How to Overcome Tough Challenges While Doing Engineering Homework

by Oct 13, 2016Homework Solution

For students, homework is that portion of the curriculum which is tedious, boring and more often, it is difficult. However, the purpose of homework is pushing them; challenging and helping children grow, learn and understand. As students’ progress from one standard to another and soon venture into college, this becomes even more complicated. College poses its own set of problems with all the functions, fests and activities along with having to keep up with classwork.
There is no end to the complaints of how stressful and draining college life can be; that’s why high school children need to be prepared and taught how to be able to handle everything that will soon be thrown at them. If you’re a college student who hasn’t been guided, then below are few ways to help you deal with challenges that you may face with your engineering homework.
Top 5 Tips to overcome homework challenges include:

  1. Figure Out Problematic Areas
  • Most students have trouble with remembering the basics of most subjects like maths or chemistry.
  • There are so many terms, formulas and different types of laws to solve equations that it is easy to get confused or forget.
  • Many are left wondering how or why their solution or result was incorrect, and often not being able to find an answer.
  • It is good to identify problem areas or fears about a subject or topic early on so that they may be efficiently dealt with.
  • Once you have recognized the core reason for the mishap, finding a solution and learning the basics again will be the least of your problems.
  • You will also avoid waiting till examinations to do this and save yourself a lot of time, energy and stress.
  • Homework is given specifically to help in figuring out problems, working on skills and solving areas of difficulty.
  • Once shortcomings have been discerned, help can be availed of in the form of a professor, tutor or peer member.
  1. Avoid Distractions
  • We live in an age of technology, where our first source of reference is Google. So, it is only understandable that most of us are easily distracted.
  • In order to focus on homework and ensure that your brain is working at maximum capacity to solve challenges, it is very important to remove all distractions from your line of sight.
  • Try not to touch your phone while studying.
  • Calling, texting and checking social media can be done during the breaks or once you have completed a goal that you have set.
  • There are many other issues that may be present as well like mental disorders that make focusing and concentrating very difficult, like ADHD.
  • In this case, get the necessary medication or try a number of techniques of staying more focused and figure out which one works best for you.
  • The more focused you are on the task ahead; the easier it will be to solve difficult questions that have been set.
  • Though many students do this, try not to listen to music while completing assignments.
  • This will be more tiring that anyone realizes since your brain is required to work harder to focus on more than one thing at a time.
  • Following this point, it is also important to avoid multitasking.
  • If there are any problems that cannot be solved at the moment, move on to the next portion. But do not try to answer multiple questions at the same time.
  • If you’re living at home, ask your parents and siblings to avoid disturbing you.
  • When living in a dorm or sharing a room set up a schedule with your roommate or ask them to give you some space and solitude to complete work.
  1. Follow a Plan
  • As an individual, everything in your life should be scheduled.
  • Having a schedule will ensure that you have enough time to complete any assignment.
  • If regular studies are done, homework would only require an hour or two a day at the very least.
  • Keeping a schedule will also help to include time for other activities like dinners with friends, sports, clubs and any other interest.
  • Managing time effectively is a very crucial part of any plan.
  • Complete the most pressing or incomprehensible assignments first. This will give you enough time to get any extra help if required.
  • While having an overall plan is great, it is also good to plan out how you’re going to do your homework.
  • If an assignment is very large and complicated, break it down into smaller portions that are easier to attempt and finish.
  • This will also make the assignment seem a lot less daunting.
  • Many students are scared simply because of the complexity of the topics, without realizing that it is something they have learnt in class that has been phrased in a different manner.
  • Having a plan will also help to recognize any potential problems before they crop up.
  • In this case, you’ll have time to do the necessary research and figure out a solution beforehand.
  • This will also give you a structure to follow, the less deviation from this path, the quicker and easier the homework will seem.
  1. Create a Productive Work Space
  • This is a very important part of doing homework.
  • Considering homework is done on an everyday basis, it is important to have a stipulated area of study.
  • This area should be cool and comfortable, but not too comfortable like the bed where it is easy to fall asleep.
  • Placing your table near a window is advised since the natural lighting is very conducive for a good and effectively working mind.
  • Try and stick to a minimalist setting, do not keep anything unnecessary or untidily on the table.
  • Sort notes, homework, and other material into boxes or files where they are easy to find in the time of need.
  • Decorate your table or soft board in a way that you like. Doing this will give you daily encouragement to study and do well.
  1. It’s All About the Attitude
  • Staying positive is the key to overcoming challenges in any sphere of life, including homework.
  • Do not allow failure or challenges to bring you down and instil fear.
  • Push yourself beyond boundaries that you have set for yourself.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help when it is required. You’re only human, and it is not always possible to know everything or be able to do everything on your own.
  • Set achievable goals. Even though it is good to have big dreams, being able to conquer small goals everyday will allow you to maintain a positive outlook on life regardless of the complications.

These are the top five points you need to remember in order to conquer any challenges being faced academically!