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10 Efficient Steps to Assist ADHD Child in Completing Their Homework Quickly – In Details

by May 26, 2017Homework Help

It can be a frustrating and overwhelming feeling for the parents to handle their child who is suffering from ADHD.  This is an acronym for Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder which is one of the most common behavioral disorders found in Children of age between 4 and 17 years. The percentage of boys suffering from ADHD is quite more than the girls of the same age.

Children with this disorder struggle with the main symptoms like inability to focus on studies on anything especially if it is for longer time, impulsive behavior, will not sit quietly, impatience, adamant over the things and many more.  Although, the children with ADHD wants to listen to their  parents, focus on their students, sit patently and keep their things in the organized manner but they are unable to do it because they don’t know how to manage things in the same way as the other children of the same age do.

Problem of not completing the homework

One of the most common problems which I have seen in children with ADHD is completing their homework. They are less focused which prevent them from learning things in class. As a result, they find it most difficult to complete their homework. Due to the difficulty, they often skip doing their homework which hampers their performance in the class

Things which can help your child with ADHD to succeed in class

I am here to tell you about 10 interesting things which can help you ADHD child to not only complete their homework on time but also to succeed in every examination:

  1. Identify the interesting areas of your ADHD child

It is very important for the parents and teachers to recognize interest areas of ADHD child. It is the fact that not every child is an all rounder and it will be bias if you are expecting a child to be an all rounder especially, if the child is suffering from lack of attention disorder.

It is needed to find out the interest areas/interested subjects of your child. It will enable your child to feel interested to do task.

  1. Advocate your child rather than testing

Do you scold ADHD child for not completing his/her homework?Do you run after your child and pressurize him/her for doing the homework? Even after anger and scolding, your ADHD child does not listen to you? Scolding will have negative impact on your child and will rather make your child out of your control.

Testing the skills of your child and comparison with the other children will make your child to feel inferior and insulted. This can also bring about negative changes in his/her behavior. So it is very important to advocate your child instead of scolding, correcting and testing. Advocate your child about the importance of homework and make it done in the interesting way.

  1. Structure the task and stay with it

It has been seen that ADHD children often succeed in those tasks which is of the known pattern. Tasks which occur in the predictable manner and at the predictable place make it easy for those children to set themselves in a pattern to complete their homework.

There is a need to ensure that the set structure for completing the homework should not be altered frequently. To make the task structural, there is a need to set the time limit for completing the homework.  It is important to follow routine to make ADHD children to memorize the pattern and meet the expectations.

  1. Set the rules and make it clear

There is a need to set the rules for your child in completing their homework.  It will help them to do their task by adhering to rules so that they can compete with other children.

It will also prevent other children to discriminate with ADHD child and treat him/her equally.  But, parents and teachers should make sure that rules or instructions are very clear to child with ADHD.

  1. Praise ADHD child for completing tasks

It has been surveyed that ADHD Children respond in positive manner to the reward and recognition system, hence, it’s very important for parents and teachers to do not forget to appraise the ADHD children if they complete assignments or homework on time.

Since, ADHD children normally get the remediation, correction, suggestion and complaints about their behavior which can incline them towards negative reinforcement. This to positive reinforcement is important to make them feel good and confident.

  1. Teach with the tricks

ADHD problem in children can prevent them from learning the things unlike the normal children therefore children should use simple tricks to teach children with ADHD.  Audio visuals can be used to teach the children and digital homework can be given to make it interesting for the children to complete it.

  1. Lower the burden of homework

It is always seen that teachers used to give a substantial amount of homework to the students. Normal students realize the responsibility of completing homework hence they are able to manage the things very easily but, it can be frustrating for children with ADHD to bear load of lots of homework. So teachers should make sure that amount of homework given to children with ADHD should be reduced.

  1. Be a guide of your child

Parents can remain around and keep a watch on the child when he/she is completing homework.  It will help you to ensure that homework is completed correctly.   If your child face problem in completing homework, you should the child very patiently and make the things understandable rather than shouting even if you’re your child do not know the simple calculations. It will help the child to complete their homework quickly.

Parents should also do not forget to check out the school activities of the child on the daily basis. Do not just rely on the words of your child you should often cross check with the school teachers.

  1. Take help from the online assignment solution provider

These days, there are many online homework help provider which are helping the students with ADHD to complete their assignments. Completing the homework online can be interesting for the children.

Hence, you can get credits to help your child to complete homework online. Online solution providers make sure that they keep pace with learning ability of the children with ADHD. You can teach your child how to get the online help so that it can be easy for your child to access the help from online tutor.

  1. Lure your child for completing task

This is one of the simplest tips which are followed by parents to control their child.  You can use this to make your ADHD child complete his/her homework on time. You can lure the child for some yummy food, chocolate, going out, playing etc.

Promise that you will allow him/her to do whatever they want but only after completing the homework. This can be a motivation for child to quickly complete the homework. But make sure that you fulfill your promise otherwise, your child will get dishearten and it will be more difficult for you to convince your child for completing homework quickly.