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12 Study Techniques to Follow Before Science Exams for Scoring High Marks

by Nov 8, 2016Homework Solution

Preparing for science exams is never easy, and you have to ensure that you are constantly motivated, focused and dedicated in your study approach. You should also follow proper study techniques to ensure that you work smart and not only hard while preparing for the tests.

Consulting successful students and expert tutors will help you to know the best methods to prepare well for science subjects before exams.

Read and know 12 study techniques you should follow before science exams for scoring high marks:

Make proper study plan

You should schedule the studies in a proper way and then stick to the schedule. The schedule should account for every day and hour leading up to your exams, so that you do not waste any time, do not leave out any subjects and can score high marks in the exams.

Consult your teachers

It is important to consult your teachers regarding the essential topics that need more time or harder work than any other type of topic. You can use sample papers or model exam papers from previous years to schedule the study properly. You can also get the assistance of friends on specific topics.

Work on difficult subjects

You should allow more time to study those topics that make you feel that you are not very fluent with them. If your teachers recommend you to study some subjects more, you should devote more time to them. While preparing for your science exams, you need to study those topics first.

Stick to your syllabus books

Although reference books are good for help in understanding the subject and for making preparations in a comprehensive manner, you should not give them more importance than your syllabus books. Many science students tend to underestimate the textbooks in their syllabus or curriculum and give more importance to heavy textbooks.

Keep in mind that syllabus books for any board are designed strictly according to the syllabus. You will not find any question appearing in the test out of your syllabus. Naturally, you should focus on your syllabus books first, and keep reference books only as assistive study material.

Focus on your weaknesses

You have to concentrate on your weak points and make them strong. If it is possible, get hold of your answer sheets for class tests and final exams and scrutinize them. You have to list your mistakes and the areas where you generally falter with your answers.

For example, when it comes to biology exams it could be a problem with the insufficient use of diagrams. It might also be a problem if you do not properly label the diagrams that you have put in.

Start finding out your mistakes and work hard on correcting them. It could even come down to some general errors, such as:

Bad handwriting

Incorrect spelling

Poor sentence construction

Bad spelling cannot be forgiven, especially when it comes down to important scientific terms such as organic chemistry terms, scientific names of plants and animals or physics objects or gravitational terms.

Manage your time

Time management is very important when it comes to science exams. It is very easy to get carried away with specific answers which involve a lot of detail, and not focus on the easier answers. Although every student understands the importance of managing time, few are actually serious about time management.

You should practice enough sample papers and question papers of previous years within specific periods, and get all your answers solved within time – with some time left for revision.

Focus on clean answer sheets

It is not enough to be able to answer within time; you also need to answer clearly. Check whether your answer sheet looks great, having the following features:

Neat handwriting

Clearly eligible numerals and proper names

Clean labeling

Proper paragraphs and spacing

You should underline all the important phrases and make boxes around the answers if you would want to keep the answers looking neat and clean.

Practice diagrams

Diagrams can fetch you good grades, whether in Biology, Physics or Chemistry. You should draw the diagrams in a neat way to get good scores.

Diagrams help examiners to understand answers better and easily find out whether students have understood the topic properly. The more you practice diagrams and label the different parts, the better you will be able to comprehend and remember them.

Study in a group

When it comes to the tougher science subjects, such as mathematics or physics, it is very easy to lose motivation. It can be a great idea to get hold of a dedicated group of peers or friends and solve the harder bits together.

Solving mathematics problems together can be a good idea, and you will find the entire process a great learning experience. At the same time, you will not find it so boring and can socialize while also studying the subjects.

However, if you devote 2 – 3 hours to group studying, you should devote at least 5 more hours for personal study time. If you want to score high grades, do not cheat yourself into believing that you are studying too much.

Try to solve answers in given sequence

As a student, you have to make the job of your examiner as easy as possible – so that you can get him to complement your efforts. Other than focusing on a neat handwriting and proper sentence construction, you can do this by solving all the answers in a proper sequence. If you do not know the answer to a specific question, you should leave out the space and move to the next question without wasting any time.

Focus on the questions

Science questions can be very tricky at times, and a slight error in understanding can cause you to provide the wrong answer. Go through questions in your syllabus textbooks, model papers, question papers of previous years and more. The more you focus on the questions, the more you will be able to find small hints in each of them.

As a rule, very few questions are simplistic. You should practice enough and develop the habit of understanding the core of questions in very short time – usually a minute or time. If you are doubtful about a question, go through it repeatedly until you understand it.

Try to compete with yourself

Your science exam grades can get increasingly better if you develop the habit of competing with yourself. Focus on your previous percentage in the same subject in the last exams, and try to do better in the coming exam.

Your future has to be better than your past and present, and when you try to surpass your previous record, you will compete with someone you do not hate – yourself. This will be the healthiest competition, and the battle will constantly motivate you.

The above techniques can be very useful for you in doing well in your science exams and score high marks in the subject. Keep in mind that you should try these methods at least 2 – 3 months before your exams in order to see the best effects. A focused approach will get you to the ultimate success! This will make your stand better in class!