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Creative Solutions to Combine Homework with Physical Activity

by Nov 6, 2016Assignment Help

In this modern time, when everything is changing drastically, why not change the old school way of doing homework. I am writing this because,as a mother, I know how difficult it is to engage a child into homework without getting them bored. Once they lose interest, it follows with losing concentration, and they end homework result is always bizarre.

This mostly happens to children who have just started going to school or are entering middle school. It is very important for them to create a strong educational base for a better future. For that doing homework is paramount.

Homework fact: In a statistical analysis done by the US educational system, it has been notedthatstudent who does their homework regularly scores well throughout their academic career.

But is there a way to make homework interesting?

As everyone says ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ here, it’s creativity that will serve your purpose. When I started teaching my children, making them do homework was the most difficult part. Then I thought of few ideas which I started implying. Miraculously it worked, and they started taking or interest in doing their homework.

For this, all you need to do is intricate the winning instinct in your child and see how amazingly they end up doing great homework. And this can be done by incorporating physical activity in homework creatively.

6 physical activity homework ideas

These homework activities will not only grab interest, but it will also make then put the effort to achieve best! It isthe time you know more about it and starts implying them.

  1. Word Treasure Hunt

This is an extremely fun game which just requires few simple props like chits of paper, pen and a notebook to write. At first, a rough map of the area will be made. There add the clues at places and then hand it over to the players.

How does the game work?

Once the players start hunting for the words, set a time limit. If they can find all the words, they reach the next level where they have to categorize it as per the parts of speech.


They will be way too interested to learn grammar and apply them properly while writing. This will also make them realize the worth of ‘time management’ while doing homework.

  1. Equate for the next clue

This is again a team game where at least two players and a referee are required. In this game, they will have to solve anequation to get the clue until they reach the final clue and get their reward! This is a very interesting way to engage children in doing mathematics.


  • Gain interest in doing math
  • Will practice more to solve equations faster
  • Reduced chances of silly mistakes
  • Stronger mental math

This way their calculations and methods of solving mathematical problems will develop and get stronger.

  1. Trip essays

According to my children, this is the most fun task. One reason is that they get the chance to go out and visit some beautiful place; secondly, they get to spend quality time with their parent.

This game is very simple, and you can also think of it as a travel blog but at alower level. They have to describe and write about the place as well as about their day.


It is the best possible way to improve their imagination power and also writing fluency with proper expression.

  1. Who can solve it faster?

This is one game that can be appliedto any subject. Let me explain how to play this game.

  • First, call your child’s schoolmates or friends
  • Choose a subject that they neglect or they don’t score well
  • Frame a bunch of questions and keep them in a bowl
  • Turn wise everyone will pick can either choose to write it on their own or pass the question as achallenge for someone else
  • Now, you have to be the judge and check all the answers
  • If they answer the questions correctly, they get thepoint and in thecase of challenged question, the point they can score is higher
  • In the end, whoever scores more will win and get a reward for their hard work


  • They will read more and keep prepared with all the subjects more or less
  • More concentration while studying
  • Frame and write answers properly

All these will certainly help them to improve in their academic career and will also make them interested in doing their homework in such a fun way.This is also a great way to understand the problem area of your child’s academics. If you feel they need more professional guidance, it is best if you provide them with a private tutor. The other way is to take professional online homework help services that provide excellent guidance as well as they can do their homework too.

  1. Tug of word

I play this game with my children in order to improve their vocabulary which is very much required to enhance and improved grasp of thelanguage. This tug of theword is a game that one can play bot in team (which is obviously more fun and challenging) or solo.

How to play this game?

The rule of this game is very easy. One just needs to write a series of words on chits of paper. Then the player has to pick a word, write its synonym and make sentences with both the words.

You can easily understand how this will benefit in improving their vocabulary, spontaneity to write more creatively!

  1. Burst the balloon

To me, this is the most fun game to play. Here, you have to ask a series of question and every time the one who answers wrong or fails to reply on time; they have to bust one of their balloons. The winner will be the one with a maximum number of balloons left.

All these games will make them more interested in studying and as a result,they will do their homework without any tantrums. Now it’s time you add your creativity and make way for your child to have a better and brighter academic future.