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Easy Steps to Tackle the Adolescence of Your Child

by Sep 17, 2016Assignment Help

The methods to tackle rebellious age of your teenage children aren’t that easy. It is quite possible that you might be stepping into their privacy too often. It may sound troublesome but that is necessary to help your child face their problems with confidence. They can come out from negativity and rely onto your experienced judgment. This technical approach will teach them for betterment of their character and in future they can be a powerhouse of positive energy.
You are going to find two different types of children facing their adolescence. In the first type which I like to consider normal, your child will develop some change in character, their dress-codes and also their friend-zones. Don’t get too much shocked for their ways to like freedom and privacy, you have experienced it also remember?
But the problem arises from the second type of adolescence where it becomes clear that something is not right at all! Their ways to talk will change and they will find joy in harassing others. Their negativity will reflect in their likings of dresses, styles, haircut and also TV programs or gaming. I know that there is a thin thread in between two types which I am explaining here. But I am sure after following these steps your task will be lot easier.
“Just because you are struggling does not mean you are failing.”

  • Step one: Find out the source of their problem:

I did say to investigate their situation is to step into their privacy but before trying any Sherlock Holmes scrutiny, talk with your child face to face. This may work rather fast as children of this age like your cooperation. They might not say it but some research results show that children suffer from unnatural rebellious stage due to ignorance of their parents. Notice any slight change in their behavior or mental state. Be prepared to be thrashed down by some rude words, egoistic personality from your baby boy or girl if too late.

  • Step two: What hints for disaster?

In the process of good parenting, your capability to distinguish between behavioral changes is quite natural. Stay alert for slight to slightest signs. You may find small matters and check today than regret tomorrow.
There are few hints you can find from them in this case such as:

  • Falling behind in class, dropping class and worse if their grades start to fall continuously, it is a sign.
  • Losing their interest in things they loved few months or days ago. Sudden change in hobbies and their favorite activities.
  • Step three: Be friendly with his/her friends:

This is quite important a task for parents who wants to guide their children in right direction. If you already have information on friends and people your child favors, be friendly with them. Start communicating and ask very few questions about your child. Be extra careful not to create any suspicion in their mind. If there are any new friends in the list check them out too. Remember, they will inform you if your child is facing any problem in class or elsewhere.

  • Step four: Support your child’s progress:

You should be a supporter of your child. Remember he/she may not become a famous person but your support may become strength in their success. Open your ears to them. You must start listening to their problems both relating to school and their personal life. Their change may be reflected in dresses but don’t start disagreeing rather teach them differences between good and bad sense of dresses. Let them be free but teach them how to retain a limit.

  • Step five: Notice abnormal behaviors:

As I mentioned change is okay but few things should be giving you red signals in their steps into the danger zone.

  • Their change into selecting dresses is fine but be extra cautious if they are starting to like provoking dresses or hair cut and tattoos.
  • Keep your guards up if your child is skipping school and creating havoc in different places.
  • Their liking to smoking and taking drugs will signal you the absolute danger. Be very careful in this situation. A slight mistake can cause them to harm themselves.
  • They might have multiple mood swings but if this is becoming abnormal like feeling very tensed and shouting without reason, problems to sleep then it is time you need to wake up to their problems.
  • Step six: Be on their side and guard their positivity:

If your child is just shy and comes out to you naturally with only few trials then be very supportive on their bravery. Complement them often to their best deeds. If they are keeping secrets of some positive ideas in their heart, be ready to support them. Try hard to help them reach their goal.
Teach them general methods like how memorization can bring success to you in school? If they are finding troubles with school homework or assignments, tell them to take professional assistance. Online sources with trained teachers can actually come up with best solutions and help your kid to get good grades.

  • Step seven: Take professional assistance:

If things start to move on the wrong direction and you just cannot handle things in normal way then taking professional help is necessary. It is advised that you consult with your other family members and your spouse before deciding anything. They might give you proper ideas and if possible take their opinions for therapists and professional counselors or you may consult via different professional websites also. Please check their success rates with teenage problems or rather do they really handle this type of problems or not? Provide every bit of information and then decide on fixing a day of counseling for your child.
I know it will not be easy but only by positive effort your success is assured. Taking right decision on the brink of this dire matter will restore your child’s future. You may have busy life but it is never too late to communicate and spend few moments with your children. Always tell your kid that:
“You are amazing and you don’t forget it.”