Homework Solution

Compare the Traditional Modes of Study with the Presently Developed Ones

by Sep 27, 2016Assignment Help

Students are the future of any country; rather the earth. These future rock starts always deserve the best and the best can only be provided to them through education. In the quest of this best educational system, the system itself has gone through a continuous change.
From the chalk and blackboard classes of older days to the use of overhead projectors and use of slides in eighties, from software presentation in the nineties to the use of electronic boards and video classes of recent times, education has gone through a tremendous change. But, the question is, is it for good or for the bad?
For that a thorough discussion regarding the traditional and modern educational system or techniques must be needed. It is only through comparison that the pros and cons of both these systems and their efficacy would be understood. Have a look!
What is traditional educational system?
Before we start on our discussion, we must understand what exactly traditional education system is all about. It is a system that was found in most schools and colleges, where there was a group of students and a single teacher delivering the lecture. It is a holistic approach in which รขโ‚ฌโ€œ

  • Values are passed on to the students
  • Social practices are taught
  • Skills and manners are generated.

The mean of this system of education is oral recitation. It helps a student in learning the traditions and customs of a society that he or she lives in.
About the modern educational system:
The changing trend has led to the use of modern education in most schools nowadays. The basic difference between modern and traditional systems is that modern education gives importance to รขโ‚ฌโ€œ

  • Visualizing
  • Thinking
  • Writing
  • Imagining.

It does not only focus on listening. This method is very interactive and tests or examinations are given much importance. Whether learning has been proper or not, can only be determined by test.
A comparative discussion on both study modes:
Now that we have understood about the very basics of these two different modes of education, we need to look into their details and understand which one is more suitable for students.

  1. Resources and teaching method:

As already mentioned, traditional mode of education is based on reciting and listening. Hence, there is more dependency on text books. In case of modern method, the use of resources is quite different. There is more use of digital equipment, tools etc. Use of internet through professional websites, more attention to group studies in an interactive method and discussions, projects and assignments are the basics of this modern method.
The teacher in a modern education system prepares the lesson plan keeping the thinking skills and practical learning inn mind. It is a more formal way of teaching in which learning, reasoning, thinking etc. skills are given more importance.
On the other hand, the traditional methods are more informal, where the body language, behaviour, manner and attitude of the teacher play important role. This helps a teacher in conveying social skills and values.

  1. Classroom environment:

Traditionally, there used to a single class with many students and a single teacher. Hence, it was quite difficult for the teacher to pay individual attention to every student. Where they lack and how that can be overcome, was a problem that teachers as well as students had to face.
But, with modern teaching methods, individual attention is paid to the students. There is a one-on-one relation between the teacher and learner.

  1. Learning method:

In traditional teaching and learning system, the students have to listen to the teacher and memorize what has been taught or what he or she has learned through listening to class lectures. With modern teaching, the teacher ensures that learning is proper. For that the teacher will รขโ‚ฌโ€œ

  • Interact through question and answer
  • Explain models and lessons
  • Demonstrate different practical applications.

In order make the learning better and the absorption of information easier, the teacher will use various teaching techniques. These can be digital or even customized, such as projects and assignments. In fact there are online supports as well that can help students in learning in details.

  1. Demonstration:

As we already know from various research studies and topics that visual experience is easier to memorize than verbal or audio experience. However, traditional teaching methods were based on listening. Modern techniques have hugely changed in that respect. Teachers use digital teaching platforms. They make models and demonstrate them to the students.
No doubt, this clarifies understanding and helps to absorb it and memorize what is taught. The more application based learning becomes, the better will be its learning.

  1. Collaboration:

When different learning or teaching techniques are being talked about, the purpose is a very important factor. Since the purpose of both the systems is to make students know about the subject, learning would be incomplete, if different points of views would not be discussed.
Collaboration, team work, group assignments and projects are some of the core areas of modern education system that the traditional system lacks in. Working with others, listening to their thoughts and ideas, clearing doubts, creating a temperament to work in groups; all these are encouraged by this system.
Conclusion: Which one is better?
It is hard to tell, which one is better as both techniques have their own pros and cons. But of course, it can always be mentioned that modern techniques bring more opportunities and scopes for both the teachers and students. This learning method is way more interesting than the traditional one! So, make most of it!