Learn the 10 Tips to Ace Your Essay Writing Assignment

by Sep 13, 2016Test Help

Writing good essay is an art. Mastering that art is a bit tricky but not tough. Students often get assignments for writing long essays and they get baffled. They find it extremely difficult to concentrate on one particular topic and then to write for pages. The first and foremost thing you should notice is the name of the topic, and what are the different areas which you can cover. Your teachers may have some expectations, so get to know of those points. It is always best to jot down all those key points in your note book.
Essay writing is no more a menace. You can learn some tips for writing superior quality essays.
Learn 10 tips to ace your essay writing assignment:

  1. Read all the questions cautiously: While reading an essay question you must pay attention to the following points:
  • Use a highlighted pen to mark the keywords
  • Keep a dictionary beside you, so that you can check any unfamiliar word
  • Pay extra attention in identifying the topic words which tends to indicate the subject of the essay. For instance: causes of French revolution, the character Romeo in Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”
  1. Do all the required research and reading related to the essay as background:
  • While doing the reference work, write down notes in your diary.
  • Use only selected references as part of your essay
  • You can pen down some important quotations which can be used later n your essays
  • You can also take some notes from the sources which can be later used as footnotes
  1. Get some ideas as part of your questions:
  • Whatever idea may occur to your mind, jot them down immediately
  • Write down any important relevant points
  • Use your mind and brain to promote lateral thinking
  1. Summarize the question and answer them:
  • Ask some questions to yourself and write them in your note book. Then try to answer to those questions precisely
  • Try to include some deep thought in your essay so that it doesn’t seem too simple
  • Your thesis forms the main backbone of your essay. You should refer it in the introduction and include some relevant questions to it. Demonstrate and prove your queries in the conclusion
  1. Make a plan for all your responses:
  • You should use logical thinking and include those ideas
  • All your points must be relevant to all the questions you have mentioned earlier
  • After you have successfully made your plan make clear points regarding the flow of your essay
  1. Write a well defined introduction:
  • In the introduction, highlight your thesis
  • Then begin your discussion
  • Show your willingness to answer the given questions in a particular manner
  • Try to engage your reader by writing in a simple friendly way
  • Writing with easy English vocabulary can give a good outlook. You can go through various English contexts for examples or you may learn more from How to get your students interested in English reading assignment.
  1. Now concentrate on writing the body of your essay:
  • Try to incorporate each and every point in new paragraphs
  • You must use some words or phrases like “however”, “moreover”, “nevertheless” etc to draw a connection between two paragraphs
  • Whenever you are beginning a paragraph, try to include the topic name so that there is an interconnection between the paragraphs and the topic
  • Try to provide some evidence to your point
  • You can express the thesis in different ways without getting distracted from the topic
  1. Write the conclusion of your essay:
  • At the end of your essay summarize all the main points and ideas
  • Next you have to demonstrate clearly about how the thesis have been proven accurately
  • Always remember to finish your essay by providing an interesting notion of enriching the reader’s thought process
  1. The draft must be edited:
  • As soon as you finish your essay, check again for any punctuation, grammar or spelling mistakes
  • You can delete some irrelevant parts
  • You can check dictionary to improve vocabulary
  • You can seek help from your teachers and friends before submitting the final copy
  1. Finish writing the final copy:
  • You can add some footnotes to your essay to make it more meaningful
  • Always present a neat and clean copy
  • Never be late. Submit all your copies on time.

There are certain instances which state that essay writing help students to shine they can create a stir by writing some thoughtful arguments which can keep a reader awestruck. To improvise your writing you can encapsulate some simple tips in your daily routine. The tips are:

  • Follow reading other student’s essays: The way you read story books and subconsciously include them in your own writing, similarly you should read other people’s essays. Reading those essays will help you to build up your style of writing. While reading other essays analyze their writing critically also.
  • Develop your own vocabulary: Whenever you come across to any new words try to write them on your note book and find the meanings immediately. Try to use these new words in your essay whenever needed.
  • Must use some words that provoke an argument: You must focus on using your language effectively so that they build up an argument. As a result your essay will look intriguing and will keep your readers glued. Use words like “furthermore, moreover, however” to make a rich writing

Basically essays are a way to flaunt your style and to show your friends and teachers that how efficient you are at it. There are selected professional website which can give you more points to excel while writing essays. If you can follow the above mentioned tips effectively, then you are bound to succeed in your way.