Using Digital Applications for Doing Assignments Is Good or Bad

by Feb 7, 2017Assignment Help

It is quite a debatable issue. It helps the student a lot. Also, some student uses it for cheating and escaping of using their brain to solve the problem.

Digital applications

It includes the software applications made by software companies which help astudent in completing their homework. It is good for that student who understands the motive of this application. It will help them to understand the concept of various difficult subjects. It is helpful to that student who is weak in understanding concepts and they can’t hire atutor.

These applications are operating system compatible means it can be run on any operating system. Computer or laptop configuration with minimum standards can also run this application without any problem. Mostly these applications are free. You can just download it from the internet, run the application and start using it.For some applications, you have to pay charges via online money transfer and then they will allow you to download the application.

Some of the applications are as follows: –

  1. Maths related application –

Math gives nightmare to most of the student. The real reason behind it is they do not know the concept and how to apply theconcept to solve the problem. In maths problem, steps through which answer is acquired is more important than the answer. There are many applications which will take picture of the problem and show you the way to solve the problem. It will help you to understand the way to apply maths concept in solving theproblem.

  1. Scheduling application –

In assignment solving, prioritization of work is very important. But only a few students can do it. There are many applications available in the market which will do it for you. You need to feed the homework assignment in all subjects you have to do. It will make pieces of the task and sort it for you. You just need to follow it then.

  1. Internet free apps –

There are some apps which run on cloud computing. So you need not be online to gather any study related fact. If there is no internet, there will be no distraction from email, social networking sites, and chat. You can give your full attention to your assignment. There are free in nature. It will be like a lecture delivery without interruption from the internet.

  1. Tutor guide –

You completed your assignment. But how is that if some tutor reviews it first and give his/her input. It will improve your quality of performing assignment and you will know your mistakes. Your marks will improve. Your assignment will improve. Your lecture will like your assignment and give you extra marks.

  1. Online forum –

There is some online forum where you can post your problem by taking apictureor by simply typing it in the forum. Other people will you give you feedback and input about the topic. Your concept understanding will improve and you will gather knowledge from other members.

  1. Online help –

Many sites offer online homework help to the student who needs it. They offer services to the student in exchange for money. They also provide anonline tutor to the students.

Why digital application usages in studies are bad?

  1. The common tendency of student –

Student often feel bored to complete their homework. They feel like they are doing it on regular basis. So if they are escaping it for once. It is ok. This digital application helps a lot to astudent in escaping.

  1. Concept understanding –

It is amost difficult part. Sometimes teacher gives assignment from thetask he/she have not completed in the classroom. Sometimes astudent does not pay attention to the lectures. This digital application help student to understand the concept but it gives them answer also. They simply copy it and submit it to the lectures.

  1. Burden –

Students feel it as aburden and try to avoid it as much as possible. They feel it waste of time. So they got theopportunity to copy the assignment from thedigital application.

Why digital application usages in studies are good?

  1. Lack of time –

Because of some reason, if students cannot perform it. These sites will help students to manage it. It will help thestudent to get good rapport in front of thelecture.

  1. Concept understanding –

These apps help thestudent a lot in understanding the concepts. Especially maths subject which most of the student feel tough. Also, online forum and the internet help a student to gather more information about the topic and concept of the subject become clear to the student.

  1. Online tutor –

If astudentrequires extra guidance on any subject and it is difficult to get atutor in person. Online tutor is the best option. It will help the student to get good guidance at low cost and without any transport guidance.

  1. Learning technique –

Student can gather knowledge about writing techniques, thespacing of paragraph, punctuation etc. this will help thestudent to complete their homework neatly in a good handwriting. It will please lecturer to study all your assignment.  They will get good marks for their assignment. They will also mention how to write an answer and what is the pattern. By following thesame thing you can get good marks in exam also.

  1. Practical application –

Online forum and the internet will help you to know about practical application of the concepts.