Know the Strange Facts – Who Created Homework

by Apr 19, 2016Homework Help

I don’t think I am the only one who think about who created homework. Many students ask this question once in life. When I was in high school, I hate doing assignments or homework after school. Well, hate may sound a too strong word here, but I can say I dislike it.
Well, the hard truth is whether we feel hungry, tired, and restless or stressed, we have to complete homework on time. So, I always tried to find out some waysto make this process easy and simple. Here, in this blog, you will come to know about some tips that I have learned from my research.
Tips on making homework simple when you ask who created homework
Enjoy your homework
For doing homework in a simple and hassle free way, you should set some boundaries that really matter to you and then enjoy freedom within these boundaries. When I used to ask this question to myself who created homework, I felt stressed. But one of my friend suggested to not to feel stressed because this will not give me any fruitful result. One should not fight for little things such as –

  • Noise in the room.
  • At a desk or on the couch.
  • Completing homework after school.

None of these points mentioned above matter when you can complete your homework in the right way. One should not waste time with these small problems. You can do your tasks sitting anywhere. You have to concentrate on the subject and you should enjoy your work.

  • To increase the enjoyment, you can listen to a sweet song.
  • You can arrange some attractive foods.
  • You can stop your study after 1 hour. Take a pause then again start.
  • In this break, you can call to your friends.
  • Ask your friends what they are doing.

All these thinks will make your homework doing process more interesting.
Try to be organized and decide what really works for them
You need to do your tasks in anorganizedway for completing your assignments on time so that you do not need to ask this question to yourself who created homework.

  • Arrange all necessary material such as your notes, books, pen pencil.
  • Make a list that will contain the details of your all assignments.
  • Make a plan how many hours you want to spend for a subject. For making this process easy, you can divide your free time.
  • You can also write the name of the assignments on the calendar. After doing one assignment, you can mark on the calendar. In this way, you will find interest in it.
  • Try to finish your work with your fixed time.
  • For doing this, you can set a timer.
  • Do your tasks with your friends.
  • Another important thing is not to think who created homework. You must think about the necessity of doing homework. It will motivate you.

Do your homework yourself
It is your homework and not your parents or siblings. It is your responsibility and not theirs. Don’t ask for any help from them even when you are facing difficulties in completing your homework. However, most of thestudents, in these days, are taking the help of the internet. Online homework sites not only helping them in doing homework but also provide tutorial assistance to make them understand the complex theories of subjects.
Complete your task when your mind is free:
You may have some plan that you want to do after coming from the school. So, try to do it when you are free. You can select the time of late night because you have enjoyed the entire day. Now, you should do your tasks. On the other hand, you can do it in the early morning when your mind is free.  If you think about your tasks when you are tired, it will make you think who created homework.
Understand the importance of the homework:
Homework is a burden to many students. When they feel pressured because of the homework, they think who created homework. In this situation, students have to understand the importance of homework to reduce their boringness and anger. Doing assignments is not liked by the students, but it helps students in several ways.

  • It improves the skill of the students.
  • Regular doing homework decreases the burden of exam preparation.
  • Homework helps to remember a topic for a long time.
  • It helps to make the relationship between teachers and the students stronger.
  • In this way, students can clear their all doubts and confusion.

So, they should think about the benefits that they will get. It will encourage them to do their homework.
Negative effects of thinking who created homework:
This question indicates that students are feeling depressed. They do not like the burden and tension of their homework. This question clearly expresses their feeling. If they consistently feel like this, they will face several problems. These are:

  • Lack of interest in the subject:

Gradually, they do not find any interest in their subject. They cannot understand their topic because they always feel exhausted and tensed.

  • Anxiety:

This lack of interest and tension create anxiety in them. They always feel afraid about the thought of their homework. As a result, they will get alower score in their exam.

  • Depression:

This tension creates adepression in them and this is very bad for the students. Students who have this problem cannot concentrate on their subject. A continuous tension will decrease their performances. In this way, they can experience various types of mental problem because they are not happy.
So, stop asking yourself who created homework. You know that you have to do your tasks. In this situation, the best way is to enjoy your homework and use these tips to motivate yourself. After using all these tips, I have got apositiveresult and now I do not ask this question. So, I believe that who are in this same condition will get effective result. If you have more suggestion, share with us.