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Argument Essay Topics: The Most Controversial Issues to Choose From!

by Jul 21, 2018Essay

Hey there!
Today you need to decide on an argument essay topics and I’m assuming it is either for an academic assignment or for a research of your own! My blog shall aim to help you in finding the right topic, but in addition, I shall also try to inform you a little about the prerequisites of an argumentative essay!
What makes an essay argumentative?
While choosing the topic for your essay, you would do good to ask yourself: “can there be an argument about it?”
“Is present-day communism really any better than capitalism?” – Sure that will raise an argument!
Hence, there are a few key points to keep in mind while you are thinking of an argument essay topics:

  • Can you think of both sides of the argument? Can each side be challenged?
  • Do most people hold a divided opinion on the topic?
  • Is the topic likely to arouse curiosity among contemporary readers?
  • Is it a global issue and is the world talking about it?
  • Do you have something of value to add to the ongoing discussions?
  • Do you know enough about the topic
  • Can you yourself pick a side?

If your topic meets these needs, you are good to go. I have found it useful to choose topics that are drawing a lot of attention at the moment, and also issues which can be substantiated with material facts. Always look for controversial argument essay topics! Add some concrete data to your arguments, and you will already make your essay a poignant one.
Structure of an argumentative essay:
It is not just enough to choose an argument essay topics but you really need to know how to drag that topic to a climax and end on a high note. You better start with a well-known saying or a piece of factual data or something innovative to catch the attention of your reader (possibly your teacher/ professor). Having introduced the argument essay topics, you first need to speak on behalf of your opponent.
Try to put yourself in the mind of an opponent and think of the arguments they would extend were you people having a debate. A brilliant way to go about an argumentative essay is to posit the possible claims/ defenses of your opponents and then to challenge them one by one.
“This is what they claim. This is why they are wrong.” – This is what your approach should be like!
Moreover, there might be multiple sub-topics which you would like to discuss; In that case, instead of introducing all topics at once, introduce one, discuss it, provide relevant statistics to support your argument, then move on to the next.
Research and sources
Two factors will determine the success or the failure of your argument essay topics. First, of course, is how well you present your side of the argument – how comprehensively and profoundly you can establish your arguments are of utmost importance – your panache matters!
The second factor shall be the depth of your research. You will present your arguments well only when you are adequately informed. Moreover, when you add citations to authentic sources of information like research journals or allude to reports published by organizations like the UN, the worth of your essay and its credibility improves. So try not to depend on half-baked knowledge and village gossip alone!
In short, if you really have the time to invest, your preferred sources should be:

  • Research journals
  • Published research papers
  • Books

Such sources will make it easy for you to cite them where required,and guarantee the authenticity of your study.
Argument essay topics:
All said and done, let us have a look at some essay topics that will get you rolling!
Here are some common topics for all!
“Is education all about money these days?”
“Is there any justification for a subjective grading system?”
“Globalisation: is it a curse or blessing in the long haul?”
 “Should steroid users be allowed to participate in group sports activities?”
“Aren’t beauty products unethical in setting beauty standards?”
“Medication for mental health issues: effects and side effects”
“Should marijuana be legalized?”
“Will gun control significantly reduce crime?”
“Is virtual media helping the youth to socialize or rendering the youth more unsocial?”
“How fair is Big Brother US’ interference in the Israel-Palestine conflict?”
“Do we have marriage equality even in countries where same-sex marriage is legal?”
These are some argument essay topics which you can take up for your own assignment, but ideally, you should add something more to them instead of copy-pasting ideas! These are only some of the areas you could address, ponder over them and perhaps you will come up with a topic of your own.
Remember: an argumentive essay topic addressing a global crisis is of interest to all!
Literary topics: literature, movies, music
General topics are well and good, but you might have an assignment on a literary topic as well; in such cases, the areas you can explore are not strictly restricted to literature but can also extend to music, painting and other modes of art. Here are some topics you might try:
“Should the artists have a pen in their hands or pennies in their pockets?”
“Morality in art”
“Is the present generation passing anything in the name of abstract art?”
“Is Shakespeare relevant today?”
“In the post-colonial era, has the mind freed itself from a colonial hangover?”
“Should we consider cinematography as art too?”
“Can movie adaptations ever do justice to the books?”
“Do movie adaptations limit our interpretation of the text?”
“Is contemporary music meaningful at all?”
“Why is Graffiti illegal? Does that not suppress freedom of expression/ beautiful artistic expression?
You are sure to have an opinion of your own on most of these topics. Therefore, pick one and start working. And if you find these blog useful, do share it with your peers!
Remember: Discussing argument essay topics with your friends will only ignite more ideas in your mind!