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Are Industrial Companies Doing Enough for Education or there is a GAP?

by Nov 2, 2015Assignment Help

We are living in an age where there are technological as well as industrial advancements. As we know for centuries that necessities is the mother of all inventions. This fact was true starting from the evolution of man. Since the Stone Age when the first man appeared on earth, slowly with time and according to needs for survival appeared fire, tools of various metals, clothes transportation from carts and ways of trade with gradual development of time.

But now we live in an age where man is taking about finding another planet where we can get water. Or also travel to the moon easily. In this come industrial advancements. Newer technologies are devised in order to provide people with their required necessities or luxurious amenities with ease. But do you think that they are making enough contribution towards the development of the society?

Nowadays with technological advancements we can see lot of ways of obtaining what we want.
We have ways to entertain ourselves more by listening to songs though the internet or watch shows, movies or any video through the boo n that connects this age INTERNET. This is just not all. Education has also made a great advancement in this age. We have various options to find information. We have various ways to find out about things and do our homework.

For example a major way of development that has taken place is the availability of online options for doing of homework or other assignments. Take for example that you are a Student of PhD program. We all know that these programs require a lot of things like dissertation, regular homework, exams, documentations and presentation. Plus what is more is that there is so much to learn and do in so less time. In course of your learning many a time students are observed to face troubles while trying to understand various topics or learning about them. You can ask any query that you have by writing to usand our dedicated teams are observed to have answered quite efficiently. Also you can send us to write dissertations for you where we will follow all the instructions and make them as personalized as possible for your benefit. So much in you will get in so less time. Amazing it is!

But does industrialists who have taken up education as trade doing enough for the society? What are your views? Give this a thought and analyze well the social situation keeping in mind the needs of the society.
Some years before people was trained and made capable to work for a particular company. But nowadays entrepreneurship has grown in a very large scale. The reasons for its growth are thought to be manifold.

They are:

1. Giving them opportunities to work for the development of their own selves.

2. It gives them more creative ways to think than the limited thoughts that had existed for so long.

3. Abolishing of older ideas where working for a company had been the tradition.

Nowadays often some problems are heard from students that they are not trained enough for the real world. It is often observed that a general and common saying amongst people is that pupil are not trained enough well for jobs in companies; they need to undergo training programs for that. Now what could possibly be the root cause for that? Are majority of students finding college life a phase to relax or actually educational institutions are not doing enough of their part?

Who is to find the answer out?

If industries had done enough then there would not had been examples of children who are so badly deprived of education.

Sometime before, an issue was heard that went like, a little girl of around 5 or 6 years was afraid of going to school. The reason that came out of investigation was that she on her way to school was harassed by other boy students or people who would also tease her in ways. Her parents were thoroughly worried the matter of her sudden unwilling to go to go school. But she never opened her mouth to tell about her fear because she was convinced enough that nobody will support her but her name would become bad along with her family. Such a small child with such fears is a condition of a major part of the society.

We Industrialists who are developing industries and fancy schools with big fees in order to make even bigger profit should really think about the society. These days many businessmen are coming up with new and luxury schools with plenty of amenities in order to please the crowd and attract more and more students to take admission. But instead if they try to fill the gap of education of the poor by making schools where students would be taught to get education is what is expected.

A little humanity is something that can abolish a big discrepancy.

In the same society there are places where people can access education at just a moment by various advanced technological mediums whereas in the other hand there are people who are unable to even get minimal education in absence of resources. This gap is something that is so stern that is creating a huge difference between people of the society.

Primary education should be made so that it is available to everyone in order to properly survive in the society. We those who get education by easy means do not understand often itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs worth. It is our responsibility to give back something to the society. It is us who can make a difference. Does by only receiving education make a person literate?

Literacy though traditionally means a general ability to read and write and deal with numbers but in greater sense it means a lifelong development where the attitude towards life and people is considered. It is there where we should work on always throughout our lifetime.