Tips to Get Back on Track with Mathematics Homework after Holidays

by Sep 17, 2016Mathematics

‘Why do these holidays get over?’ I heard a child saying it aloud while having a box of French fries. As he kept on munching those fries, I went into a dilemma. Do the present day children really know the importance of homework? Nothing makes a student happier than the fact he is in a vacation, free from the daily homework pressure. They keep on counting the number of days left for their next holiday.

Homework has always been a painful spoilsport right from our childhood. From spoiling the much-awaited family wedding to turning a short family trip into nightmares, homework has always been an unusual punishment. To them, teachers use the trick of bombarding homework to spoil other exciting options.

However, as parents and teachers, it’s time that you make your children understand the importance of homework. They need to understand its intrinsic value and take it as a responsibility of student life so that they can submit the homework as per the submission deadline.

Teachers often assign mathematics homework right after the holidays so that students can get back on track. It often happens that after a long break from studies, students forget the necessary skills which he has been working on over the past few months. These are the skills which are the basics to understand the concepts of a subject.

Mathematics is a subject where students need to have utmost skills as neither there is an option of taking notes nor memorizing the concepts. Thus, getting back on track in Mathematics is needed so that students once again indulge into the swing of things.

Importance of Mathematics as a subject:

Mathematics is such a necessary subject that students need it no matter they are in school or at the university level. From high school mathematics to specialized studies like Engineering, Accounting, Finance, Statistics or Management studies, you need to have strong command in this subject. This will help you in dealing with the assignments, homework, day to day activities of the subject. Having a strong mathematical base will also help students to be good in analytics.

Difficulties in mathematics homework:

No matter whichever subject it is, solving homework at one attempt is not a cakewalk. Students need to have a clear conception of the basics and concepts of the subject. Just by applying formulas, it is not possible to solve any mathhomework. Students often fear while solving the assignment as they do not have the in-depth knowledge required.

Strategies to solve Mathematics Problem efficiently:

  1. Read the question

Before jumping into any calculations, it is important that you read the question carefully. Having a quick ‘glance’ may lead you to misunderstand the sum and may not be able to complete the problem.

  1. Practice as much as you can

The more you practice problem solving, the more efficient you will be in mathematics. Each problem has its own set of characteristics which means that you should have solved it a number of times to tackle it wisely during the exam.

  1. Master the important concepts

In a subject like mathematics, you cannot memorize the process. Memorization may help you in short-run but unless you understand the concept, it will not work in the long-run. Unless and until you master a topic, do not move to the next topic.

  1. Work out the problems given in the examples part

Try solving the problems in the exercise and verify your answers. This will help you to gain command over the subject and also build a sense of self-confidence within you.

  1. Move to a quiet place while doing the homework

With a quiet place to study, you can have better focus on your subject. Try to find a quiet place in your home or you can use the library too and do your work. You will be able to do it more quickly as you can focus and absorb more now.

  1. Check the units

You need to ensure that you are working in the same units as specified in the sum while calculating the process. You should make appropriate conversions whenever necessary.

  1. Work out your solutions neatly

Always remember to practice mathematics problems vertically. You should do one step on each line. It will help you to follow your steps more easily. Even teachers appreciate this process.

  1. Understand your doubts

Students often get stuck while solving a sum. This is due to the fact that they have encountered some doubts. When in doubt, you should not move to the next question by avoiding this. Instead, you should try to understand your problematic area.

  1. Review your mistakes

Even after deriving the answer; you must go through the process for each problem.  In case you encounter some mistakes, review them and try to understand what went wrong.

  1. Draw diagrams

Even if you have excellent visual power, it is important that you draw a diagram. A hand-drawn diagram will help you to have a better understanding of the sum. Through this you can label your picture and add auxiliary lines to have a better perspective.

Tips to be on track with Mathematics Homework:

These are the tips you can imply on your child if you are a parent or use it for yourself to keep the mind fresh and have active engagement in mathematics.

  1. Make Mathematics Hands-On

Each mathematical concept can be converted into some games which will help in having a clear understanding as visuals have better effect. If students are able to find real-life examples during problem-solving, it will help them in having a better understanding.

  1. Make Mathematics move

Some children are able to grasp things more effectively through moving activities. Create math facts where they can jump and relate when they are called out. Geometry can best be explained through moving with the help of chalk. Draw various shapes to help in relating to each other.

  1. Make Math Techie

Various schools these days suggest specific online games through professional websiteswhich can help children to understand the things better. Most of these games are skill based and it keeps on getting difficult with each level.

  1. Make math on the Go

Download some useful Mathematics apps on your phone. You can play it in your free time or at times when you have nothing to do as such. You can access various apps which help you in having a strong base in the subject. This will help you turn into a math-savvy within few days.

  1. Make Mathematics Fun

The best way to get rid of the fear of mathematics is to make it a funny affair. Set some math goals for yourself on daily basis. Make your child check and compare prices at the grocery store, make him measure food and drink at the dining table, etc. You can encourage your child to solve real-life problems.

With these strategies and tips, you can easily make your child get back on track after the long holidays with the help of mathematics homework.