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How Can a Mother of Two Children Manage Office, Home and Student’s Educational Life?

by Feb 23, 2017Homework Help

The number of mothers making the total workforce has increased over the decades. Well! This is a very good indication that women are coming in large numbers and working at par with men. However, for a mother of two children, the task is not that much simple. Often, a working mother is seen to go through a feeling of stress and guilt due to divide of attention between her kid’s education and work. She feels tired and overwhelmed quite times. Her family though loves her lot, demands her presence.

On the other hand, at work, no matter how much large the team size is, it demands her attention. Toggling between family and work is often seen to create tremendous pressure on a working mother. However, a right balance between profession and parenthood can be made by planning and getting organized. This calls for keeping oneself calm and having a bunch of positive thinking.

If you are a working mom, then you must continue reading this article. Here are some tips of drawing balance between your profession and your children’ academic lives.

Creating a calendar:

This tip can really do wonders if followed religiously. It is a great idea to create and maintain a family calendar. When a child’s education is concerned, a mother is probably the only person after her child who feels the same pressure. She has loads of work to do. These work range from providing regular help to her child to attending the Parents Teachers Meeting.

Need not to forget, that this mother is a working mother and she has to prepare itself for the next day board meeting or she has to prepare herself for the early morning presentation. She cannot afford to make any mistake be it in her child’s education or at her work. Maintaining a calendar is a fairly simple solution to this.

So, for all working mothers over there, remember that before making this calendar, first list down the tasks in your To-Do list. Once that is at place, make entry of these in your Date and Time wise calendar. You can take help of technology as well. Instead of writing and editing, you could take help of some applications or use an Excel file to automate the things wherever possible. You may also set your personalized reminder notices.

Using time saving ideas:

Every mom has got this feeling, ‘I wish, I could get a little more time!’ Every mother wishes to maximize the amount of time that she get to spend in her children’s academics. And, when she attempts to do so, she knows that, it is going to take a big chunk of her time. She cannot increase the twenty four hours of a day!

Of course, she doesn’t want to compromise with her children’s study. It is thus necessary, to find out some real time saving ideas. Here comes the matter of choice and prioritization. There are a few chores of activities like cleaning, washing, driving etc. that she may think of moving to the back seat. Stuffs like cleaning and washing, can be kept for weekend as well. A maid can also be appointed for these tasks.

Even the appointed maid, can be asked to help with the lunch preparation. Hiring a cleaning service, once a week will not be a bad idea to explore. Sometime can also be preserved if she chooses not to drive at least on some days of the week and use the public transportation modes. Stuffs such as attending to emails and phones could be done while on the move, this way.

Keeping one healthy and maximize the brain power:

It is very important for every working mother to stay active and energetic. Though,the schedule will continue to keep a working mother all time busy, yet, it is very important for her to retain the state of her physical and mental well-being.

The first thing that could help is setting aside fifteen minutes of exercise daily and taking deep breathes in between whenever possible in the entire busy day. If someone manage to get a recliner, then relax for some time. One of the most important things here is not to skip breakfast. In fact, breakfast must include whole grains.

Stress and negative thoughts must be kept at a distance. The weekdays will usually stay occupied. But, the weekends should be kept free. This would provide the mothers with some spend quality time for her children’s education, and spend some moments of fun and recreation with them.

So, the gist is if you are a working mother, you need to be organized and patient.  After all, this is what your children say to you, ‘Slow down Mommy and sit with us. We need you!’ And, your motherhood would need them, even more than they need you.