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Steps to Master Yourself in Decoding the Codes of Computer Science

by Sep 14, 2016Computer Science

Computer science is the branch that deals with coding or writing codes in programming language. It shows how software is developed or how a computer understands instructions given by users. There are several types of programming languages. The language that is understood by the processor of a computer is known as Machine Level Language. It is in the form of 0s and 1s which is also known as Binary Language.
A computer understands nothing except combination of 0s and 1s. Then comes the Assembly Level language which are some instruction sets to be fed to the microprocessor chip which are again converted into Machine Level Language.
High Level Language
Finally, High Level Language is that language which is learned by maximum people these days. It is the language with the help of which software and applications are developed. It is easier to understand and work with. This language is again converted into Binary language before they are executed because a computer understands only this language.
High level language has been created for the ease of users. But everything that a person does on a computer is converted in to its respective machine language. A large percentage of people in today’s world are learning how to write codes in programming languages. They aim to become a software developer one day.
Choose a programming language
In order to write codes, one must also learn how to decode a program. Decoding a program means to read, understand and represent a code into simple logical form in terms of algorithm or flow chart. Decoding might seem very difficult if the concept and base is not clear to a person, but actually it is very easy.
First of all, in order to code and decode programs, one must choose a particular programming language. There are different high level languages such as Java, C, C++, Python, COBOL, etc. These are just means of writing codes. All programming languages work on same logic. The only difference they have is in terms of syntax.
Learn the syntax
To decode a program, one must learn syntax of the chosen programming language thoroughly. This is because if you do not know the syntax of that particular programming language, how will you understand the functioning of the entire code? And if you cannot understand how the code is working, then you will not be able to represent the coding in terms of algorithm.
Flow of execution
Whether you are writing a code or decoding a code, you must understand the flow of control of programming language. Flow of control is which line is executed by a programming language after which line. If a write a fifty line program, it is not like the program is going to be executed line by line from line 1 to line 50 one after the other.
The flow of control depends on the decision making scopes, calling of functions, nature of loop blocks, etc. a decision making of a coding- as the name says, makes a decision upon which the flow of control depends.
Parts of a program
If a condition turns out to be true, then that portion mentioned in true block is evaluated as the false block is evaluated if any. A loop is a set of instruction repeated for a number of times till the condition which iterates the control remains true. There can be a calling of function in which the control calls or goes to a function described somewhere in the program. The control executes all the lines of the called function and then returns to the function from where it jumped to the called function.
All these factors determine the flow of control of a function. If the syntax of the particular programming language is not understood, it will not be possible to decode or write a code in that language.
Steps to decode discussed
The Steps to master yourself in decoding the codes of computer science are:

  • Learn the syntax of your chosen programming language properly. You have to learn all working of system defined functions as well as those are often used in a code. Logic of all programs is same but implementation of codes is different for different programming language.
  • Flow of control of a program must be understood. In general, the flow of control of most programming languages starts from its ‘main’ function. If a decision making block is encountered, check whether the condition is true or false and traverse the control accordingly.
  • All relation, arithmetic and logical operations must be understood properly before decoding.
  • Concept of nested loops and nested decision making blocks must be learned by heart.
  • It is always a good practice to check and decode a program with the help of an assumed value of the variables of a program unless values are given.

These are the basic steps that one must follow while decoding a program.
Decode more and more codes
Practice will make one perfect. Coding and decoding codes make a good programmer. Decoding programs is as important as writing complex codes. While doing the job, students often have several questions and that is how they will learn. Inquisitive mind is the basic nature of students.
For example, statistics student often ask why graphical representations are so important in their subject. Or a mathematic student might ask why he or she should learn integration, differentiation or logarithm if they do not apply in daily life? But with time and research, they will realize the important of those in their respective stream.
In order to become the best in decoding, one must research and decode more and more programs on regular basis.
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