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Brainstorming on How to Write a Thesis

by Feb 23, 2017Homework and Assignment Support

Writing a thesis at the yearend can always end up being written in frenzy and hurry. After a year of hard work and having a head loaded with other academic issues, even the idea of starting a thesis may leave you to feel dizzy. But let’s not forget, these theses are the greatest examples of what we learnt throughout and kind of the only original work that we do.

Back in my college, in ‘how to write a thesis’ class, I was guided on first jotting down my idea and developing a thesis statement. Frankly, it had never been easy for me to understand these textbook highlighted tips. But when I finished my thesis and compared it to others(I mean the “better” others), I understood the importance of establishing premises and developing ideas around it in proper way

I believe now I have gained maturity and wisdom from these past experiences and can take up a better stand in explaining exactly how to write a thesis so that you can be proud of your work in future.

Well, your ideas on how to write a thesis might change a lot once you finally start writing one. So here’s a quick check on your knowledge and some of the important rules to remember on how to write a thesis.

Forming up a thesis statement

Have you ever encountered a person who talks without any central idea? These kinds often leave you perplexed, and you immediately regret on even starting a conversation with them. A thesis without proper thesis statement is a replica of those kinds of people. Every paper that you write should have a central idea, the main idea around which you form your arguments. The sentence capturing the essence of your main idea is the thesis statement.

This statement should be concise and specific. It should present your thesis idea and at the same time comment on your position on that topic. This statement should guide your reader and tells him what he can expect from the paper. At the same time, it should keep your focus on topic intact.

To write an appreciable thesis statement, you must step in shoes of the reader and judge your statement by its originality, specificity, how clear it is and does it comment on the proposed issue. Plus this thesis statement should appear at the beginning of the thesis only, avoid burying it into the middle and risking its negligence by the readers.

Applied methodology

 Now you have given an introduction to your research topic and given full-fledged background information on the selected topic. Now is the time for you to come up with a full proof methodology. This section enumerates

  • the materials, procedure, and theories that you have used
  • It provides the limitations, validity
  • Techniques, calculations, and assumptions.
  • A detailed description of the method

This methodology according to me is the essence of your thesis. If your methodology fails in reader’s eye, the whole purpose of writing the paper goes in vain. A well-written methodology increases the credibility and believability of your research.

Procured result citation

A thesis without result would be a movie without climax. And it gets only one treatment “No Audience”. Your reader is taking out his precious time to go through your thesis; he deserves the result. If you conduct research or experiment, your acquired results go in this section. Apart from that

  • These results are actual sets of observations, including statistics, graphs and pictorial representations of your findings.
  • Layout of the case
  • Mentions negative as well as positive findings.

This section is the place where you establish whether your statement falls true or false according to your findings. All the key results should be well placed at the beginning of paragraphs.

Discussion: your views on the acquired results

This section is purely your field to play on. You express your views on the acquired findings and indulge your readers into many more other views in this section. Now is the time,  when you can bring your assessment skills in light and extract observations from all that you have studied.

The discussion section holds its important cause everywhere else, you follow the rules set by other people, and this is where your words finally get its sky.


Give out a proper closure to your readers. Work well started is less appreciated than a work well finished. I know you are tired of all the research doing and stuff. But a little more patience can fetch your paper a great deal of success.

Hope now you have got some insight on how to write a thesis, well simply following the rules is not enough. There are various habits that a good thesis writer imbibes. And these habits are the ultimate ways of making a thesis an exclusive one. So let’s check out on those set of habits. Of Corse an ultimate measure to improve the efficiency of one’s thesis would be provided in our later blogs but here’s a quick precap

  • Fall in love with editing:

If you are planning to develop your thesis in one shot, then forget about it. Before settling yourself down to writing, you must understand that great work comes out not at the first time but after ample amount of efforts. You might have to edit your write-up, again and again,to achieve your favourite finally.

  • Develop drafts

As they say, ‘the first draft is what you eat your snacks on’. Sit with your supervisor and rainstorm. Note down as many ideas that occur and develop draft out of it. If the draft does not satisfy you, make another.

  • Have consistency in writing style

Well English is a language that can confuse you at times. But remember that gaining consistency in your writing style is something that never fails to impress s anyone. Ihave struggled through my initial thesis and often got scolded for not being able to decide that whether I want to use –ise spellings or –ize spellings.

  • Plagiarism is a strict “No”

Stealing other people’s work would not take you anywhere. In case you are borrowing citations from any book or quoting anyone’s idea, never forget to give credit to that person in your thesis.

  • Remember, chronological order is important only at the time of submission

Feed on thehabit of writing every single idea that might occur to you. It’s ok if that’s not the chapter you are working on currently. An idea gone would never be repeated by your brain. So leave everything when an idea strikes.

I assume I have provided some helpful insight on how to write a thesis and solved your thesis writing issues at a great length. So heads up and get ready to give out some exclusive piece of researchers to the world.