How 7 Things Will Change the Way You Approach Math’s Homework?

by Oct 12, 2016Mathematics

Mathematics is a subject that often turns out to be a nightmare for most students. While a certain group of students believe that mathematics is extremely scoring, there exist a handful of others for whom it is the toughest subject. Mathematics is based on theorems and calculations, and if a student is willing to succeed in the field of mathematics, he or she must very well be acquainted with the various theorems and calculations.

A question that most parents ask is, “How can I remove my child’s fear of mathematics?” Well, before I get to that, let me first explain how the fear of mathematics grows in children. Most children tend to be a bit lethargic as far solving mathematical problems are concerned. As the student’s rate of practicing decreases so does his or her confidence in solving mathematical problems.

As the confidence of the student decreases, he or she begins to fear the subject. This fear is greatly increased as the student performs poorly in a few of his or her upcoming exams. In addition to this, the extra bit of strictness from the parent’s part adds on to the already existing pressure. This is turn leads to the excessive amount of fear towards mathematics.

This fear can be reduced or rather eliminated by encouraging your child rather than pressurizing him or her. Parent must not scold their child on performing poorly in mathematics rather they should tell them that even they had faced the same problems when they were in the same standard. Then you must try and encourage him or her to practice more sums which will help reduce the amount of fear they have towards mathematics.

If you wish to teach your child as to how he or she can effectively use his or her mathematical skills in statistics, you might as well take a look at “How to make use of math’s learning in statistics?” If you have any form of problems related to academics, just head over to the facts below and search how to avoid your problems.

7 ways that ought to change a child’s approach towards mathematics

Listed below are 7 things that will definitely change the approach of astudent towards mathematics:

  1. Try and make mathematics a game:

The first and foremost thing that must be donein order to ensure that a student enjoys his or her math’s homework is to try and make the homework a type of game for the student.You can give your child objectives.

For example, next two sums in ten minutes. This will keep things lively as well. In addition to this, parents and teachers must also try and give this child / student examples such that the child takes these problems as some sort of game or mystery that he or she is destined to crack.

  1. Putting up screens to get a bit of game into mathematics:

Another thing that teachers and parents of this era do in order to ensure that their child doesn’t lag behind as far as his or her skills in mathematics are concerned.Children are very much attracted to various types of games, and there could be nothing better than games that could make mathematics fun once again. Hence, this is perhaps the best approach any student can probably take up.

Apart from linking mathematics to certain games, there are various games such as Sudoku and RUBIX cube that are solely based on mathematics. Once your child gets into one of these games, believe it or not, his or her skills in mathematics definitely ought to take off. Another thing is that by playing such games, a child has to do a lot of mental calculations. This, in turn, speeds up the rate at which the child solves mental math’s which in turn may play a huge role at the time of the examination.

  1. Showing the child relevance:

It is a common tendency for students irrespective of their age to dislike things they are learning if they can’t find any relevance of learning such a topic. This aspect has a huge role to play as far as children and mathematics is concerned.

Kids tend to get turned off if they are unable to find any purpose behind what they are learning. Hence, it is the task of the parent as well as the teacher to show a child the importance of mathematics in his or her day to day life. One of the best approaches by parents is to let their children sort coins. While handling coins give a child something to be proud off, he or she learns the significance of mathematics as well.

  1. Watch your words:

Another thing that teachers and parents must do is watch out for what they say. They shouldn’t be too polite or too lenient as both would have adverse effects on the mindset of astudent.

  1. Connecting mathematics and language:

One of the key things to solving mathematicsthe problem is to connect mathematics and language. This will ensure that the child understands a particular problem better and in addition to this, he or she will without a doubt become an expert as far as his or her problem-solving skills are concerned.

The twisted language is the sole reason behind most students being unable to solve a simple problem sum. Actually, the language is what makes a simple problem sum complex. Hence, it is extremely important for children to understand the language, i.e. what exactly they have been asked to calculate.

  1. Encouragement:

Teachers and parents must always encourage the child in any way possible. This is because encouragement leads to confidence and one of the key aspects that andstudent must have to give a good mathematics paper is confidence. If a student isn’t confident enough, then he or she is most unlikely to perform well at the time of the examination.

  1. Communicate with the teacher:

There shouldn’t be any communication barriers between the parent and the teacher. This will ensure that both are aware of the daily schedule of the student throughout the day. This in turn will help the teacher as well as the parent in assessing the performance of the child a lot better.

This is an extremely important aspect that most parents fail to do. Under such circumstances, you certainly can’t expert your child to show interest in his or her studies when you aren’t.

Personal Experience

Thanks to my new teacher who adopted certain techniques that were somewhat similar to the ones that are mentioned above. These techniques helped me by a long shot as far as me failing in mathematics was concerned.

So, if you are willing to help your child or student change his or her approach not only towards mathematics homework but also towards his or her mathematics examinations all you need to do is adopt a few of the ways that havebeen listed above. These will your student get over his or her problems as far as mathematics is concerned.