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Simple yet Effective Tips to Understand Electricity

by Sep 13, 2016Electrical Engineering

Are you a student? You may be looking for a way to understand your subjects in a better manner. The right procedure will be doing some mischiefs. You have to learn subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and much more in your early education. Every subject has its own importance and somewhere, somehow, these are interconnected.At the primary stage of student’s education, it is better to do interesting things to understand the subject in a better way.You have to pick a topic and start experimenting with it.
For example, physics students have to do different experiments in labs. You can try some of these experiments at home. Like Single Slit and Double Slit experiments, Reflection and Refraction of light can be one of the interesting things. Furthermore, students can understand the importance of energy and its conversation with ease.You can understand the phenomena how heat is liberated from different substances. You can easily perform operations to understand gravity, electricity, magnetism and much more.
Check these simple yet effective tips to understand the flow of electricity:

  • Using a Battery:

Small batteries are available in the stores. You should buy a battery and connect it’s both ends with two separate wires. Now, attach the other end of the wires to a torch bulb. One wire should be attached to the body of the bulb, and other wire will touch to the lower end ofit.With an instant, you will see it will emit light. This is because of the conduction. The electricity starts flowing from the battery through these wires to reach the filament of the bulb.
In another experiment, students can make a small circuit with a switch to controlthe flow of electricity. Wrap a nail with wire. Now, attach one end of this wire to the battery and another end to the switch box. Try to bring this wrap nail close to a piece of paper. You will see nothing happens. Press the switch to close the circuit; you can observe that wrap nail has picked the paper up. This is a simple example of electromagnetism.

  • Heating Coil:

Students those who are willing to understand the concepts of electricity can experiment using a small coil. As metal is a good conduction of electricity, it will get heated when electricity passes by.You should buy a small heating coil from the store along with two batteries. Now, attach both the ends of thecoil with both ends of battery. After a while, you can see it will get heated and start glowing. This willdepend on the power of battery and thickness of the coil how much time it would take to glow.
These experiments are interesting and quite simple to understand the flow of electricity. Moreover, the energy that is released from batteries is direct current (DC). The electricity that is supplied to the houses, stores and other apartments are alternating current (AC).The semiconductors and solar cells will be the best to understand the flow of current in a circuit.

  • Solar cell:

The solar cell takes energy from the sun’s rays to convert light into electricity. When photons of solar rays hit asolar panel, it will absorb this energy using semiconductors like silicon. You can take the example of solar cells that are used in street lights how it converts photon energy into electricity.
Because of the utilization of semiconductors, solar cells are bit costly. If you are willing to make projects related to the same, you can ask for online help. There are institutions that provide support in preparing assignments of different topics along with experimental procedures.

  • Water Heater:

Students can build a small water heater with the help of an iron bar. You have to attach it’s both ends withwire and plug it in the switch-board. Place this iron bar in a small volume of water inside a vessel. Now, press the switch to close the circuit. After few minutes, you can see water vapors will be seen on the upper surface of thewater.
This tells that the flow of electricity in the iron bar has converted it into a water heater. These are some of the most common examples of understanding electricity for students. If you are pursuing graduation, then you can help students (juniors) how to understand the presence of electricity in a circuit.
If students are willing to perform these experiments, then you should perform with much care. This is because a simple mishap can be dangerous if you are working with alternating current. Some of the facts that students should avoid are discussed below:

  • Try to avoid the use of alternating current:

To perform different experiments, it is often better to use adirect current of a battery. This is because DCis considered as safe. As humans are good conductor of electricity, a simple touch to naked wire of ACwill conduct electricity to the body. This will be hazardous because it can take one’s life.

  • Avoid amateur experimenting:

There are students interested in doing experiments without reading the guidelines.  This might lead to wrong experimental processes which will not at all effective and have bad consequences.
What to do?
Students can understand the use of electricity with ease by taking proper help from teachers, and even parents. Although there are students whose parents stay abroad, you can ask them via phone calls. You can inculcate Moreover, you can take help from:

  • Seniors:

Students who are confused enough to deal with their homework and unable to find solutions to understand electricity flow can take help from seniors. This is because your seniors have already crossed this stage of student’s life and better know how to face these challenges.

  • Online Help:

Online help form professional websites (experts) will be one of the best solutions. Students can easily understand different concepts of electricity generation and its use. With the help of online academic professionals, you can complete your assignments on time. This will not only help in acquiring good grades, but it will also support in utilizing your time for other activities.
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.”- Nelson Mandela