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Top 6 Ideas to Make Yourself a Good Listener in Classroom

by Oct 25, 2016Homework Help

If you want to understand in depth the topics taught in class; you must be a good listener. Generally, what you get to learn in class is taught verbally by the respective teachers. So read on to know more about some tips on how to be a really good listener in class. If you are a good student that means you must be a good listener.
Be it any stage of your student career, either in school or college if you pay attention in class and take down good notes it will help you to learn your subjects well and also refer to them later on. Try to ignore distractions and listen properly if you wish to succeed.

  1. Get yourself prepared for the upcoming class

You must complete all the homework and readings before you come to class. Start reviewing the notes of the previous classroom session. If you review the earlier notes, it will be useful for you in figuring out the last topic taught, and you can have an idea what you are going to learn in this class. Also, clear your doubts by asking the question if you had any. Try to make eye contact with the teacher.
To be a good listener, you must be a good watcher. While your teacher gives a lecture, keep your set of eyes up front, not here and there.
Avoid all sorts of distractions like looking out of the window, or staring at the adjacent kids, or hiding that phone under the desk. Focus on the teacher and the topic that is being taught. It is natural that sometimes it is hard to pay attention, and you get bored, and then try to look at blackboard in the front, or focus your eyes on something in the front.
If you wish that the teacher finds you to be an attentive boy or girl, first and foremost thing to do is sitting up as straight as you can. To sit straight keep your bum back on the chair and keep the back erect and put the feet flat on the floor.
This posture exhibits attention and improves your listening skills indirectly. Stop fiddling with things and do not mess around with the hands. Crossing them in front or taking notes is a better idea, than playing with your fingers.

  1. Following instructions and asking questions is important in class

Suppose your teacher is asking you to do something then do it. For example, your teacher may ask you to take out the text book and turn to a certain page number; you should do that quickly without much delay. Or, if you need to form a group with other students around you, does it fast. Do as your teacher says without much hesitation or messing around. Avoid doing the things that have not been asked like no talking to the next boy, if it is not asked of you. Clarify your doubts when you have them. You surely will have queries about things you are not sure, or some follow-up questions, without much– do ask them to the teacher and listen to his or her response minutely.
Wait for your turn to be called to ask the questions after raising your hand; do not speak ahead of that as other students will have queries too.
Try contributing to the group conversation that is going in class. Try to be responsive and interactive when questions are being asked. Suppose if you have a good response to one of the questions that are asked, raise your hand. It is not mandatory that you have to answer all the questions, if you respond a few times in the classes, it will do.
Giving opportunity to other people to talk and contribute does not lessen your learning; on the other hand, it enhances your growth.

  1. Try not sitting with your best buddies

It’s quite natural for a young student not to concentrate on the class lectures if they are tempted to mess around with best friends. It may seem that sitting with your group of friends in the class is more fun, but that will get you in trouble. So, in the class, sit elsewhere instead and you can always hangout after the school.
Sometimes when you really want to sit with friends, sit in the first row, next to the teacher. It is quite difficult to mess around with your teacher always putting an eye on you.
When it is time for the class, ensure that all your resources are ready and you do not have to struggle to catch up in the class. Some students who try to finish homework in the class obviously will miss a part of the lecture. Keep all the below things handy before your class:

  • Textbooks as per the routine in class
  • Pencils, pens
  • Notebooks or copies for notes
  • Due assignments or homework
  • Crayons, glues, calculators, rulers and your specialty things needed for a specific class
  1. Instead of listening to every word, try to catch the ideas

Try to figure out the broad concept that is being taught in class, without worrying too much about noting every word. Try to catch the concepts or keywords mentioned by your teacher, and focus your full attention on the board work.

  1. Concentrate on body language and visual cues

There is a whole lot of non-verbal communication. So it will be quite useful for you if you can make out from your tutor’s body language what is significant and what is not. Then you can smartly concentrate on the more crucial information than others.
Like, say your teacher suddenly stood up and talks very loud and dynamically, probably the section is very important. If you find you teacher droning on the seat and is not keenly interested, the topic may be less important.

  1. While listening keep an open mind

Do not judge things taught in class before you have understood really well. Sometimes when we hear a certain thing we automatically feel, “Oh that’s quite easy” or “It not that important” or “It is confusing.”
So when you are already preoccupied with these thoughts, you can’t really learn. Be receptive to the lectures in class and think you’ll find that amusing. See how an open mind helps you learn better!