Which Profile is better for Computer Science Graduates, Software Developer or Management?

by Nov 3, 2015Computer Science

Computer Science is perhaps the most intriguing and sought after course across the world. A practical approach to computation is what defines this branch of science. Graduates of computer science especially those with a major in it have better opportunities to land in fat package job.

It must be noted that computer science has shifted its concentration on methods of communication by using computing language in recent times. One of the most feasible career options for a computer science graduate is software engineering. To put it simply engineers design, maintain and develop software as per requirement of their clients. According to US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, software engineers can work as software developers, system analysts, as database administrators and can also provide their specialized service in system development. Some more profiles including software engineer teacher can be equally rewarding for many.

Here we list some of the most prolific options to choose a career path if one is to make it as computer science graduate who would stick to his guns to become a software engineer.

1. Software developer-

This profile picks the best of the lot. As a software developer one has to devote himself for a continuous process of developing software meant for commercial as well as private use. Development has to be done designing a program that is well designed, prepared not by merely writing code but also by modifying the same as per niche market. In US markets software developers are in huge demand in the gaming industry which has seen a meteoric rise thanks to computer games and other platforms like X box and Android devices. Meticulous designing and well thought ideas are some of the qualities that can help a software engineer go high a developer. Obviously one has to have knowledge galore as a computer professional willing to develop software.

2. App developer-

It’s a thought of the past that software engineers are hired by IT giants and computer manufacturing firms alone. With rise multiple social media platform that has Facebook as leader of the pack, computer science graduates have a goldmine to exploit as third party software developer. Application developers create news pages, graphics and applications at large that can also enhance the process of online and social media marketing. Twenty one year old Jack Morris, a graduate in computer science managed to yield the most out of this current trend. “Having studied computer science, I very well knew what my true calling was but I was privy to the employment opportunity crunch in premiere firms.

It was third party application company Facebook Guru that gave me a new lease of life. As a developer I work on a range of software that are developed keeping in mind the relevance and user friendly factors that can contribute in its ability to reach a wider section of users. Jack however has a word of advice -“Make sure you have an already developed app to present to your potential employers. Leave no stone unturned to furnish your knowledge about HTML, Java and Python, he reveals.

It is true that a lot of software engineering job profile has a lot of off shore intrusion as far as US market is concerned. Global online platform O-desk has been more like the pond that has been breeding off shore sharks that are into this business and get paid by the hour. But the fact remains that software engineers still have a lot of fertile land at their disposal. Software engineer are that rare breed of experts that can keep produce novel work and yet can stay away from corporate politics’ filth. There is strongest of possibilities that a software engineer after few years of experience can go solo and work as freelancer in some time bound project. Many freelancers eventually get employed on full time basis by quite a few multinational companies.

Software management- the other side of story

Change as we all know is the only constant. Field of information technology too is not immune to it. Thus we have software management- a heavily distinguished field for computer science graduates that would certainly thrive in years to come. Managing software is basically blended with impeccable marketing strategy that includes detailed presentation. This job profile calls for intricate details and abundant knowledge about few elements such as versioning i.e. use of version control system for ongoing software that will keep tabs on source code itself. Several stages that follow versioning could be building software that undergoes automated tests and packaging them in archived format.

Most critical part has to be installation that a software manager has to be extremely good at. This is where all earned knowledge of computer science comes to play. In order to install software, one must be aware of software compatibility in a particular operating system.

Still feel confused which one to select? Okay, now your confusion is going to be completely cleared with the help of us. Our online support firm would assist you towards the correct direction so that you may be able to choose the perfect one.

The last word

So which one of the two has an upper hand? One may ask. Well apparently it is the job profile as software engineer that has stood all tests of time and continues have viability. Several reports most notably by Salary.com has ranked software engineering as the best job in USA. Software Engineering Institute certifies software engineers dedicated to this field. Furthermore certification examinations by market leaders Apple and IBM professional software engineers make it a well organized sector to work for.

Most importantly US Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported consistent employment growth in software engineering field since 2004. As recently as 2012, software engineering topped charts of Careeecast.com as best job profile to work for.
In comparison software management is a relative newcomer which has lot of marketing skills attached to it. Ardent fans of software engineering would rather like to promote their own indigenously developed projects than someone else’s.

To conclude, software management has to adhere to ISO standards, work under high risk reward ratio. Only a well qualified individual with a keen eye on changing marketing dynamics can survive software management fraternity.

If you wish to possess knowledge in Java, one of the most important computer languages, just go through the 10 Ways to Learn Java in just a Few Weeks.