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Digital Assignment Aid or a Private Tutor. Which One Is the Best Choice?

by Feb 6, 2017Online Tutoring

With the advancement in technology the medium of learning is also changing from face to face tuition to online learning. Students nowadays are also becoming advance and find online learning more easy and suitable. There are various online sites as well as private tutors available nowadays who are ready to provide best of their service to the students. They do this to share their knowledge for the betterment of the children.

What is digital assignment?

Digital assignment is learning your studies online through digital media. In this type of assignments students need to enroll themselves in various online company which are designed to help children learn about this type of learning. They teach the children how to use this method as an alternative of using written format.

Before it only used to involve videos as a part of learning but now various kinds of papers and projects are also designed under it. This kind of online learning can prove to be very beneficial if they are taught to children effectively.

What is private tuition?

Private tuition is another type of learning that is used by children from many years. This type of learning is called face to face learning where the teacher personally interacts with children face to face and teaches them their lesson. In this type of learning children study with reference to the books and answer the questions in paper. This type of studying is the most common type of learning used by the students in our country. There are different types of private tuition that takes place. Such as:

  • Private tuition in tutorials.
  • Tuition at home in a group.
  • Personal tuitions.

Each of this type of tuitions differ from each other in the way of teaching and students opt for that type of tuition in which they feel comfortable. Some are comfortable in learning with other students and group discussions while others feel the need to study alone at home by taking private tuition at home. But each type of these tuition are same in the ground that they all use paper method to teach.

Both the type of learning mode differs from each other and has its own importance. But here we need to see which kind of learning is mostly preferred by the students and why as they are the one who will be benefited from it.

Private tuitions or digital assignment method?

Both the methods are important if they are utilized in your own way. But still there are few reasons that makes one type better than the other. It is on this ground we can differentiate between the benefits these types of learning provide. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • In private tuitions teachers interact with the students and get to know the flaws in them personally. They talk to them regularly and see where they are lacking and tries to work on them. Whereas in digital learning students don’t get the chance of interacting with the students as they require to learn only through videos on online answers.
  • In digital learning students get the chance to learn many new technical and advance things in life in order to keep themselves updated with the new technologies. They get the chance to grow in life and be acquainted with everything that they get in life. Whereas in private tuition they go on using the pen and paper style for years after years with no chance of growth.
  • In private tuition student learn from the book and learn everything in details thoroughly. But in digital learning students don’t stick to any one thing for a long time. They try to know new things one after the other so that they have knowledge about everything. So they lack behind in knowing one thing thoroughly. But they also get the benefit of knowing things more than what is there in the book. This helps them in future.
  • Private tuitions require students to devote a lot of time in learning as they have to take out time in which they can sit with their tutors and know about the chapters. Whereas digital learning is less time consuming as students can just watch videos of chapters and learn from there. In former type students get the oral as well as written explanation of every lesson whereas in the later they just get oral explanation.
  • Private tutor provides a chance to the student to choose the teacher and tuition they want to learn from. This is because each and every teacher differs in the way of learning which can or cannot be liked by children. Similarly digital learning also provides various websites and assignments from where the students can choose the website which suits them the most. Teachers also get the chance of taking new ideas from these website to teach their children.

Thus from the above points we see that both the type of learning is important in some way or the other. It just depends on the students how they are ready to accept the modern way of learning. They are the only one to judge it as they are one who needs it the most. Thus they must have the choice of selecting the way they want to learn instead of forcing them to adapt anything. It will just make them get bore and make them lag behind in whatever they do.