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Planning on Sending Your Child to a New School? Important Facts to Check before Admission!

by Sep 17, 2016Homework and Assignment Support

‘’School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside!’’- Lon Watters

Finally, that day had arrived when my toddler was formally ready to be educated at a structural institution! This wasthat day from where she would be given a formal training to become a person with her own frame of mind, and be academically prepared to take on the world coming towards it in all its colours.

Naturally, as a mother, approaching of this big day was definitely a matter of great joy to me. Taking off from pre-school to an institution where she would be imparted formal academic training, it was a matter of great concern for me.

However, what was of more concern was finding that ideal academic institution, that ideal ‘school’ where my little girl would be given one of the most precious gifts of her life, education.

Initiating the preparations:

The moment the renowned schools published their usual admission criteria for new students, as a mother it was a rush for me. With over fifty schools to check and another fifty formalities to be completed, it was one tiring period for me. So, is your child’s formal schooling period approaching? I am very sure that you must be feeling that same jitter that I had felt a couple of months back!

Well, preparing to send your little one to school is no little feat. There are a number of aspects that are to be checked while you are finally zeroing on a school for your child. I as a parent had specifically checked out certain details before making the final decision.

Why don’t you take a cue from that? By taking some tips from me, you too can at least to a certain extent be able to reduce the pressure that is there regarding choosing that correct academic institution for your child.

Here are some facts to check out!

Points to be noted regarding choosing of a new school for your child:

As a parent, I would take into account two aspects in this domain. First, choosing a school for your toddler, and secondly choosing a new school for your child in case of change of school. Though in both cases, the basic aspects of checking will remain the same, yet there are certain aspects that need to be clarified when parents would look out for a change of school for their wards.

  • Location of that school:

On a personal note, I never really wanted to send my daughter to a school that was miles away from my house. Every school has its own set of negative and positive aspects and in this case as well, quite similarly, I tried checking out the positive aspects of that school that was comparatively closer to my home. This, to a great extent saves traveling time of the students.

  • Facilities offered by that school:

This was the most important factor that I checked out while choosing out a school for my little one. Hence, on a personal note, I would say that as a parent, you should definitely check out this factor before making a final decision.

Gone are the days when education meant simply academic prospects of a child. In present times, it is the complete development of a child along with his or her academic profile and hence, it is important to note that while choosing a school all these prospects, which in future would become some very important issues should be taken into consideration.

  • The educational qualification of teachers is to be checked and it is to be noted that there should be specific teachers for specific As a student, this was one of the major problems that I had faced. In my eighth standard, it was our biology teacher at school who taught us English literature as well. I still regret those times, when I couldn’t enjoy one of my favourite novels, David Copperfield, simply due to lack of understanding. This should never be the case.
  • Since sports are an important part of curriculum hence, it is very important to check out what sports facilities are offered by that particular school. There should be a bevy of indoor and outdoor games for children to enjoy.
  • Also, it is important to check what cultural activities that particular school has for its children and when and how they are exercised. It is via these activities that students get that required exposure to the external world.
  • Checking out health and hygiene facilities of the school is also important. Since, it is your little girl in concern; hence, it is very important that you should be able to provide her a clean and healthy environment for that period.
  • Checking of classrooms are another important factor that has to be done while choosing out a school for your child. The need for air conditioned classroom is definitely not there, but spacious classrooms with proper ventilation are a must in case of providing students that ideal atmosphere for making sure that they have a healthy academic life ahead.
  • The mode of education that is also imparted needs to be checked. As a parent, it is important to note whether the format of study is the usual book paper one, or of the video mode type. It is based on that that we as parents at home can guide our wards in the correct path.
  • It is also important to check out the library facilities that are offered by a school, and the reading range of that library. A well-read man makes a great human being and hence, it is important that as a parent you must keep track of

These are some of the basic facilities that I checked when I put my daughter into her current school. So, why don’t you too check out these details? In case you find out something new, you can definitely add on.

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  • Checking the reputation of the school:

This is another important factor that needs to be taken into consideration. There are multiple professional websites that are there for providing you with details associated with a specific school. Starting from any controversy to national rankings, this provides details that are associated with that specific school and as a parent, this to a great extent helps in ensuring that you are on the correct track regarding your kid.

Have you looked up these online professional sites? Make it a point to check these out, since, the data provided is actuallya great revelation for a parent regarding future of their children.

Making the final choice:

As a parent, extremely anxious to send my little girl to one of the best schools for her education, I realised that checking these points were extremely important. It is based on these details that finally an ideal choice can be made.

So what are you thinking? Make sure that you follow these details to ensure that your ward gets the correct format of academic education. In case you have some other facts to share, you can definitely add them and mail them. I would love to have more suggestions from your side!