How to Make Physics Homework Fun with Some Real-Life Examples

by Nov 2, 2016Physics

So you think physics is the most difficult element in life, right? No! “It is politics which is more difficult than physics.”
Physics! The very mention of this subject trembles fears in the mind of thousands of students. It is due to this fear that students often raise questions like- Why do I need to study physics? Is there any process to make it easy, fun and interesting? What are its implications in real-life?
It is true that Physics forms to be one of the most difficult subjects to study. However, the best way to tackle this difficult situation is – “Confront your problems other than dodging them. It makes your problems smaller and easier to deal with.” It is true that problems twist you and trouble you, but at the end, it makes you brighter, stronger and sharper.
What if you get some real-life implications of physics? It will make it interesting for you to learn vital concepts of physics, right? Being a natural science subject, Physics makes it easy to understand the concepts of nature. All that you notice around you have the principles of Physics implied to it. From X-rays to driving a car to laser surgeries, physics has its implications in everything around you.
Being a student myself, I understand how difficult it is to understand aconcept with no practical implications. Considering this need, I thought of sharing some real-life examples with students who face this problem every day.These examples will make it easy for you to understand vital concepts of Physics.
Real-life examples to make Physics homework solving fun:

  1. Notice how a credit card works

Have you ever wondered how your credit card works? Think it for a while. Well, a credit card works with the help of magnets which are designed in a specific pattern.
The credit card machine comprises a coil of wires which generates a change in themagnetic field once the card is swiped. This process is known as the electromagnetic induction. It is this electromagnetic induction which causes achange in magnetic field of your credit card by inducing a voltage that creates a current used to send signals to the credit card machine about your account information.

  1. Roller-coasters

While paying close attention to a roller coaster, you will notice that it does not have any engine. You may now wonder how it operates at this high speed. Well, it is the concepts of physics which justify your thought.
Once the roller coaster starts getting higher and higher, it is the potential energy which keeps increasing till the point it reaches its maximum potential energy at the top of a hill. The roller coaster will work based on the potential energy that it builds by falling down on the other side of that hill.

  1. Bouncing ball vs. Solid ball

Try knocking down a block over with the help of a bouncing ball and a solid ball. You will see that it is the bouncing ball which is able to knock that block. This is due to Newton’s third law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It is due to this that there is more than one force acting here.
Once the ball knocks the block, the block will push the ball too. With this the bouncing ball will create a force that will bounce on the block causing another force, making the block to fall.

  1. The way you walk

It is the simplest way to notice how physics impact your real-life. You can perform this test all by yourself with no added things.
Notice the way you walk. Now recall Newton’s third law stating that every action has got an equal and opposite reaction. Once you put your left foot on the ground, you will see that force is being applied there. This causes a force by the ground to your foot which makes your right foot move forward.

  1. Fouette turns

As a ballerina turns, it is an example of angular momentum. When the girl extends her arms and legs, it causes rotational inertia. This is because her mass is far away from the axis of rotation. This in turn decreases the rotational velocity as she performs when the angular momentum is conserved.
If you are facing problems in understanding some concepts of Physics, consider taking help from some reliable online professional websites anytime you want.

  1. Crumpled vs. Flat sheet of paper

When both a crumpled piece of paper and a flat sheet of paper fall with air resistance, they want to reach terminal velocity. You can increase the air by two ways- either by increasing its surface area or by increasing its speed. Since both the sheets of paper carry the same weight, they require the same amount of air to reach the terminal velocity.
Since the flat sheet of paper consists of a vast surface area, it does not increase its speed to gain more amount of air. As the crumpled paper lacks the necessary surface area, it tries to increase its speed to reach the destination.
If you are facing any problem while understanding the mathematical concepts, you can consider going through – Effective ways to get online assistance in math homework.

  1. Balancing a see-saw

Go to a playground with some friends. Now sit on a see- saw with a person of different weight. You will notice that it is impossible to maintain the board balanced if both of you are seated with equal distance from the rotation of theaxis. This is because you need to have equal torques to balance a see-saw.
To balance thissee-saw, you need to increase the level arm of the person who weighs lighter so that you can balance the torques. Remember that the person, who weighs heavier as compared to the other, needs to sit near the center and keep the lighter person far away.
Now with these real-life examples, don’t you think that physics is not such a difficult subject? Well, with the right methodology applied, anything can be simplified. Implement these examples the next time you sit to do your Physics homework and check the results for yourself!