All of us have studied statistics at some point or the other. It seems easy in the beginning and as you go deeper into the intricacies of the subject, it seems to get worse.
Statistics, branch of mathematics is all about data collection, organization of that data, analysis and interpretation.Statistics is applied to scientific, social and industrial problems.All of you have heard about census, right? People from government departments may have met you, for some data on population in a certain area or so.
Main Statistical Methods
Descriptive Statistics – It makes use of data from various samples, using indexes like mean deviation or standard deviation.
Inferential Statistics –It makes use of data obtained through random variations.
Characteristics of Statistics, That Make It Difficult to Understand
The people who lead normal lives are, very much used to sudden occurrences and casualties. They do not understand about the various reasons that lie underneath. They do not rely on the explanation, but consider it to be a coincidence.
Common Problems Faced by Students in Statistics
Nowadays, there is a trend in introducing statistics in the elementary and secondary level, as well. This is being introduced in basic mathematics. You will find ideas on various sites, regarding how to teach statistics better, but very little is available on learning it better. Numerous students actually fail to understand, the most basic concepts in the subject.
The main reason for being unsuccessful, in learning statistics is a weak base in fundamental mathematics and abstract reasoning. We all know, that this subject is the basis of many other subjects.
It is true, that there are numerous problems to memorize in this subject. Many people are unable to understand this subject, including those having arts degrees. Mainly, the power to reason is becoming obsolete nowadays. Statistics is a bit different than mathematics and physics. There are probabilities, everything seems a bit uncertain.You must understand that, distributions and their links to physical experiments are important to understand statistical reasoning.
The second point of difficulty is the fact that statistical reasoning is very abstract.Basically, most people cannot connect theory and observation. When, something occurs, people do not have an answer.
The third problem, faced by students is connecting statisticalreasoning got physical subjects like physics, chemistry, biology and economics.
Tips for Learning Statistics
Most importantly, the only way to master statistics is to practice. Get a grip on the fundamentals, first. If you straighten your basic knowledge first, then everything will become easy. Try to learn from the internet; it is a storehouse of information. Learn from the experts. Buy some good statistics books and practice.
Learn more about the Subject
- Try to make it a practice to study the subject, at the same time every day. This is called distributive practice. Make it a regular habit. No matter what, you will find yourself drawn to the subject, a promised.
- Do some group study. The benefit of doing group study, is that you will get to discuss the problems, you are facing from your peers. You can exchange the manner in which, each one of the student’s study.
- And, please, please, please do not try to gulp down the formulas. It is a strict No-No. Study one thing, first and foremost – Concepts. In future, if you have your concepts correct, you can look into any book and find out more about it.
- Just do not rely on your statistics book, use as many practice books as you can. One book is simply not enough, for this subject. You have to get your hands on various books from outside, your comfort zone.
- We know, a huge percentage of students fear anything and everything connected to mathematics. And truly speaking, it is the same with statistics. Attend some counselling programs and learn not to fear the subject.
- Do all your homework on time. Do not leave it for the last moment.
- Use a scientific calculator, when you begin your education. Use it to make things easier; that is half the battle won.
How to Ace the Statistics Test?
Always read the statistical problem carefully. Under most circumstances, the solution is mentioned in the last line of the problem. This is a trick. Try it one!Then try to identify all the techniques of solving a problem. There are many ways to reach the same place, isn’t it? The same applies true for Statistics.
Topics – Readiness for Statistics
Z-value / Table / p value –Z is the measure of standard deviation; P values are measure of probabilities. These are connected to standard deviations.
Then there are the central limit theorems. Definition is not that important here. Take the data of a few thousand students; find out the frequency of marks. Now, you have to take small portions; do not try to take everything together.
Directional and Non-Directional Hypothesis Testing is another important part of statistics. Here, we generally discuss Null Hypothesis and other related problems. There are some tests, like the tail test, Directional Hypothesis, Non-Directional Hypothesis and more.
Master each of these through practice. Also, learn about the various sub-head in statistics, like Biostatistics, Data science, Demographics, Econometrics and many more. All these are inter-connected areas of study.
Get on one thing straight; in statistics and related subjects, it is very important to master the basics. This is the only way to move forward. And, practice is irreplaceable. You have to follow this like bible, and then only you can excel in statistics. You need to rely on calculators to solve statistical problems, initially. And, as you move forward, you need to follow through. That is the mantra.
So, keep your spirits high and get to the core of the subject statistics, that way you will excel at it. Keep forging ahead with the terminologies and the formulas, without ever missing out on practice and you are half-done.
Author Bio
Susan Anderson is a renowned academic expert, having expertise in a wide range of subjects. She is currently associated with a College and working for my homework help on a freelance basis. She is a very approachable person, with specialization in Statistics. She follows a unique method of pedagogy, which makes learning more easy.