Tips to Get Rid of Excessive Usage of Smart Phones and E-Gadgets While Doing Assignments

by Feb 2, 2017Assignment Help

Do you really get distracted with studying? There are many students around who are found to get easily distracted with even a small sound. This is possible just because they are unable to concentrate on studies. There are countless situations where you can get distracted and fail to study. While you are pursuing the degree course, it becomes vital on your part to invest more time on studies and while exam you might have to stay awake day and night. Therefore, having any sort of distraction can create damage to academic life.

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”

Though there are different situations encountered outside education, and certainly you have to work with passion so that it becomes possible to pursue your dream and aspiration. You need to study for everything either can be presentation or assessment. So, to get the best work it becomes necessary to adopt few things:

  • Set up goals:

It is essential for every student to decide where to sit and study and for how long. Once you set a goal for your studies, it is likely to help you complete course within stipulated time.

  • Positive attitude:

Always possess a positive attitude in yourself. Being a student it is an effective way through which you can carry out your studies. So, once you develop a positive prospective, then you can perfectly do things right.

  • Change the subject:

It is usually suggested to student not to spend too much of their time on any particular subject. This can affect concentration level and you can also think of taking professional assistance through websites which can deliver accurate information.

Students in high schools need to deal with a good number of subjects and so this can affect concentration level and often gets distracted. This is why it is advised that short breaks in between should be taken. You can think of having some snacks and walk around. Once you feel refresh, then probably you can get back to studies.

Get rid of gadgets while doing assignments

We are now in the world of gadgets where every individual possess different electronic devices either smart phones, laptops, play stations etc. and each of them can be a source of distraction. If you are enjoying the student life, then it is suggested to stay away from gadgets while studying. Failing to do so can affect your score and learning.

  1. Put the phone on silent mode

Phone can often be a source of distraction and smartphones can give you access to different social networking sites as well. Therefore, it often attracts your attention no matter in which activity you are involved presently! Facebook, Email, Twitter and text messaging are now at your fingertips so it is recommended that while you start studying keep the phone on silent mode and then place it in other room. So, you will not be interrupted by any phone calls and messages.

  1. Turn off internet connectivity

It is obvious that you might be more inclined towards making use of computer while doing assignments, but this can also be a source of distraction. Often doing assignments and doing research work on particular topic, you might feel like accessing social networks. So, if you can avoid accessing to Facebook and YouTube, then certainly you can access internet. Resist the temptation of doing internet for your leisure activity. If you fail to do so, then it’s better to avoid internet access.

  1. Wii Console or Play station

Apart from laptops and smartphones, play station can also be a distraction. Though this is known to be a powerful source of entertainment, but while studying it can interrupt the concentration level. If you are taking a short break in between studies, then consider using the play station and refresh your mind. But, it is often advisable to students to avoid them while doing assignments. It can be highly addictive to mind and you might think of playing ‘just one game’ but it is impossible to resist.

“The man who is too old to learn was probably always too old to learn” – Henry Haskins.

What to do to eliminate distraction?

There are many ways through which you can easily eliminate all kind distraction and improve your focus on studies. If you aim higher in life, then it is necessary to have a good academic life. So, your prime concern should be to concentrate on every subject and avoid any such activities that can create obstacles.

  • Minimizing soundtrack:

While doing assignments, it is obvious that you have to give high amount of concentration as it involves proper understanding and research work. Music can be motivation for you, but it can simultaneously be a distractive means. So, reduce the volume and limit music to only instrumental one. This can finally help you minimize distraction.

  • Choice of location:

The other way to avoid distraction is to choose your location carefully. If you are at home, then have a dedicated space for studies. This can help you avoid family chaos and you will be able to stay focused on studies. A tidy room can often affect your study and to stay away from interruptions, you can also consider visiting library.

It is important on your part to learn about what added advantage assignments comes with as students are now often involved into doing homework and assignments. The main reason behind doing so is to enhance their knowledge base and help them grasp the subject well before exams. Therefore, it is demanded that students have proper information related to subject. Do not procrastinate while studying!

It is an important idea to have a proper routine in hand which would include study schedule. Once you have a proper schedule in hand, you can probably prioritize work and then manage accordingly. You will not mix up the study time with any other activities which can keep you aloof from doing assignments. Take regular intervals in between that can refresh your mind and stay alert. Having proper mindset can improve quality of work.