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Presenting the Most Unique, Amazing and Weird Civil Engineering Products!

by Nov 22, 2015Civil Engineering

Civil engineers can make miracles come true! Though I being an engineer myself personally believe ancient civil engineers who were not termed as “civil engineers” back then; were much more talented and they had some really splendid techniques! I still stare at the pyramids and wonder, how was it made at such ancient time?Have you ever wondered what these Seven Wonders have in common? Awe inspiring and jaw dropping grand scale structures!

Though modern civil engineers have tried and did fair justice in continuing to up the ante when the topic comes to building colossal structures. You can take Three Gorges Dam across Yangtze River in China which houses a monstrous large hydroelectric plant; or even Burj Khalifa which is this planet’s tallest sky scraper reaching for the Dubai skies!

There are other engineers who look forward to building a different kind of shock value. Some excellent architects and designers embrace surrealism by creating structures that might seem to be completely weird and even bizarre to the masses! Not all superb civil engineering creations have to possess a gigantic height to impress; they can just possess some imagination- bending and gravity defying features. The final products will raise the same jaw dropping expression from people.

Presenting some of the top weird and unique civil engineering marvels!

1. Capital gate in Abu Dhabi

Well, generally engineers will not want their skyscrapers to lean right? The mere thought of leaning will perhaps be no less than nightmares for them. For example, if you think about Leaning Tower of Pisa, it was not supposed to lean; it did so due to a weak and unstable foundation. But these brilliant and crazy engineers had something else in mind. They wanted to purposely lean their skyscraper.

This resulted in Gate Capital, which is a 35 storey skyscraper built on the island city of Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. The design was made such that the tower leans to a complete 18 degrees which is four times more leaning than Pisa’s tower. Of course it was no easy thing to pull and need too many super skilled hands and superb brains.

It had its deserving entry in 2010, Guinness World Records as Farthest Man-made Leaning Building!

2. The Lights of Laerdal

What about a twenty minute journey through the middle of Hornsnipa and Jeronnosi mountains? This might sound crazy until Laerdal Tunnel was constructed.

For connecting Laerdal and Aurland, two Norwegian cities by a highway, engineers had to solve a compulsory problem. The presence of Hornsnipa and Jeronnosi mountains in the middle! They could have gone around these two obstacles to build the highway, but these crazy minds though to take a daunting step and build the highway through these mountains.

That gave birth of Laerdal Tunnel which runs for 15 miles at a stretch and has earned the title of world’s longest completed road tunnel!The best is yet to come.

If you think that excavating these mountains is the only challenge, then you might be not entirely correct. The creators had to ensure a safe underground trek for motorists so that they don’t succumb to highway hypnosis! The team had to call an expert team of psychologists who advised them to build slight curves, blue lights and final tunnel to be divided into four sections to keep motorists engaged and emerge safety through the middle of mountains after the 20 minute long ride!

3. Parking garage of Kansas City’s Central Library!

Well, do you need some expert advice on a good read? Get them at the parking garage pf Kansa City’s Central Library! Confused?

You will be amazed to find your favorite novel, “To Kill A Mocking Bird” which has grown 25 feet tall with a width of 9 feet. This along with another 21 literary favorites forms a false front for the library’s parking garage. The engineers who constructed this library were of a different mindset. They did not want to hide this parking lot. Instead, they thought to turn this into an amazing idea and created a library going experience for people.

Even the residents of Kansas helped engineers in this idea. They suggested titles which could be included on this bookshelf though the library’s broad members narrowed them to just 22 titles which included fiction, non-fiction and poetry! One can find “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller, “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens, “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson,”Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White and many more. They really look like giants of literature standing to be read!

Even mechanical engineering is needed at times for these constructions. Know, “The benefits of being a mechanical engineer!”

4. The Palm Jumeirah in Dubai!

Do you know what happens when thousands of genius brains come together and pile up tons of sand and rock? An artificial island emerges in an ocean and this case, it is Palm Jumeirah.

Due to shortage of space for new development in the main city of Dubai, a government backed real estate developer had decided to create new space in the ocean! They did it by creating three man-made giant landmasses called Palm Islands. But instead giving a natural shape, these engineers created an archipelago shaped like a palm which has its trunk stretching about 2 kilometers and a crown which is made up of 16 fronds plus a surrounding crescent. O0f course it was too difficult to create and they released videos which should troubleshooting areas and the brilliant solutions to those.

GPS data was used to ensure that the structure retained its symmetry. Palm Deira, its companion which is supposed to be of 47 square kilometers where completed shall be even bigger than Palm Jumeirah.

There were so many civil engineers all across the planet who made these happen. Students are now studying this stream as it has tremendous future prospects.

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