It is only natural to think that the chapter on Redox reaction is tough. The reasons are several. As the reaction talks about reduction reaction and oxidation reaction, it is quite an effort to learn the reactions. There is a huge confusion especially on the questions that ask ‘which of the following reactions are redox reactions?‘ This has been the case where any reaction that involves the change in the state of oxidation of the atoms, molecules or ions. Let us understand how you can get the right way of understanding the redox reactions-
- Attend the College Regularly
Most of the collegians prefer having a gala time in the college by not attending the lectures! Maybe not you, but mostly.
It is natural to do so, after all, how will you write about your college days! But there is no better way of learning but in your school and college.
No matter how annoying you may find the subject is, but it’s your professor who introduces to this concept. You will be able to understand clearly that when oxidation comes to a compound, the sum of the oxidation number is always zero.
- Learn The Rules Of Redox Reactions
To understand and identify redox reactions, it is essential you comprehend the rules governing the oxidation and reduction reaction. You can write it down, or paste it in front of your study table so that it is imbibed in the subconscious brain.
For instance,
- For oxidation numbers, know that-
- Pure elements that are in their natural and standard state: ox. # = 0
- When F is in compounds, it is always F (-I)
- Except for metal hydrides, Hydrogen is always H (I).
- Monatomic ions have the ox. # = ionic charge.
- Except for O-O and O-F, oxygen is always O (-II) in compounds
- Thought of seeking professional help!
Come what may, it can be disappointing to see lower grades in your chapter on Redox equations. The present era is blessed with the online education portals that can guide you and prepare you for all your weak subjects. Therefore approaching them is a great idea.
Amy Smith, my niece, gave up the questions on which of the following reactions are redox reactions? It was then the idea of trying for online tutors struck to me. I thought it was great if I could share this with you.
There were two factors at online that helped her really,
- She was given a lot of practice.
- Secondly, she opted for online tutoring and assignment help services.
Many a time she got stuck on assignments where she had to determine the number of electrons gained or lost. In such a scenario, it is only an online expert who could help her solve with logical reasoning and analysis.
In a nutshell,
There is no shortcut to studies, but there is a smart way to study. Instead of whiling away time on surfing the net for answers, it is suggested to opt for help that will save your time and energy.
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