10 Easier Ways to Learn and Remember the Chemical Reactions and Formulas

by Apr 19, 2017Chemical Engineering

Irrespective of any classes, chemistry is that subject which almost everyone is scared of.  For me, chemistry was tougher than mathematics.  I still remember it was very difficult to learn, memorize the periodical table, the chemical reactions, and formulas. Chemistry, for me, was a nightmare. But later the realization dawned on me that chemistry was not that tough to understand. If you go through certain steps, it would be a lot easier.

There is a wrong notion that chemistry is all about memorizing, learning and ranting up the periodical table, balancing, chemical formulas. If you want to make chemistry learning fun, then all you have to do is combine both your learning and understanding capability and apply it on understanding chemistry.

Below is the list of 10 easier ways to learn and remember the chemical reactions and formulas.

  • Study the basics of chemistry:

In order to make your learning process easier, you need to understand and clear the basic concept of chemistry. It is very important to know the basics ofchemistry;otherwise, it will be difficult to remember the chemical reactions and the formulas. One needs to be cleared about the fundamental concepts.

You can take help of various video tutorials which are easily available on the internet. Take help of guidebooks and various other blogs which areavailable on the digital platformtoo. Whatever you have studied, note it down in a copy. According to experts, if you note down whatever you have studied, you are more likely to remember them.

  • Periodic table:

Before you start anything, keep a note that periodic table is like the backbone of learning chemistry. Periodic table is basically the chart of the elements which consist of the full name and symbol of the all known elements. Some symbols and elements are not that easy to remember, so it is advisable to learn the periodic table thoroughly. “ASAP SCIENCE,” a musical band made a three minutes song called “The New Periodic Table” song. You can take help of that song in order to memorize the elements.

  • Understand about the valence:

Ionic compounds are more complex as compared to covalent compounds as these compounds are associated with charged atoms. Periodic tables consist of the valences which are of either positive or negative charge. Positive ions fall under group 1, 2, consisting of (a+1) charge and (a+2) charge and also includes transition elements which are a part of group 3 till group 12. From group 15 to 17, compounds are of negative charges.

  • Knowledge about chemical symbols: 

Before solving any chemical formula, the first thing that you need to do is you need to know about the symbol of the atoms present in the compound or molecule. There may be questions on determining the atoms of a compound.

  • Balancing:

What is more essential? You need to know about the valence of the element as you have to balance the chemical formula. Without knowing the valence, you won’t be able to create or make proper chemical balancing.

  • Use sticky notes:

Every time, you find it difficult to remember, or found some new things which you may forget, write it down on a page or use sticky notes, and stick it to your study table. This can be a great way to remember all the things easily.

  • Solve questions:

Well, we all are lazy when it comes to solving questions of the textbooks. It is recommended not to avoid questions when it comes to learning but solving questions of the texts makes it easier for you to remember.

  • Don’t flick through the text:

If you go through the texts and find something difficult, do not skip the text. Read it twice or thrice, if you don’t understand, consult with your friends or your teachers for that.

  • Understand the new formula:

When you learn something new, you need to ask yourself that whether you could really understand the formula. The logic behind the formula was understandable or not that you need to ask yourself. Self-asses some questions that did you understand about the variable and the units to know whether you understood the formula and its significance or not.

  • Revise:

Whatever you learn new, revise everything regularly before you start a new chapter or you are going learn new formulas. This will help you in memorizing all the equations and formulas. This is one of the key solutions to everything.


If you give an extra effort for chemistry, chemistry will be fun to learn. If you find out any difficulty regarding your study, consult your guide. They will never be irritated with your innumerable questions. They will be happy to know about your zeal. Practicing can be a better solution.

Coming back to chemistry, once you get to understand about the formulas and the equations, practicing them every day will be a great help to improve your equations and formulas. Above all you need to have an interest towards this subject. You need to concentrate on the formulas and equations, and you will master them easily.