What Tricky Rules Does English Grammar Education Teach Us?

by Nov 22, 2015English

English is a very simple language to learn plus it is the basic language that is followed in almost for every country for communicating purposes or ways through which they convey their expressions, views and emotions.

But this English only has some tricky rules though; ones that even after being a regular user of the language. Even after years of practice of the language people fail to understand and totally grasp the tricky rules. Rather in most cases, these small rules go unseen and unrecognized by most!

But when you are willing to know something, you should never leave that in the middle. Here take a look at some tricky rules that English grammar offers us.

1. Usage of “who” and “whom”

These two words are words are used thousands of times daily in sentences that we speak or write. Well, “who” is nominative or a subjective pronoun? It is used in order to enhance the subject of the sentence. It is used along with “he”, “she”, “it”, “we” and “they”. In all these cases, the pronoun used is in the form of the subject; the main concern shown in sentence.

“Whom” is objective form of pronoun that is used along with “him”, “her”, “it”, ”us” and “them”. In other words, it refers to the object of the clause. So the basic difference in its usage lies in whether you are referring to the subject or the object in the sentence.

2. Usage of “continual” and “continuous”

Did it ever occur to you that how the use of these two words could be different. Certainly they appear to be similar but they have differences in their usage techniques. In the first place it should be cleared out that “continuous” means an event or something that is happening in continuation with no gaps in between or intervals for any purpose.
For Example, his continuous snoring prevented me from sleeping at all. On the other hand, “continual” refers to events or happenings that are taking place with intervals in between; that is with some gaps. For example, the continual music of the neighbors made it impossible for them to study.

3. Usage of “which” and “that”

This is a general mistake that happens almost by everybody all the time. “Which” is a relative clause that can be used to enhance the meanings? You can use to qualify something more but that may or may not be essential. For example, you can go to the store which has fruits and vegetables in your area. As you cans see it doesn’t say you to go to a particular store to obtain the fruits and vegetables in your area.

“That” is used in a more restrictive way. It is a restrictive pronoun which restricts to particular details and is in no way have the chance to be used flexibly.For example, you should eat the fruits and vegetables that are fresh and organic only. Here, it is referring to particular fruits that are organic and fresh only.

4. Usage of “may” and “might”

“May” and “might” have really some boundary issues during its uses. It is quite a regular mistake that take place. “May” refers to some kind of possibility. For example, you may fall sick if you have 10 ice creams in one day. This refers to a possibility that a person has the possibility of falling sick when he/she has 10 ice creams.

On the other hand, “might” refers to far more uncertainty where the possibility is way more remote. For example, if you drive in the drunken state you might get a ticket.
This shows more remote purposes.

5. Use of “Nor”

Well, “nor “is used to express a negative situation literally meaning ‘and Not’. If you see the general rule you will not observe that in general sense, “nor” is used to express a sentence with a negative condition that is followed by another such negative condition. The general rule says “either” is followed by “or” and “neither” is followed by “nor”. So both “or” and “nor” is used to express the second negative condition that comes.

6. Usage of “whether” and “if”

It is generally assumed by all that these two have same uses and are replaceable at places where they can be used. But in reality it is not. “Whether” is used in places where there is two or more options that could be opted. For example, i do not understand whether she will buy it or not. “If” is used in places where there are no alternatives. For example, she will buy it if she likes.

7. Usage of “less” and “fewer”

You will really be surprised to see the difference that you are about to find. Both of these words have been always used in places where they are not fit but still thought to be right. “Less” is used for abstract or hypothetical quantities mainly. For example, if you put less effort your results will not improve well. “Fewer” on the other hand, is to refer things that you can xpress in quantities literally. For example, there are fewer than 15 students present in the class today.

So, it is shocking to see that how many of the mentioned rules are quite ignored. Even after years of learning and practicing the language, yet these principles are unknown to greater portion of the world.

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