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How Can I Improve My English Grammar?

by Oct 22, 2015English

Are you thinking about ways to improve your English after scoring low grades in the last examination? Well, not just for examinations, English is one language which you will have to use in most of the official purposes and it has to be correct grammatically.

So it is high time now to learn English following all the grammatical laws. Here are a few tips you would love to refer to for improving your English grammar.

  • Write, write and keep on writing!
  • Yes. To improve your writing skills, you have to scribble down something on a daily basis. You need not refer to all the grammar books everyday while writing, you do not have to be so hard on yourself; but writing down a few lines is a must. Before an exam of course you would need to write down the answers to probable questions at least twice a week.

  • Read aloud the writing: Proof reading
  • Every time you read aloud your writing, you shall feel if there is presence of any mistakes. This is a type of proof reading. When you read something aloud, and something is not right, it shall surely be pin pointed by your ears and brain.

  • Get the writing checked!
  • Most of the students shy away from executing this task. One can ask English teacher at school or parents for checking their daily writings. A student can also ask help from any online website which offer free corrections. In this way, there will remain no chance of teacher’s judgments about the writing of an individual.

  • Do learn the correct version
  • Do not keep repeating same mistakes even after corrections. It is a good idea to keep the corrected version and the mistake in mind; always. One can also make a note of her or his frequent mistakes to avoid them in future.

  • Add phrases to vocabulary!
  • Adding phrases to vocabulary shall not only improve the grammatical essence of your writing skills, but also shall make your writing more sophisticated! Studying collocations is highly recommended.

  • Read a lot!
  • To learn English grammar properly, just learning the rules from grammar books is not enough. You would need to know practical ways to implement them and by hearting the laws would not be much of a help.

  • What should you be doing?
  • Read and read. Reading is perhaps the second best way to improve your English grammar. You can read classical stories of English literature, novels, thrillers, poems, or even newspapers. Reading helps a lot to understand where to us what and how much usage is necessary. Stay alert while reading. In most possible cases, a person gets so much involved while reading a short story or a novel that she forgets to notice the structure and composition of sentences and overall framework.

  • Speak in English whenever possible!
  • In order to learn correct English, one would need to inculcate the rules along with its application. Thus, speak in English whenever possible. This shall help a person to grow his skills in the language. There might be a few grammatical errors while speaking, because we cannot always follow all rules while speaking quickly or without much attention. Nevertheless, it shall help you to be more proficient in the subject. You can even take English Assignment Help whenever necessary for improving your English.

  • Keep on practicing!
  • With the above tips in mind, keep on practicing until you improve your grammar, and once you have improved make sure not to stop the habits inculcated. The moment you stop your practices, you shall start to lose your writing skills slowly. There is always more to understand and learn. There is no shortcut one can find to learn grammatically correct English. One should also be aware of, ‘What are the most common English language and grammatical errors made by people?’for avoiding common mistakes! Even students take help from us for gaining an in-depth knowledge. Infact there are a number of students whom you can approach to discuss about the help they had received during their college days from these homework help online companies.

Try to keep these few points in your mind while writing:

1.    Tense:

Tense defines and plans the timeline of action, dictates the verb and so focus on correct tense. At times, people do not use proper tenses while conversing, thus it is beneficial to interact with good English speakers to get a control over tenses.

2.    Voice:

Active or passive?

While active voice is quite simple to frame and speak, passive can prove to be a little complicated for beginners. First you have to decide the voice of the sentence. Active voice always has a subject who or which is the doer of an action mentioned. While conversion of active voice to passive, do remember to swap the subject and object. Pronouns, if present shall be swapped with their relative object or subject pronoun form.

For example, consider the sentence “Peter, Mary and Gerry went to watch the film”.

Incorrect: The film was gone to by Peter, Mary and Gerry.

Correct:  The film was watched by Peter, Mary and Gerry.

3.    Prepositions:

This is a very important part in a sentence and the part where students make most frequent of all mistakes. Prepositions add the missing relationship between object and its surroundings. Prepositions should always be followed by the object mentioned in the sentence. Many students have the habit of ending a sentence with a preposition; which should be strictly avoided. English grammar rules prohibit ending sentences with prepositions.

4.    Punctuations:

One must punctuate sentences properly; otherwise it might carry a meaning you did not intend to mean! Punctuations carry a lot of meanings; for example, start, stop, pause and relationship.

  • Commas separate actions, thoughts, elements or other independent clauses.
  • Periods are known to indicate end of a sentence.
  • Semi-colons join independent clauses into a single sentence.
  • Colons usually are introduced for enlisting items.
  • Exclamation mark shows emphasis, imperatives, or declarations.
  • Apostrophes are used to demonstrate possessions.
  • Quoting someone else’s speech or words need to be in between Quotation marks.
  • There are other punctuations such as Hyphens, parenthesis, dashes and so on.

5.    Know parts of speech:
Parts of speech shall help you to make up the language and they include nouns, pronouns, adjectives, conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and at times, articles. One must know ways to put them in proper places in a sentence.

Include reading and writing English in daily routine. It shall help you to learn English grammar faster than any other technique!