It is quite a strenuous job to keep your child motivated towards doing their homework. Parents often dream of mastering the magic formula to their child finish their homework. Unfortunately, there is no formula to make your child sit in one place for long. Sometimes continuous encouragement may help a child to build his self-confidence, which in turn, will make him more studious and attentive. Don’t worry, remember each and every child is different and their way of learning is also distinctive than others. You can follow some steps which can be extremely helpful for tackling children.
How to encourage children so that they enjoy their homework?
Benefits of homework:
As a parent, you must explain him the benefits of homework. In that case, you can explain him in the following way:
- Whatever is being taught throughout the day is being given as homework. It basically reinforces the things taught in the class. In some subjects like science and math, children need to revise them for their next day class. It will only help them to get a more clear view of the subject.
- Besides, homework itself is a big powerhouse for teaching self-discipline, organizational skills, self- responsibility, time management and concentration skills.
- Homework can help you to get a broader understanding of the subject, which couldn’t be taught in the class due to certain underlying factors like, lack of time and resources.
As a parent be his best friend and mentor:
As a sensible parent stop showing your negative reactions like yelling, threatening, pleading, jumping up and down with blue face. These reactions will only make him more stubborn and a negative impact on homework will be created. You can do the following things instead:
- Get a well- lit, comfortable calm and quiet room away from distractions for your child. Keep all the electronic goods away from the room, so that he can concentrate totally on his work.
- Be a friend to him, so that he feels free to express about whatever has happened in his class. On the other hand, you can narrate to him about some interesting facts.
- Make sure to keep all the necessary items like pen, pencils, erasers, markers, crayons in that room. It will definitely save a lot of time and will be easier for him to concentrate.
You are not the only parent having problem in managing your kids with homework:
Think positively, that most kids nowadays are engaged with the outside world as there are an infinite number of interesting things are happening. It is quite a difficult task to make the homework look appealing. You need to do:
- Sit down with him so that he doesn’t feel alone and missing all the outside joy.
- Help him to understand
- Set few boundaries.
Try to discuss his homework in a friendly manner:
Sit down with your child and talk to him before the beginning of each semester. Help him and teach him the different ways to manage time for each subject. The different ways can be mentioned as:
- You can sit with the child in thepresence of each and every member of the house, and then discuss his problems. In this way, the child will feel special and would intend to do his work on a regular basis.
- Find out the areas where the child is facing difficulty. Always ask him if he needs a helping hand.
- Make sure that the child takes ashort break between his homework. The short breaks will help him to get out of boredom and he will feel refreshed. During this break don’t discuss
- Let your child distinguish between hard and easy homework. Then tell him to finish the harder ones prior to the easier ones.
- Take him out of his favorite places or food joints during vacation and weekends.
Praise your child:
Praising your child for his good performance will make him more enthusiastic about doing his homework in future.
- Instead of yelling at your child for poor grades, ignore it.
- You must reward him for his good job. The reward should not be a big gift, but a small thing like a pencil, eraser, candy
- Always try to notice the good in him and praise the good things always.
As your child will grow up to be an adult he has to manage a lot of burden on his shoulder. So start giving him some responsibilities. He needs to learn a lot of things as soon as he grows up. Tell him the stories of how to organize your university schedule and not forget homework.
Let your child take the full responsibility of his homework:
It may apparently seem to be a difficult job, but try to bestow the entire responsibility of homework to him as soon as possible.
- Avoid carrying the burden of his homework on your shoulder for long.
- Let him learn self-responsibility.
- As soon as he learns the result of his not submitting his work in time, he will start to become a responsible boy.
Let him do the work, which is supposed to be done by him:
Suppose a homework is supposed to be done by the child alone, then let him do it all by himself. Too much parental involvement may spoil his work. It will encourage him to do his work.
Stop poking your nose too much:
Keep your nose away from your child. Nobody likes an interfering person, and kids are also no exceptional.
- Be curious about his work, but do not cross off every task he is supposed to do.
- Do not peep through his window and door to ascertain he is working or not.
- If the child is not interested in telling you about his homework, do not repeat and become a nagging mom.
- Instead, encourage him in doing neat and clean work.
If you can follow the above-mentioned steps, you are bound to make your child enjoy doing his homework.