10 Things That Every Parent Must Know to Impart Quality Education to Their Children

by Jun 23, 2016Homework Help

Education is the most important tool for the overall development of the society in general and children to be more precise. Whereas, quality in education become a serious issue concerning parents across the world.
Connection between quality and education
Education means empowering children with knowledge. Quality in education means that the knowledge which they receive is not just factual but also practical. Parents and teachers need to adopt a different approach when imparting education to children. More of practical training with real life examples forms the basis of education with quality. Thus, in today’s technology driven era, quality and education go hand in hand.
Importance of Quality in Education
Children are the future of any countryand it is their right to get education. It is the responsibility of teachers and most importantly of parents to make sure that the education which their children receive is a quality one. This enables a child to learn better and get ready to face tough challenges in life.
Role of parents in educating their children
A recent study by the University of California and North Carolina State shows that a child in USA spends less than 15% of the time in school. The rest of 75% is spent with their family and parents. So the responsibility lies with parents on how they educate their child to excel not only in academics but also in the overall sphere of life. Thus, the parent’s duty to make sure that quality education is provided by them.
Now, let us focus on TEN practices by which parents can impart quality education to their children:

  1. Be friends with your children:

The most basic way to impart quality education to children isto treat them as your friend. It is very important that a child shares anemotional and trustworthy relationship with their parents. The parents on the other hand, should ensure that they are soft and loving to their kids. This mutual bond between the two gives children the space needed to vent out their feelings and be heard and understood. Thus forms the stepping stone towards a world of quality education.

  1. Attend parent teacher meetings regularly:

Parents should find time and attend PTA meetings very often. They should interact with teachers and find out about their children’s performance. This gives children a positive impression of their parents resulting in an increased interest in studies. Also, through PTA meetings, parents get a better understanding of their children’s weak areas and focus on improving those areas when at home.

  1. Check your children’s school books and copies:

Parents should regularly check their children’s homework and class work copies at home. Parents should make sure that their children come home and finish the home assignments given from school. Parents also need to guide their children and assist them with their homework and projects. This makes children understand that it is not just school but also their home which is a center for education and learning.

  1. Take them to libraries and museums:

Another aspect to impart education with quality is to venture out new areas for child development. Apart from the regular school- home educational environment, children should be taken to places which they love. A good example is library and museums. It is seen that American kids love going to such places. This act as an advantage to a child’s educational needs because museums and libraries not only serves as a fun place for kids but also teaches a lot to them indirectly when playing.

  1. Try to involve them in home activities:

Parents should engage their kids in carrying out certain activities at home like helping with kitchen work or cleaningtheir messed up rooms. These activities allow children to learn lessons on hard work, time- management, punctuality, cleanliness, helping nature, discipline and so on which are important aspects of quality education. Parents could also carry out some real experiments at home with their children’s help. These way children are said to comprehend and learn faster.

  1. Make children watch educational TV shows and channels:

Children love watching TV and videos on YouTube. So why not engage them in educational channels like Discovery and National Geographic. This is a quick way to make children understand as anaudio-videomedium is the best platform that a child grasps concepts and lessons. Through these educational channels on TV and YouTube, a child is able to gather and retain knowledge. This is because teachings from audio-visual shows become ingrained in a child’s brain much faster compared to the traditional learning with books and pencils.

  1. Find out your child’s area of interest:

One important aspect of quality education is to understand your child’s area of interest and aptitude. Every child is different from the other so is their interest area. Understand and appreciate your child’s interest and encourage them to excel in their field. This makes children feel that their interests are valued and respected.

  1. Give children a healthy and loving environment at home:

Loving parents and a caring family plays a vital role in the development of emotional quotient of a child. Parents should ensure that the child receives a healthy environment of love and co-operation at home. With a peaceful and healthy mind will a child be able to put attention to studies at home and school. Any differences between the spouses should be sorted in the absence of their children. Parents should always try to portray positive image of their relationship so that children are happy with their parents bond and learn the concept of family bonding and togetherness.

  1. Make children play with puzzles and building blocks:

Children really learn faster while playing. Thus, they should be encouraged to play creativity games and puzzles apart from the outdoor physical games. These games make the brain muscles work, giving positive signals to the nerves to act faster. It increases their scope of attention and concentration.

  1. Encourage children to ask more and more questions:

Encourage your kids to ask more questions. Even if the questions are senseless, but still guide them in such a way that they are able to find solutions themselves with your guidance. Children are very inquisitive and full of queries. Listen to their ideas and solve their questions rather than suppressing their thoughts. This gives a child a positive push to excel not only in academics but also throughout in life.
So, just follow the above TEN rules and you are good to go with your children’s quality education!!