How to Avoid the Most Popular Mistakes When Studying Chemistry?

by Nov 2, 2015Chemistry

Are Balanced Equations, Sums on pressure and temperature, Organic Chemistry, Acid Bases and Salts etc creating a huddle in your head? Are you confused about any chapter in Chemistry? Does any chapter bother you in particular? If your answer is yes, then there is nothing to worry because we will help you deal with it and help you avoid the most popular mistakes when studying Chemistry.

Chemistry can be a real headache at times when you seem not to understand anything and without proper understanding Chemistry is a woolen ball of confusion which only entangles itself more and more instead of unfolding itself. Therefore, for a first, you need to really understand the basics to jump to the difficult parts. There is no loop hole in Chemistry. You got to it all.

When it comes to assignments and homework in chemistry, just take a deep breath and step back in peace because you can now refer to online assignment making sites like that of ours that will not only provide you with ready made assignments at an affordable rate but also help you with your homework and any other doubts pertaining to chemistry which might be bothering you.

The popular mistakes that you need to avoid when it comes to studying chemistry are as follows:

1. Do NOT mess up the chemical names of substances or elements. Chemistry vocabulary is very vast and thereby even a single mistake in an alphabet might change the whole meaning of the sentence.

2. Molecules and Atoms are two different things. Do not use one for the other. It not only increases the chances of your marks being reduced but also throws a light on your poor knowledge in chemistry.

3. Do not mix up the properties of Acids, Bases and Salts. In Chemistry, there are thousands of elements and substances with different properties and although it is difficult to remember each one accurately, you should make a chart or list of each element and substance’s properties which you are likely to forget.

4. Do not mistake the sign of Equilibrium for the sign of Resonance and vice versa. Even this very minute mistake can make your entire equation stupid.

5. When balancing an equation, you need to count the numbers on both sides of the equation with full concentration and avoid making silly mistakes. Do not rush with balancing an equation.

6. Do not reverse the arrows during a chemical step when writing organic reaction mechanisms. Backward arrow pushing usually comes when you are thinking about the movement of atoms instead of the movement of electrons.

7. To avoid this mistake, you have to remember that every arrow starts at an electron source and ends at an electron sink (an electron that can accept a lone pair).

8. The most common mistake in Acid and Bases is that you tend to use a strong base in the presence of an acidic proton which is very stupid because it will only end up giving you salt and no other desired result.

9. Trying to act a Wittig agent with a ketone is wrong because ketone substrate contains a carboxylic acid and Wittig agent being a fancy carbanion, is quite basic i.e. Wittig reagents react with alcohol, acids or phenol. Therefore you should use ester in place of carboxylic acid to prevent this.

10. A lot of reactions are catalyzed by acid but using H30+ whenever you can’t think of a re agent, is downright stupid.

11. H30+ is neither a reducing agent nor an oxidant. Therefore any reaction where oxidation or reduction is taking place, H30+ cannot be used.

12. Any reaction including carbanion or other basics should not use H30+ because it will only end up protonating your base.

13. There is a huge difference between H- and H+ and you have to learn the difference between the two and use them accordingly instead of putting them anywhere and everywhere.

14. H+ is an acid and therefore, an electrophile. It reacts with nucleophiles or bases by obtaining electron density. In the curvy arrow formalism, the arrow always tends to flow towards H+. In the extermination process, the proton is effectively lost as H+.

15. H- is not really considered to be a separate species but it can informally induce to elaborate the function of reducing agents like LiAlH4. It is actually a nucleophile. In the curvy arrow formalism, the arrow tends to flow from H- always.

16. While doing temperature and pressure sums, you have to keep in mind each value and key term that might be used to represent a particular value. For example ordinary Pressure refers to 1 atmosphere. All the sums related to the different laws need to done with full concentration and you have to refrain from diverting your mind elsewhere while doing those sums.

17. Chemistry is not essentially a learning subject but you have to learn the equations and signs of each element and solubility rues by heart unless which you might end up sitting clueless during your examination.

18. Chemistry involves learning things and then applying your knowledge in every equation that you are provided with. So, mugging up will just not do. You have to understand everything very properly and then mug up resulting which, you will be able to apply your knowledge in the questions provided to you.

Chemistry is a subject that can be loved more than any other subject when understood. Therefore, you need to build up a strong base in Chemistry so as to score well in future and also, love the subject and study it for yourself not for your parents or teachers.

If the above article on how to avoid popular mistakes pertaining to chemistry has helped you overcome your flaws and helped you find solutions to rectify your mistakes, please refer to‘Top 7 fun and interesting facts about Chemistry’ that will make you love the subject all the more and provide you with interesting facts about chemistry that you were not acquainted with before.