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5 Simple Tricks to Help You Write an Essay on the Spot

by Nov 8, 2016Test Help

Having to write an essay on the spot for an examination or test is not a lot of fun, because the only information you may be given before the test is that there will be an essay that needs answering. This isn’t a lot of information, but if you are invested in getting a good grade then there are a few things that you can incorporate in answering your question to give your answer an edge over everyone else.
Follow these following steps and tricks to improve your essay by a large margin.
5 Simple Essay Writing Tips

  1. Read and Understand:
  • Many students make the mistake of giving their essay tops a quick view and beginning to work on them.
  • There are little details that can easily be missed by doing this.
  • The parameters of your writing are usually stated within the question that is asked.
  • While one topic may ask for a comparison in relation to something else, another topic may ask you to write an argumentative essay.
  • Illustration, analysis, and explain are different words that may sound similar but are different, and so your approach must be adjust
  • Do not choose topics that you are not familiar with at all, at the same time, do not pick the safest choice.
  • Show the teacher or examiner that you are willing to take risks and possess all the necessary skills to do so successfully.
  • If a topic is not provided to you, brainstorm ideas.
  • Do not be afraid to combine multiple ideas to for a more creative outcome.
  • If you’re required to be more analytical or factual, incorporate anecdotes and explanations to throw light on your ideas.
  • Sometimes, certain thoughts are very peculiar to describe or write, like a feeling or a moment.
  • In this case, you may use description liberally but concisely.
  • If you are having difficulties explaining something simply use an explanation to elaborate or make your point more concrete.
  • There are other factors that must also be taken into consideration while reading, like time and word limit.
  • If you are unable to stick within the word limit, it is likely that you will not be able to conclude the essay appropriately this will cost you a lot of points, for mismanagement of time and an inconclusive ending.
  • Remember that the examiner is also someone who has other things to do apart from checking piles of essays.
  • They are usually disgruntled by exceedingly long essays. So try to stick to the word limit margin as far as possible.
  1. Pick an Approach:
  • There can be a variety of perspectives to one idea, so it is important to understand the approach being asked for or how you would like to proceed with the essay.
  • Are they asking for a chronological or thematic approach? Is it argumentative, expository or a general essay
  • All of these points are important factors to consider because they will help in planning your course of action, and determine what information should be included.
  • Do not pick a topic blindly and then veer distractedly off course. Stick to your points and make informed arguments as far as possible.
  • If you’ve chosen a creative writing topic, use your imagination and creativity in a way that innovative and interesting.
  • Your essay should be engaging and interesting throughout.
  1. Make Notes:
  • One method that many students have forgotten about or simply do not have time for is making notes while considering how to write their essay.
  • On the spot essays give you very little time to prepare. However, it is possible to read other essays that may be based on the topics you’re expecting to encounter.
  • Simply read essays and note down their structure and how others have formulated their arguments.
  • While writing the essay itself, many students get overwhelmed and nervous which causes them to forget important points. A lot of time I wasted here in trying to remember what all needs to be included.
  • Mentally preparing yourself for the task ahead is very important.
  • Try and make notes of the points you would like to include and the order in which you would like to approach each point.
  • This willdefinitely help in saving time while writing and you will be less likely to forget anything.
  1. Focus on Structure:
  • The structure of any essay is very important.
  • If you’re unsure of the kind of structure that needs to be followed, stick to the general five paragraph rule.
  • Two paragraphs should be allotted for the introduction and conclusion while three paragraphs should form the body of the essay.
  • Introductions are very important and should properly state the point of an essay or the argument that is about to be discussed.
  • It should be gripping and interesting should not consist of too many points.
  • Formulate all your points comprehensively with examples and anecdotes in the body of your essay.
  • Each point should be relevant and each paragraph should include separate broad points.
  • Your conclusion is an opportunity to once again make a statement and bind both the introduction and body of the essay.
  1. Revision:
  • Before submitting anything, it is very important to revise everything you’ve written.
  • Ensure that there are no grammatical, syntax or spelling errors
  • If you are afraid of not having enough time to revise, simple follow a ‘write-read-write-read’ rule.
  • After each point of paragraph, go over whatever you’ve written and make a quick check. This will help you stay on the right track and not lose sight of the point you’re trying to make as well.

It is very important to avoid general and vague terms or sentences. Precision and a well thought out argument will show teachers your knowledge about a subject and your command over the language. These are usually the two primary spheres that are testedduring an on the spot essay assignment or test.
Beyond the moment itself, expand your vocabulary, read and write regularly. This will allow you to be mentally prepared for any similar challenges. To get more information on essay writing, you can check ‘how to answer an essay question in an examination’.