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Know Top 6 Tips to Take Control of Your Child’s Homework

by Nov 8, 2016Homework Help

When parents take an active part in their kid’s homework kids are tend to be more successful. This shows what kids do is more important for their parents. Helping your children with homework doesn’t mean that you are going to spend hours hooked over a desk. You can support your children by explaining tricky problems, demonstrating organization skills and study or just encouraging kids to take a break.

On the other hand who know that you might be able to learn something new while helping your children with their homework?  If you are really worried about how much your child is under pressure because of their homework, then you must know these top six tips to take control of your child’s homework.

  1. Set the mood

Homework is a boring thing, no one even parents don’t want to get involved in it. However, they can’t deny the fact that it is also a very important thing for the success of their child’s academic life.

To finish the class assignment, it is important to have the willingness. You must help your child in setting up the mood to work on their assignment. You must assist your child in creating a delicate study area. You must make sure to help them in setting up a homework-friendly area. You must find a quiet area for the same.

At the same time make sure that they have a well lit up place for completing their task. If you don’t have a quite or separate place for study, you can ask them to use a library or to go to any quite place nearby. Most importantly, you must make sure that your kids have all resources’ that are required to finish their assignment.  You must keep supplies like –

  • Paper
  • Pencil,
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Stationary Within their reach.
  1. Know where to start from

Your kids may know what their priorities. They may also have their, to-do list including things that they need to do.  They may not ever use any excuses like they don’t know where to start from to avoid finishing their paper. It is important to make sure that they don’t go overboard and allow for flexibility.

Assume that there must be some assignments that need longer time than they have estimated. You must make sure that you help them to know where they should start and what they should start with to avoid stress.

  1. Set a regular time for study

Schedule a regular study time for studying every day. You must make sure they study at the same time daily. They can utilize this time for reviewing their notes. If your kids adapt to a regular study time, then it will eventually accept them as a part of their daily routine. It will help them in approaching their assignments with less dread. At the same time, it will assist them in becoming a pro in using their time wisely and productively.

While making the schedule, you must consider what is best for your child as a lot of children prefer to work in the afternoon followed with some snack and playing time.

On the other hand, there are the kids that like to work late in the evening or after dinner. You must figure out what time works best for your child. You must keep things in perspective. You must make it clear that your child knows how important each test or assignment is and use their time just according to that.

  1. Find a way to engage

If your child feels distracted or can’t stay awake while reading something, you must try to find something to engage them or keep their mind from wandering.

You should ask them to underline sections, take notes or discuss their homework or topics with others or with you. If your child gets distracted easily, you must make sure eliminated sources of distraction from their sight.

  1. Praise your child for their achievements

You must congratulate your child on their achievement. Even if it’s a small success try to praise them or reward them. It will encourage them in keep on going in the direction they are walking or keep on doing the good work they are doing.

You must bear in mind a few words of praise from you can be an excellent way to motivate them. Your words and appreciation matter for them. You should praise them for their efforts and hard work.

  1. Be in touch with teachers

You must be in contact with your child’s teachers to keep track of your kid’s growth. Many teachers are readily available to help children and their parents before and after school. They are willing to help you how you can help you child with their homework and other academic issues. Even they are there to provide details about various sources like online professional help to get extra help for your kids.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to see what your child is going through. Don’t just wait for their progress reports seeing if there is something wrong with your child. You must take an interest in your child’s academic life so that you can help them and support them at the proper time they need it.

You must check whether you child is studying or just procrastinating. If you find out that your child is not studying properly, you must find out the best ways to stop being procrastinator for better results, so that you can help your child.