How to Help Your Children Finish Their Homework on Time

by Aug 28, 2016Assignment Help

Children need to develop the habit of working on their homework at an early age if they are to maintain it in the future. As kids, they need help and can’t do all their work by themselves and it’s the responsibility of the parent to nurture this habit with care, to make learning a fun process for them.
Simultaneously, it’s important to teach them time management for a number of reasons. Young kids usually nag a lot about their homework and strongly protest against having to sit in one place for so long. These things must be taken care of from the start and discipline must be taught to make them responsible individuals.
Also, when students don’t learn time management and take whole to complete their homework, they end up taking an equal amount of time to sort problems in exams, and these results in unfinished papers and hence low grades. There are of course ways to make children finish their homework on time.
How to make your kids finish their homework in no time?

  • Give them a comfortable yet not too comfortable environment:

Children must be allowed to do their homework in a comfortable environment, but it is also important to make sure that the place is not too comfortable, or the kids might just fall asleep or start lazing around instead of doing the work. It’s better to use desk and chair instead of something like the bed or the bean bag.

  • Keep away the distracting gadgets:

Kids these days are hooked to mobiles and tabs and these gadgets inevitably take up all their attention. Consequently, they end up spending hours on games and stuff instead of actually doing the work. While they are doing their homework, students must be strictly prohibited from using mobiles or tabs.

  • Fix study hours:

A few hours in a day must be decided and kept aside for homework when the students are supposed to work on their assignments. Don’t make them sit with homework all day because that clearly gets boring and annoying for them and the efficiency to decreases. They’ll have the mind to waste time. Instead fixing a few hours for homework and then letting them lose can be very helpful, especially when they know a treat awaits them once the work is done. You can offer incentives like an hour of cartoon after the homework’s done.

  • Help them with the work:

Young kids are generally lost with their homework and it’s the elders’ responsibility to help them out through the difficult things. School teaching often proves to be insufficient at this age because kids are not very good at grasping things immediately. So sit them down and explain to them how things are working and why are they working in a specific manner. Teach them all tricks and make them remember the important rules. It’s imperative that they learn to identify the difference between different problems. This way they’ll learn to do the homework faster.

  • Get a tutor or homework help:

If you’re a working parent or you’re unable to look after your kid’s homework for some reason, you’ll require someone else to do the job.A private tutor can be a great help, especially one with a professional background. Children need special care when it comes to teaching and teachers with experience are the best resort.
Alternatively, if your kid is a little grown and knows how to use a computer, you can let them use the homework helps available online. Various academic essays, sites and online tutorials are available to guide students with assignments. More than that, kids can find abundant material for their homework (those that require statistics and graphic representations) online. You save time this way because you don’t have to go around looking for the info.

  • Make proper use of the textbooks:

This is a tact that never gets too old. While you sit your child down with the homework, explain to them the importance of the textbook and show them how the textbook can help them to resolve all problems. So whenever they get stuck with something, instead of spending hours scratching their heads, kids can simply open their books and go through the parts to find the guidance they need.

  • Make them have an organized approach:

Kids are by nature very careless about where they put their things and when you’re speaking of time management, this search for all things lost can significantly slow down the progress. So arrange all the necessary things like notebooks, textbooks, pens, pencils, erasers, scales, compass and protractors beforehand. If the homework is a lengthy say, say one for summer vacation, make them break up the homework in parts and finish a part a day during their holidays instead of piling it all up for the last moment.

  • Do not start a power struggle:

Parents often get so obsessed about the future of their kids that they forget that the children too are thinking individuals and no one likes to be “owned”. So cut them some slack and if you ever find them acting like they don’t care about their grades, try to be motivational instead of being too pushy. Give them space and let them be disappointed over their grades once in a while instead of being too harsh on them. This will work as a leverage and instigate them to do better in future. Explain to them why grades are important but don’t get too obsessed, especially when your kid has grown up a bit.

  • Make sure your child is not having any learning issues:

Some kids have a little trouble with learning in the early ages and parents must be attentive enough to notice if their kids to are suffering from any distresses. This can be one major reason why your kid takes so long to finish his homework. If you figure, he is having trouble (like dyslexia or something related) get them the professional help they need. With the right guidance, they’ll overcome the problem.
Following these steps will make sure that your kid finishes his homework on time and if you’re a teacher yourself, you must be definitely aware of the Top 10 Tips to help Teachers motivate students to complete their Homework.