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Importance of Parents and Teachers Role in Shaping Student’s Educational Life

by Sep 17, 2016Homework Help

Undoubtedly parents and teachers are the first idolizing characters during a child’s growing stage. Since their toddler days a child tries to imitate his father or mother, how they speak, how they behave and how they dress up. Watching television also plays an important role during a child’s growing phase. The kind of serials, movies or news you are watching will create an influence in their behavior.
Being a parent your first duty is to sacrifice a lot of bad habits which you possessed earlier. Parents must have to know the Student with homework: Parents’ role in students’ educational life, so that every child can get a healthy and prosperous childhood.Try to gift them a healthy educational based environment as what you are will be reflected on them.
Importance of parents in student’s educational life:

  • Try to be a role model for them:

Firstly if you wish to be the role model for them, start spending a lot of quality time with them. During weekends you can plan for a short local trip where you can explore the nature along with the whole family.
Give them the freedom to explore the nature. Let them enjoy the cool breeze, let them sit under a huge banyan tree and hear the melodious chirping of a bird, let them see the colorful hues of flowers. Let him feel the difference between the hustle and bustles of the city and a botanical garden.
Besides, you can spend time together in reading a story, counting, jumbled words, cooking etc. You are the first teaching coach for your pre- school going kid. Parents can help the child to teach time management and to keep everything in order.

  • Pay extra importance to your child’s love interest:

You are the parent so you know best about your child. Nobody can describe your child better than you. Is your child shy or is he very talkative? Find this out and help him to explore his own sphere of interest.

  • Help him to learn the way he likes to:

Some children are able to learn best with the help of visual techniques, while others through experiences. Some enjoy playing with mud and clay and are able to build up buildings and towers of their own imagination. Some of them learn by hearing only. There are also instances when a child tends to learn a lot from their siblings. While observing your child keenly, you would be able to understand his areas of interest.

  • Help him to practice learning whatever is been taught in school:

There are instances when teachers also encourage parents to play a key role in helping them. It doesn’t mean that you will do his homework or push them for achieving success, but to enable them to understand in a better way, whatever is being taught in school.

  • Help him to learn by observing daily things:

This is one of the most entertaining ways to make learning a fun filled joyous activity. When you are cooking, help him to learn measuring math. While driving, you can explain him the meaning of different name plates in each car. While teaching about weather, you can tell him about the hotness in beaches and shivering cold in mountains.
Be a good listener. Always listen to his imaginary ideas and sometimes stop over pouring information into their tiny heads.

  • Never over schedule you child:

As a parent you may want your child to learn music, dance, karate, guitar, swimming etc. But remember he is still a child and his way of dreaming may not match with yours. Soon it will become a joyless day for him and will quit everything. His learning should be solely based on his intrinsic interests.

  • Minimize your TV time:

Watching too much TV in front of your child will create an adverse effect during his growing period. Keep a fixed time for your watching TV also and keep it limited within news and stock market and some music.
Importance of teachers in student’s educational life:
Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s educational and behavioral background. A person with determination and proper experience with a golden heart can become a good teacher.
A teacher plays a key role in building up a nation full of honest and genuine students. The importance of teachers in a student’s life is manifold. Let us discuss:

  • A teacher must explain everything in the topic covered to the students. It is his ardent duty to listen to the students and to clear their doubts. He must be available all the time to help his students.
  • In order to keep themselves updated, a teacher must write books, conduct seminars and should publicize his knowledge for the betterment of the society.
  • The educational system needs to be changed and designed to keep pace with the modern world. The syllabus should be upgraded and modern so that the students find it interesting
  • The sole motto of a teacher is to imbibe knowledge within a short span of time among the students in the most effective way. It can be done by following some simple strategies like academic software.
  • The teacher should circumvent in creating misinterpretation, confusion to the students. The language and the method he should use must be simple and clear.
  • Due to the advent of various courses and different study options, children and parent get confused. Being a good teacher abolish all these confusion, and enlighten their future by showing the right path.
  • The characteristics of an ideal teacher are to stay impartial and non- biased and should not be vulnerable to disrespect and insult.
  • A good teacher should begin teaching from the basics and gradually should upgrade to the next higher level.
  • While teaching a teacher should do some reference so as to make the topic more reliable and understandable.
  • He should always build up an encouraging environment, where each and child’s opinion should be given importance.
  • As children tend to follow their favorite teacher, so he should be very particular in using his language. He should never use abusive or discouraging language to anybody.
  • Sometimes he can arrange a small trip to a park, where he can explain certain things, like trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers and creepers to the children by observing the nature.