Homework Solution

How to Motivate High School Students to Do Homework

by Aug 28, 2016Homework Help

As in high school, students are not taking aninterest in their homework as they have burden of their new subjects. But it is very important for them to do their homework because of that they will able to take aninterest in their particular subject. Now the question is that why homework is important? It is very important for the students as it serves different educational needs. It serves a discipline which is intellectual in nature along with developing study habits.

Why homework is important for students?

  • Homework helps to develop students in the field of practice along with preparation and extension part.
  • It is planned by the teachers where students can take aninterest in their particular subjects where they can develop their concepts in the better and reliable way.
  • Apart from that doing regular homework may encourage the students to understand the concepts in which they are lacking.
  • They can easily revise the chapters at home which is done in class
  • By doing regular homework, they will be in touch with the concerned chapter which will help them to complete the task.
  • It helps the students to take initiative in the activities which is assigned to them by the class teacher.
  • It will help the parents to evaluate their child performance as through their homework they will come to know about the child performance in class.

It is very important for the students that they should get aregular assignment from school which helps them to understand the concepts in the better way along with preparing them for their exam.

How high students are motivated to do homework?

There are some important steps in which students are motivated to do the homework. It will include:-

Make Proper Plan for Homework

This is the first step where students are motivated to do their homework. Students should make aproper schedule where they can divide their work along with homework assignment. This will help them to concentrate on other work which they would like to do in their part time. If students make aproper plan they will able to complete the assigned task in ashort span of time.

Develop their interest

It is very important for the students that they should develop their interest in doing the homework. Parents along with teachers should adopt practical mode rather than going for written mode in assigning the homework. It will help them to create interest in their work as they are eager to do practical work which is indirectly related to the chapter’s concepts. This way parents along with teachers can motivate the students to do their work.

Should Assign Short assignment

It is important for the teachers that they should giveshort assignment to the students, which help them to take interest in their studies. If short assignment is provided to them they will take interest in doing their homework as it will complete in short span of time. Apart from that students can also concentrate on other subjects in which they are weak.

Take the help from experts

If students are finding difficult to do their homework, they can take the help from their friends or online tutors. These tutors will help the students in completing their work on time along with making them understand the concept which will help them to complete the further assignment. These tutors will make the homework brief and informative through which they can easily learn the chapter concepts.

Give them practical questions more

It is important for the teachers that they should give practical assignment more rather than doing time-consuming homework. They should give such assignment in which students can develop more interest in doing the work rather than moving here and there for completing their work

Should read the chapters twice

It is important for the students that they can read the chapters twice as this will help themto develop more interest in the particular subject when the chapter concepts are clear to them. Apart from that they should find out the difficult words and write in the paper, so that they can find out the real meaning of them. It will help them to complete the homework fast.

Note down main concepts of homework assigned

It is important for the students that they can note down the important concepts of the chapters from which homework is assisgned.This will help them to learn the basic concept of the chapter and they will able to complete the homework fast. Apart from that it will also help them to complete the other assignment fast.

Make chart and interesting models

Students should make interesting chart and models which will help them to remind about the homework as they can easily learn the concepts of the chapters through charts and models which will help them to complete the homework in the better and planned way. Apart from that they can easily get the real concepts of the homework which will help them to complete their homework fast.

How to motivate your students to finish their homework on time is also require some basic steps which help them to develop their interest in the particular field and they will be completing their task in the better way. If the concepts are not cleared by them they can take the help of tutors again and again so that they can get clarity in concepts for future task.

Thus, we can say that these steps are the perfect and best options for the students where they can easily follow the steps which will help them to complete the assignment fast. I want to share one of the experiences of my friend who is not taking interest in completing the task assigned by the teacher. She has taken the help from the online tutor who is helping the students in preparing the assignment in the better way by putting short and relevant content which can be easily understood by them for further assignment.