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How Will You Improve your Mental Strength by Studying Mathematics?

by Nov 22, 2015Mathematics

Mathematics is that subject which children always fear from. It is actually the one which requires lot of memory to remember number of things and also to apply them in various problems. With all types of calculation and the formulas to remember it is the biggest enemy of most students. They make maths not as a subject to learn but as a subject in which they need to work hard to get good marks or some times for some students to get passing marks.

Mental strength on other hand is a ability which is developed by person by which he is able to solve all the problem emerging in its path and achieving the desired result which losing his confidence. There are many ways in which mental strength of a person can increase like:

1- Performing yoga:

This helps in concentrating the energy of whole body at one place that is mind. It stops the mind from running here and there and also stops the worries about other subject when working on one.

2- Practising a lot:

A practise makes a man perfect is an old saying and is true also as doing a particular things so many times till it become perfect. The person by practising not only become best in that subject but also develops the art of connecting the same experience to solve other problems.

3- Emotional stability:

Person always takes wrong decision under stress condition. So for getting mental strength, firstly the person needs to be mentally stable.

4- Work for self satisfaction:

Working for one is always fruitful in all ways. If you are working to make others happy then you can never stand for your work. You should know that you did the right work and you have proper explanation for it if somebody asks then the mental stability comes.

5- Solving mathematics:

It has great impact on the mind of people as there are lot and lots of thing to remember and also the calculative attitude developed by solving problems also help in solving or taking life decisions. If you know what are the benefits behind studying physics? It will also help you a lot.

As most of the method to improve the mental ability depends upon the thinking and how he paves his life into future. But the most important and the one on which most focus is need to be taken so as to develop best mental ability is by studying mathematics.

As in everyday life person has lots of things to do. Most of them are repetitive and some comes by chance and are mainly responsible for changing the life of the person. So for them a firm decision is need to be taken. Mathematics is collection of whole formulas, equations, tables, geometrical part and calculations. All these things are related to things going around in the outside world. If one has hold on mathematics then he can very well fix his place anywhere.

The people try to cheat if they get to know you are not strong mentally. They can fool you emotionally, by framing your mind in different way on any topic, and also in case of faster exchange taking place. The one who has command over mathematics can easily deal with these situations.

The person good in maths has lot of quality developed in them from within due to the effect of this subject they are:

1- Develop logic:

By solving the word problem and relating the different equations with each other. Connecting all of them and getting result in the shortest possible time and minimum steps. All this develops in a person the thing by which he is able to co relate different thing and ability to tackle the situation.

2- Calculation makes mind alert:

If a person has habit of doing calculation then in all cases he will try to divide circumstances in positive and negative side to take any decision. Looking at which side will be more effective he takes decision in that direction. Making mind calculative helps in developing the art of calculation among positive and negative side options and then taking wise decision at last.

3- Person turn analytical:

With the knowledge of math a person divides everything that’s coming into their life as profit and loss statement. They think about every situation in both right and wrong side with every kind of calculation that is involved in it. Thus positive and negative side of every step of problem is well analysed and then solves.

4- Faster in its day to day activity:

As day to day activity involves all the calculation part like from grocery to shopping. Doing the calculation from calculator does not work every time. At every place we need to do calculation to save our self from getting cheated. The faster you are in calculation more efficiently you do all the work. There are many online homework help sources like us that offer their help for improving your skills.

Taking my own example when I don’t like the math subject, I used to fail not only in maths but also get poor marks in all other subject. My mother became more worried about my studies. She first tried to make me study by scolding but still after doing lot of study my marks were not increasing. Then, at last from somewhere a thought of making me, taking tuitions arise in her mind and she made me do the same. As I was most weeks in maths, she made me join maths tuition.

With that not only my maths marks rose up but I started getting good marks in all subject. As once I started getting the motive behind problem in maths, my knowledge and doubt in other also start disappearing. I also was able to save lot of data in my memory.

So though there are lot of ways to get the things good for mind but the effect which the mathematics has over the mind is incomparable. The result obtained from here cannot be so quickly received by any other means. So if one wants to do the same then firstly concentrating on maths studies is the best solution which can give quick result.