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Is Chemistry All About Formulas? Is There Any Other Way to Remember?

by Nov 2, 2016Chemistry

Chemistry is a subject that takes a lot more guts and effort than most of the subjects. The whole idea of chemistry revolves around formulas and chemical equations. Yes, there are other aspects of the subject as well, but most of them can’t go about without formulas as the foundation of this subject is predominantly based on formulas. This has been done for the convenience of individuals who conduct research work in this field.

However, these formulas have become a major problem for individuals for today’s generation. Most of these individuals look at these formulas as a problem instead of a helping tool that ought to solve their issue as far as writing names of chemical compounds consisting of numerous types of atoms are concerned.

For example, the compound Chlorofluorocarbon can be simply written as CFC. Well, these short forms are extremely important as they help simplify matter and in turn help in saving a lot of time. There are numerous individuals who face a lot of problems as far as their homework assignments or their child’s assignments are concerned. Well, in that case, you must not hesitate to go through, “A homework guide for parents and children.”

Ways and means to remember formulas in chemistry

As the title of this article as well as the subhead suggests, it will be predominantly revolving around the major ways and means that can help students learn chemical formulas and equations a lot more easily. Well, learning chemical formulas is of utmost important in the event that you have taken up chemistry as your major subject, especially as far as higher education curriculums are concerned.

Listed below are some of the easiest and most popular ways and means that ought to help you remember chemical formulas a lot better:

  • Chemical Symbols:

Do you remember the very first chapter you were taught in chemistry? Well, if you don’t, let me remind you, it was “Atomic Structure”. Well, this chapter mostly consisted of the basics of chemistry among which chemical symbols (i.e. the short form or abbreviations for atoms of elements) occupied a major portion as it is perhaps the backbone of any chemistry curriculum.

Well, in the event that an individual wishes to succeed in the field of chemistry, he or she must without a doubt have a firm grip over various symbols for elements as it is imperative in the event individual wishes to pursue a career in chemistry. If an individual is well acquainted with the various aspects of symbols, then a major portion of the work of an individual can be considered to be done.

  • Periodic Table:

Another very important chapter that is taught during the initial stages of your chemistry learning experience is the Periodic Table.If an individual has a firm hold over this chapter, then learned chemical formulas as one reaches higher classes simply can’t get any easier. Yes, this chapter won’t be able to give you exact chemical equations but, it chapter is very well capable of giving you a firm idea as far as the type of reactions exhibited by the elements is concerned.

This strongly depends on the nature of the elements, i.e. they are metallic or not – metallic. There are various other aspects related to the periodic table, but these are the ones which  form the foundation of remembering chemical formulas and equations. This table gives students a firm idea regarding the reactivity of various elements that exist in this universe.

  • Valency:

Valency is defined as the number of electrons lost, gained or shared by an atom during the course of a chemical reaction. This idea is extremely important in the event that an individual is willing to find out the formula of a chemical compound formed by two or more atoms, provided the valency of an atom is known. It also tells us why atoms actually react. It is due to the fact that each atom has the patent desire of attaining a stable electronic configuration (2 electrons in the first orbit (where the first shell is the last), or 8 electrons in the outermost orbit.

For example, oxygen has 6 electrons in its outermost shell; it will try to gain two electrons by any means necessary in order to attain a stable electronic configuration. If an atom gains electrons, it is said to have a negative valency. As an excess of electrons produces a negative charge on the atom whereas, if an atom loses electrons it is said to exhibit positive valency. The loss of an electron from an atom results in a net positive charge on the entire atom.

  • Balancing the charges:

This is where the application of the valency of an atom comes in. An atom must be electrically neutral, i.e. it must not carry any form of charge. Well, there are various processes that can be used to balance the charge of a chemical compound. However, the cross multiplication process is perhaps the most widely used process.

Only positive and negative radicals react so that the net charge on the compound can be equal to zero. However, there are certain special cases as well. Atoms that carry a positive or a negative charge of any form are often referred to as ions. Once the electron transfer takes place, the attractive between the anions and cations binds a compound together.

If students follow these ways, then they can perform well in their academics with ease to acquire better marks.