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Accounting Homework Help

Top Techniques to Master Matching of Revenues and Expenses Homework Answers

by Jul 9, 2017Accounting

Finance is considered as toughest in accounts. It includes preparing balance sheet and tallying them which is problematic for students and in these knotty topics matching expenses and revenues are icing on cake but as we know a lot many of assignments are related to this particular subject. So, it is important to go through it. Here is a solution for these problems as matching of revenues and expenses homework answers help to recognize and match revenue and expenses.

Understanding the concepts:

Revenue is mentioned top line as it is one the important element in any financial statement. In simple words, it is the amount incurred by an organization through various business activities by the sale of goods and services to consumer. Revenues are accepted in the form of cash by any organization.

Types of revenue:

  1. Sales revenue– The money received by the sale of goods and services in a specific time
  2. Tax revenue– The tax collected by the government after the sale of product and services

 Revenue applies two conditions:

  1. Any of the revenue should be realized which means sale of goods and services must lead to upcoming payment.
  2. Within the accounting period the revenue generated must be completed as for the counting process
  3. Confirmation that revenue earned will be received
  4. Cost related to yielding revenue must be informed at the same time of the revenue

Expenses comprise of all economic amounts an organization obtains through its procedure to gain revenue. It is affluence of money to company in return for goods and services bought.

Matching principle

It directs an organization to inform any type of the expenses made on its financial statement in same period time when revenue is reported.

Matching conception in accounts:-

It is accounting system in which the organization agonizes revenue and expenses related to it together within the same period of maintain and auditing the accounts. The aim of matching concept is to obviate misinterpretation of both the reports expenses and revenue. Matching concept is probably utilized by applying accrual accounting. It mentions matching earned revenues with the obtained expenses that are brought.

Matching Of Revenues and Expenses Homework Answers: Other details

There are two worldwide accredited matching concepts:

  • Materiality concept– This is one of the superficial matters which is mostly neglected as all topics under this is revealed
  • Historical cost convention– It is an exercise which registers all the prices exactly the same prevailing during the time of transaction.

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Matching of revenues and expenses homework answers illustration:

In a company, there is a sale executive who performs sales functioning and earns 10% commission in it. The salary is fixed on every 1st week of month such as organization has sale of $70,000 in January the commission paid to sales employer would be $7,000 on 1st February. According to the matching principle, the salary expense $7000 should be registered in income statement of January with the total sales amount that is $70,000.

Matching revenue and expenses:

Matching principle is used to find out any net gain during any accounting period.  It pertains the relationship between accomplished revenue and the expenses as a result of acquiring such expenses. The basic motive behind matching principle is to overcome the losses an organization has to go through in future.

It is very important to match the revenue and expenses in order to avoid any theft and then it is one of the difficult tasks but for students facing problem matching of revenues and expenses homework answers comes up with solving all the assignments and completing homework which will help them earn good marks in examination.

Importance of matching revenue and expenses:

  1. Assure consistency in income statement:

It ensures that the expenses and revenue are reported at the same period to avoid misstatement. It also ensure providing précised representation financial position of a company

  1. Maintain balance sheet:

As it confirms the accuracy of income statement without any mistakes which directly helps in maintaining balance sheet in accounting

  1. Balance the financial statement:

It provides proportionate results by recognizing revenue and expenses at the same period of time. With matching of revenues and expenses homework answers manuals we realize the revenue and expenses sooner or later, it will whether result in lower or higher net income which will lead to inaccuracy in the statement.

  1. Provides detailed report:

It aims to provide detailed registration of both revenue and expenses without including any mistakes.

  1. Identifies the flow of cash:

It helps in recognizing the flow of cash in any of the transaction by maintaining revenues and expenses.

  1. Avoids misinterpretation:

As it matches both revenues and expenses both at the same period of time. Thus, it handles any fault at the beginning of earning within the period.