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If You Are Aspiring For a Bright Career, These 6 Study Tips Will Guide You

by Oct 29, 2016Homework Solution

Recent surveys conducted by Higher Education Research Institute laid out the major career interest of first-year college students. About one-third of the students have plans to be a major in engineering and science. Some of the students are destined to get major leadership positions worldwide. But for a few the scopes are limited.
These tips will guide these students who feel half heartened and do not see them in a position of having a successful career as an engineer. These tips will help them analyze their present situation and embolden their spirit by motivating them to a bright future.

  1. Find an inspirational figure

All the students who lack dedication and feel spoilt for choices must narrow their worldly desires and try to seek influence for an inspirational figure. For example: If you are fond of Apple products, needless to say, your focus must be Steve Jobs.
Nowadays it’s not a problem anymore to google your point of interest. A simple click would open the Wikipedia page for you and enlighten you with all the necessary prospects. Try and emulate the positive aspects of these personalities into your scholastic, personal and professional life as it would work wonders for you.

  1. Be diligent and develop your project portfolios

Participate in experiential, hands-on learning opportunities. This will help you in the long run as a venture capitalist would be impressed by your uniqueness.
Unlike others who would only be able to list their respective courses, you would be able to apply the knowledge that you have gained through these classes. This will boost your communicative and interpersonal skills.

  1. Learn networking values and focus on teamwork

Introduce yourself to speakers by attending lectures on your campus. You can check your school alumni association to get a list of alumni from programs who are interested in connecting with undergraduates.
Try to get involved with an organization that requires a team effort. The skills which you develop in your school life will help you in developing leadership qualities for college life. Be it writing for school papers, participating in sport or creating solar powered car, make sure to get involved in numerous activities.

  1. It’s important to find out your flaws and correct them

If you are working as a team leader, you must always gather feedback about your working propaganda from your team members. A concrete feedback about how people view you would help you in the long run by sharpening your skills and help you eradicate the indecisive qualities that you might have to yourself.
Above all these feedbacks will help you gain humility and humble your spirit. You will get to learn how to accept and simultaneously give constructive criticism.

  1. Coaching course can be of great help

There are two basic ways to help you find solution and practice problems. Most students look for proper books to get all their solutions. But for others, a proper coaching class can work wonder. Good coaching courses will provide relevant modules of questions for all topics and help you find solutions.
It will also help you to have pre-planned time limits for solving problems. This will help you complete your paper on time. Often engineering students are unable to complete all question because of the limited time provided. So, regular practice will help them in tackling these limitations. You would be able to:

  • Solve wide varieties of difficult questions
  • Judge your performance on difficult questions
  • Make sure to match your level with your classmates
  1. Getting full exposure from best books available on the subject

If you are unable to have coaching classes, make sure to take help from all the possible resources like eBooks, library stuff and purchase a few which you feel is within your budget.
Make a rigorous schedule for yourself and make it a motto to practice every day and work hard. Practice problems on topics which you fear the most. Always remember that to achieve success in every level you need to train hard so that you can fight easily.
Fundamental tips

  • Solve at least 40-80 problems on a daily basis.
  • Set limit limits for solving each question. This will help you improve your speed.
  • Always try to overcome your fear in the first place. So try to solve the harder problems first. You can keep notes on hardest sections which will help you to work your ways to all the easier materials.
  • Develop a strategy of prioritizing your subjects according to your requirements.
  • Find out the points which you find difficult to solve. Analyze your mistakes and try to get the basics right. There are some minor doubts which if not cleared beforehand can slow you down.
  • Even if you feel lagged, do not quit. Make sure that you achieve the daily target that you have set for yourself. After you have completed your task, make your schedule for the next day ready.
  • Discard all your stray thoughts and focus on logical reasoning. Build a step by step solution with the help of contextual thinking.
  • Do not ever have the thought of giving up before the exam ends. Keep up with your daily routine and keep trying harder with every passing day.
  • Take help from the syllabus of your board exams. Most of the materials from your board exams are included in the competitive exams.

Take problems from test papers of previous years. Obtain copies of last few years of question from the past examination and solve them.