Should Teachers Give Homework over Break Is a Debatable Issue

by Apr 17, 2016Homework Help

The word homework denotes a particular task assigned to the pupil by the teachers to be completed outside the classroom. It is also a way to build an alliance between home and school. Do you think should teachers give homework over break? In this respect there are various kinds of positive and negative opinions. Let us start discussing about them.
Should teachers give homework over break?

  • Limited amount of homework must be given:

During vacation children mostly enjoy a lot, and ultimately they tend to forget everything before the school reopens. So, some homework assignments are necessary to refresh their memory.

  • Help students from forgetting:

Students have a tendency to forget whatever has been taught in school. So, little homework will help them to remember their work and they will not feel strange in the classroom after the school reopens.

  • Reading is a good habit:

The teachers can explain the significance of reading to the students. She can encourage them in borrowing books from the library and to read them. The teacher can ask the students to narrate a story after the school reopens.

  • Homework enriches a child’s thinking capability. Homework teaches a child use time wisely and meaningfully. They learn to manage time effectively. Homework eventually teaches a child to think positively and independently. Besides, homework helps a child to get a thorough knowledge of what is been taught and helps her to understand better. He or she can clear their doubts on the next day. They get to feel satisfied after enhancing their knowledge.
  • Homework helps a child to consolidate a number of learning skill for a single project like science project or any kind of book report. It helps the parents to know about your child’s enthusiasm for a subject. In future a parent can encourage him or her towards that subject.
  • It increases communication between a child and her parents. A parent can feel equally satisfied after helping her child with some homework.
  • Homework helps a child to practice and revise for next day’s work. Besides, homework makes a child more responsible, independent increases the ability to take her own decisions and a wiser, sober and a cultured person later in her life. Should teachers give homework over break has a lot of positive approach too.

The survey over should teachers give homework over break suggests that only 18% people are in favour of this. Most people feel that vacations are meant for fun from the monotonous mundane school, homework, study and grades. Let us now discuss about the demerits of homework during breaks.
Teachers should not give homework during breaks:

  • It’s the time to relax:

It is the only time which all the children eagerly wait for. The children can learn something of their interest can pursue their hobby ahead during this time. Homework acts as hindrance to them. The constant pressure of homework makes them feel bored and they find no difference between holidays and school days.

  • Time to spend with family and near and dear ones:

In this particular time of the year parents plan for holidaying and get together with their family. Homework can definitely act as a detaining factor from enjoying this precious moment.

  • Time to take rest:

Every child yearns for this break after going to school and working on a routine basis. Don’t you think taking rest is equally important to keep your mind fresh and lively? Our brain too needs to take rest.

  • You may miss the fun during vacation:

If you are burdened with homework during vacation, then you will miss the magnificent trip that your parents have planned for you. You may have to carry your books along with you and need to study in a hotel. How devastating you will feel along with your parents. You will neither enjoy the trip nor able to concentrate on your work. Do you still think should teachers give homework over break?

  • It may generate a negative impact about teachers on students:

The over-burdened children may think that teachers are enjoying their break while the students are left in a miserable state.

  • Homework during Christmas break:

Christmas is the only time of the year when the whole family meet up with friends and relatives. Often relatives fly in from various parts of the world.  This time of the year is solely meant for enjoying and bonding. Homework may form a huge burden among the children and may create a tension among parents as well.
The general survey suggests that 83% pupil feel that homework should not be given to them during break. This debate on should teachers give homework over break goes on as there are diverse opinions regarding it.
Students often feel deprived of relishing their free time. There are times when they have not met their best buddies for long, may be they have not played their favourite soccer game, haven’t been to a movie with his friends or may have not watched his dearest quiz show or dance show. This is the time when they can plan for a day tour with his friends to the nearest museum or a picnic.
When deadlines are given to any assignment, students have no other option but to continue with their homework projects. It often makes them feel devastated, irritated and frustrated. They may lose interest from studies and would want to get rid of it.
On the other hand, some people and students think that homework is not a burden at all. Instead it is an interesting way to enrich your knowledge. If you assign some time from your whole day for homework, then it won’t be a burden, but a joyful experience. During vacation you get ample time to do your research work and are a great way of learning as you do not have to submit on the very next day. Should teachers give homework over break is a battle going on over decades among students. Actually there are both merits and demerits rather two sides to homework.