroying our planet
  • Should students be allowed to bring scientific calculators to classrooms?
  • Why sleeping for eight hours is important
  • Why is sexual education necessary in schools and colleges?
  • What can meditation can do for our bodies?

Writing persuasion topics for college examination is an important part of the papers. You have to be well-prepared for that. Read well through a variety of newspapers, books, browse through all the books in your neighbourhood library, read editorials which I already advised.
Persuasion topics for college are important for the long term. It also prepares you for life. You can speak or persuade anyone in life if you study persuasion topics for college. It will empower you in the boardrooms, debates and entrepreneurship programmes that you may take up after college. Always remember to research form your own. That is one thing, which can take you places.
So, I think a lot of your inhibitions about writing persuasion topics in college have been addressed.
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